Welsh Guards

About Welsh Guards

The Regiment was raised on 26 February 1915 by order of King George V, and mounted its first King's Guard on St David's Day; 1st March 1915.

Welsh Guards Description

The Welsh Guards is an infantry regiment of the British Army who has a proud tradition of combining State Ceremonial and Public Duties with frontline infantry soldiering to the standard expected of any other UK infantry battalion.

The Regiment today comprises a single Battalion equipped and trained for Light Infantry operations, and has distinguished itself with exemplary service in recent operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. It has also served on other operations in Northern Ireland, the Falkland Islands and many other conflicts of the 20th Century.

The Regiment has recruited largely Welshmen into its ranks from the moment of its formation and still boasts over 90% Welsh heritage. Its ranks continue to be swelled by soldiers from all over the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries but still manages to maintain its regional identity.

"Cymru Am Byth"

http://www. guardsmagazine.com/

http://www. welshguardsassociation.com/



We were very pleased to play a part in today’s event at the Centre for Army Leadership, held at The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, which was part of their Leadership Speaker Series.


What a fantastic day with Dragons Rugby! As part of a military insight day, LCpl Lewis from the RST put the players through their paces with a military fitness session.


Gdsm Bilton, a member of the Regimental Support Team (South), is currently in training for Wales’ strongest man competition. Today he put his training to good use as he put Dragons Rugby through their paces with all things strongman.
Tomorrow will see the RST continue its links with the rugby club when they take them through a military skills day.


Sgt Jones 51 from RST North will be taking part in the Cybi Coastal Marathon on the 3rd of August. The course is a mixture of cross-country, road running and will also include tackling the mighty Holyhead Mountain. As if this wasn’t a big enough challenge, he will also be carrying kit weighing 15kg on the day.
He is taking on this challenge to raise money for the Welsh Guards Charity and the National Autistic Society, as both of these organisations have played an important p...art in his life over the years. You can make donations here, all of which would be gratefully received- https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ro bert-jones82
Many thanks for your support.
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Lt Davidson has been representing the Infantry Alpine Team at the Army Championships in Serre Chevalier, France. The Infantry Team just missed out on a podium place this year, but will be back in 2020.


As Infantry soldiers it is vital that everyone is trained in Battlefield Casualty Drills, so this week our medics have been putting us through our paces.


We have been busy this week, Alpine Skiing Adventurous Training in Alpendorf, Austria.
32 members of the Battalion - 8 of them complete beginners - have been tested mentally and physically in the mountains over the last week.
They will be followed by another 32 members of the Battalion next week.


The nurturing, mentoring and guidance of potential Welsh Guardsmen is something that we strongly focus on, and it doesn’t stop when candidates begin their basic training.
Yesterday both RST’s, North and South, braved the elements and ventured to The School of Infantry in Catterick to see how the 11 Welsh Guards recruits of 17 Platoon, part of the Guards Training Company are enjoying life as an infantry recruit. Despite having spent the previous 48 hours in the field contendi...ng with the not so warm weather they where all in good spirits. The RST’s enlisted the help of Trainee Guardsmen Williamson and Peacock, currently coming to the end of their basic training at ITC, to pass on some useful advice on their time in Catterick. The recruits were also delighted to receive some Guards goodies and enjoyed a bit of banter between each other and the RST’s.
Special thanks to LSgt Maloney of the Irish Guards, who gave an excellent insight into his time with the @GuardsParachutePlatoon. The recruits listened intently and many were inspired by the talk, and as a result we are sure some of them will work towards becoming a member of the Guards Parachute Platoon in their future career.
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Gdsm Davies 14 (no4) braved the weather yesterday whilst playing for the Infantry football team against Bracknell in a pre game friendly, ahead of a match against the Royal Signals this weekend. Best of luck guys!


LSgt Rutledge has spent the day at HMP Parc in Bridgend working alongside Care after Combat - South Wales & West, in particular the inspirational and dedicated Rob Nicholls and Dai Williams, and Change Step. The aim was to work together with ex veterans who have found their personal circumstances have changed, in order to support them and give them the assistance they need to ensure they make positive choices. A highlight of the day was learning that the Cardiff City FC Foundation will be supporting this vital work moving forwards.


As the current Household Division Champions, we hung up the boxing gloves in preparation for our 2018 deployment to Afghanistan on OP TORAL. However the team is now back and getting ring fit for the year ahead.


It was a busy evening yesterday for Lt Scott-Bowden and LSgt Dwyer who were representing the Army rugby team against Coventry Rugby Club
It was a tight battle in horrendous conditions which ultimately saw Coventry victorious, but despite this they both came away smiling!


We are busy preparing for our return to ceremonial duties, including donning the iconic red tunic for which we were recently measured. Any tunics which were made to an individuals measurements are now back, and ready for their final fittings. It won’t be long until you can see us wearing them in the flesh.
Will you be putting a date with the Welsh Guards in your diary?


Students from the Military Awareness Course - Kinmel spent yesterday being put though their paces on a Leadership and Confidence course. Sgt Jones 51 and LSgt Rowlands 99 brought their previous experience as training establishment instructors to the fore, and set the students tasks on how to prepare and deliver lessons to their fellow course members.
The day also included an inspection followed by drill teaching practices. As if that wasn’t enough they also held a gruelling gym session with each student talking the others through each practice.
Next week the mini competition continues with team tasks and prepared lessons which will bring increased confidence to all the students, 3 of whom are potential Welsh Guardsmen.


LCpl Jones 13 has recently returned from Ex Frosted Blade, hear what he had to say about it.
Fancy having a career where you get to have experiences like this? Drop us a message and see how we can help you become a part of the Welsh Guards and start your own adventure.


Capt Smith has come to the end of Ex TELEMARK TITAN, having completed a multitude of races. This included Grand Slalom, Telemark Sprint which is a slightly shorter race with a jump, a 360 degree banked turn and a skating section, Telemark classic race which is a longer race involving multiple skating sections, a jump and a 360 degree banked turn and finally the mountain race which was a relay race with an uphill climb followed by a downhill section.
It was a demanding and strenuous exercise but we are very proud that Capt Smith positioned in 8th across the Army, a fantastic achievement. Capt Smith is already planning his return next year, hopefully complete with a Welsh Guards team ready to compete once again.


LCpl Todd and Gdsm Jones 22 from Number Two Company have been busy in Norway working towards their Nordic Foundation One Qualification. Nordic skiing is also known as cross country skiing and has its roots in Scandinavia.
The course consists of basic Nordic ski techniques, covering distances between between 10 and 20km a day. They have also covered large areas of theory, including the causes of avalanche and how to rescue a team member whom has been buried, mountain survival lessons, construction of snow holes and emergency procedures and equipment.
They were also tested to the max with a two day expedition where they had to ski out 12k to a remote hut and then 20k the following day to a pick up location.


#FitnessFriday for Battalion meant a circuit training session. Every company took part, led by their own PTI's. What did you do today to get fighting fit?

More about Welsh Guards

Welsh Guards is located at Combermere Barracks, SL4, 3DN Windsor, Berkshire