About Weed Recommend

The Weed Recommend App will allow the global cannabis community a platform to publish recommendations for products, links, services and more to their followers. A simple "rate this" style system with the option to comment and recommend (share) to your friends. It could be a testing ground for publishers, artists, companies and more for real feedback from within the cannabis community. Partnerships with other businesses could be a revenue stream through promotional events and live ad campaigns for revenue. Discount codes and prizes for the most engaged users each quarter /monthly /bi-monthly or loyalty pointsTop rated products and services will get our official approval stamped with the weed recommend logoUsers data will be used to improve usability and experienceA built in cannabis dispensary / café / Bhang shop / cannabis club GPS locator incorporated into the app
Social Link - Twitter: https://twitter.com/weedRecommend
Social Link - Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/WeedRecommend /
Social Link - Angellist: http://angel. co /weed-recommend-2
Keywords: marketing & advertising