
About Yannick_Magee_Nutrition

With so much confusion in the nutrition world, my aim is to promote real evidence based nutrition which is simple to understand and easy to use.
I hold a bachelors degree in Human Nutrition and am currently studying with the world renowned MNU Course.

Yannick_Magee_Nutrition Description

Evidence based Nutrition Information, Coaching and consultancy.
Specialising in weight loss, health, performance nutrition and combat sports (weight cutting & performance).



Most people look at dieting like you are either on it or off it. Gregg Slater from lift the bar has a great analogy that dieting is like a dimmer switch rather than an on/off switch. I like to think of it as a journey. Your goal is your destination. If you want to get there sooner you choose a quicker form of transport, such a taking a flight, this will be faster and get you there sooner, but sometimes it can be harder and cost you more. ... Just like dieting, if you want to reach your goal sooner you will have to go harder and faster to get there. Sometimes this is the best way to travel. Maybe youre in no rush, so you decide to drive. You ask someone for directions and they give you the best route to take. Maybe you dont like that way, so you ask for alternatives and pick what you feel comfortable with. This again is the same as choosing a method of dieting. You get advice on how to do it, but in reality if it doesnt suit you, you won't do it. The person directing you should give you options to suit you. Sometimes the journey will be plain sailing and you will be on cruise control to your destination. Other times you will have to take detours down bumpy roads. When dieting and trying to reach your goals you will go through periods where itll be easy and youll be progressing well, and periods where its not so simple and the road is harder to manage ,so you take your foot off the gas a little. No matter the situation, or how fast or slow you are going, the journey continues.
At times you will need a rest, this is where diet breaks come in. They give you a bit of time to regroup and get yourself ready to head off on the road again. They are also a taste of what's to come when you finally reach your destination and get to put your feet up and enjoy the results of your journey. So, stop thinking of your diet as stop and go. Think of it as a journey that can be completed in many ways, one that will challenge you at times, one that can be fast or slow, but one that you will eventually complete and finally enjoy your destination.
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Should young athletes cut weight? Someone recently asked me what my view was on children cutting weight. Now when I say cut weight, I don't mean a few pounds to make weight. I mean , for example,a young guy or girl cutting 5 kg + through rapid weight loss measures. Is this safe? Is it neccassary, and should it be done?
... Children are growing and developing. This is a time where they require nutrients in order to grow optimally. Restricting them through extreme dieting measures, which is often found in combat sports, is not only ethically wrong, but may be detremental to their health and development.
Using pathogenic weight control behaviors , such as extreme dieting,excessive exercising, long term dieting, rapid weight loss strategies such as sweating in saunas and using laxitives, is extremely prevelant in sports that have a focus on making weight, and there is growing concern that this may lead to eating disorders. (There is evidence to support this in adults, but unfortunelty there hasn't been as much work done in youths). This is playing a with fire. Kids have enough going on with life, without the added pressure of making weight and extreme dieting.
Putting a child in a sauna for hours at a time, or using water loading is just plain stupid if you ask me!. With anyone I work with, these are last resorts, and only done with proper instruction and knowledge, and in concenting adults. IWith children and with ignorance there is a higher risk of causing heat stroke, hyponatremia and ultimately , heart failure!! FFS Wise up. People have died doing this!
Unfortunately, there is a culture to make youths cut weight. I have worked with some myself, and although I always say I don't recommend it,there are occasions when coaches insist on it. So, if this can't be avoided for whatever reason, it should be done correctly!.
Well it should be gradual weight loss. Not by restrictive eating, but by an improvement in dietary quality and eating habits, which can lead to some associated weight loss. The focus should be on imrpovement, not restraint.
They should also compete as close to their walk around weight as possible.
If they have to cut weight the week of the fight, it should not be by extreme measures that will put them at risk. Simple food manipulation, such as temporarily reducing fibre intake, sodium intake, carbohydrate intake and eating lower volume foods can all help, without the need for starving the child.
Couple this with a minute amount of fluid restriction and a little bit of light intensity exercise, and you can safely make weight.
This being said, the best way to help a child make weight? To let them fight at their walk around weight!
Whats your thoughts??
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Nutrient timing made simple. Get the most out of your training and follow these simple steps.


The amount of research into the benefits of fish oils, is outstanding! There are that many that Iโ€™d need a blog to go over them all and I canโ€™t be arsed with that. If you have a good intake of oily fish then supplementing with fish oils might not be necessary . But, if you're like me and you canโ€™t stand eating fish, then you need these in your life. How much you take is dependant on things like, your reason for taking them, your age, health status, and of course how much oily... fish you eat. Typically it is recommended that you take anywhere between 300-1000mg per day of combined EPA & DHA.
Different products have different amounts and quality. I suggest My-proteins super dose.
Keep them in the fridge and away from direct sunlight and save yourself those stinking fish burps !
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Lots of people ask what the best diet is or how the hell do they go about it.
Some say its all about calories in versus calories out and that is all that matters. Well in principle they are right. To lose fat (WEIGHT) you need to eat less than you expend. And to gain it its the opposite.
... But Its not always just as easy or straight forward as that. Although the principle is pretty simple, how you implement it takes a little bit more consideration.
As the saying goes there are many ways to skin a cat. If that's your thing ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ
There are a lot of different approaches and methods that you can use to get the results you want.
These are typically split into 2 categories.
Non Tracking Methods and Tracking methods.
Non tracking methods include but are not limited to:
>Global Guidelines ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒŽ Eg. Protein with each meal, Cutting out sugar, drink diet instead of regular drinks.
> Intermittent Fasting ๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ™Š ๐Ÿค Eg. Skipping breakfast, windowed eating, 5:2 diet.
> Clean eating โ˜ข๏ธโ˜ข๏ธโ˜ข๏ธ Eating non processed foods, vegetables, fruits and all those so called healthy foods.
Tracking Methods Include but are not limited to:
> Calories tracking..... exactly what it sounds like. Tracking your calories duh!.
> Macro tracking... again, its in the name.. Tracking your carbs, fats and protein. By default you are tracking your calories here too. This seems to be the go to method for most Personal trainers these days.
>Single macro tracking. So choosing one macro to tracking, such as protein.
This all can be done via weighing your food, using an app and/or following strict meal plans.
All the above have their benefits and unfortunately their cons too. Which one you choose will be entirely based on what will suit you the most taking into consideration your preferences, personality, goals, time line and the main one... what you can stick too.
These are all ways of reducing your calorie intake and can all lead to the same outcome. The main thing is finding a method or combination of method that fit you and of which you can stick to consistently to get to where you want to be.
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Sometimes improving your nutrition can seem complicated. There are many diets out there, and many people saying completely different things.
The cause of people being overweight or obese is multi-factorial. So many things influence how we eat and our relationships with food, that it takes a lot more than just sticking to one type of diet to be successful in weight loss and health long term.
... Sometimes implementing simple habit based changes overtime and learning to make better conscientious decisions will go a long way to helping you on your journey.
If you would like to receive this free guide containing simple, easy changes, to introduce to your life, comment below or message me, and I will forward it to you.
Thanks Yannick
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Sometimes you just want a bit of sweetness in your life! Here's a few low calorie snack ideas to use while dieting. Feel free to share


I have decided to begin to offer a specific programme developed to help Combat Sports athletes perform to the best their abilities during fight camp, and to make weight in the safest, most easiest way they can.
From my many years experience fighting and cutting weight, working with professional fighters,and studying nutrition, I am able to understand the struggles involved in fight camp. This programme is specially designed to take all the hard work out of your hands and put ...it into mine.
What you will get:
๐ŸฅŠ 8 Week Fully Personalised Step by Step Guide For Performance and Weight making. This will ensure you perform to your best while still dropping weight.
๐ŸฅŠ 8 weeks of continued coaching and support. You are not just left alone, you get one to one coaching to get you to where you need to be.
๐ŸฅŠ Week by week weight monitoring and adjustments . This is so that you are successful and won't miss weight.
๐ŸฅŠ Online tracking and check in system to ensure you stay on track. To ensure adherence to the program
๐ŸฅŠ Fully individualised meal plan ideas, based on the foods you enjoy.
๐ŸฅŠ Fight Week Final Cut Plan. Why struggle the last week when you don't have to.
๐ŸฅŠ Recovery Plan to ensure you are refuelled and ready to go.
๐ŸฅŠ Supplement guide, to give you that extra boost.
All this for only ยฃ250. That's just ยฃ4.46 a day.
PM me for more info or email me at ymageenutrition@gmail.com
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Same goes for all the BS so called health and weight loss drinks.
Susan from Bristol doesnt want to help you, she wants to make a few extra bob to top up her brew money.
Nothing wrong with trying to make an extra bit of money but not at the expense of others.
... They have moved to India where health and fitness is only becoming increasingly popular because they have been found out and sued in the west.
Herbalife, juice plus, slim juice whatever,
Different name, Same aim.
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THE MANY TYPES OF NUTRITIONIST Nutrition can be such a minefield for people, and not a bit of wonder with some of the people who are involved in the nutrition world. Choose who you follow wisely,otherwise you will be filled with more shite than a toilet at a concert. @martinnutrition #fitness #workout #gym #health #fit #fitnessmotivation #healthy #instagood #fitfam #instagram #love #motivation #bodybuilding #lifestyle #gymlife #fitnessaddict #training #life #fitnessmodel #fitspo #photooftheday #muscle #healthylifestyle #photography #strong #photo #exercise #instadaily #body #instafit


Who is in need of a Detox???. Do you have: Bloating Poor skin Excess weight... Stomach issues Brain fog Depression
Etc etc....
If youre selling a supplement or juice on newry buy and sell you are a gimp and should be locked up
Lots of people jump at the chance to take a magical supplement and cure all these issues over night. But unfortunately these products being peddled on facebook and other platforms just don't live up to their extraordinary claims.
Detox supplements or diets for that matter have been researched, and some have shown a little bit of promise, but one, the studies have been on a small scale with dubious methods or two , they've been done on animals. Both of these factors make any claims for effectiveness in humans debatable.
The claims being made need to be taken with a pinch of salt. These people want money, thats it. They will promise you the world,but yet deliver you nothing. Save your money for things like real food.
But its not all negative. Future studies could show that they work, highly doubtful ,but it is a possibility. And, the detox diets, not the supplements, do , if nothing else ,encourage good healthy eating habits, so that is a bonus for them.
For now, the supplements are not worth the expense.
Save your money , do some reading , ask some questions and educate yourself on how to look after your health, without forking out fortunes on useless tubs of lies.
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Whether you are looking to lose weight , or maintain your weight, the weekend is often a time that will through a spanner in the works!
It is also a time to relax and enjoy yourself. So, why should you care about your diet? Weekend calories don't count right? You can still let loose at the weekend and stay the course, if you know how.... Here are a few handy tips on how to do just that.
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Online portal covering all areas of health and fitness.
It covers everything , including:
โ— Workout plans, and videos
... โ— 100s of recipes, for all meals, vegan,vegetarian and gluten free included.
โ— Meal plan ideas
โ— Nutrition information and calorie counter
โ— Yoga instructional programmes and videos
โ— Physiotherapy information videos and content
โ—Guided meditation
and much much more.
We place specific Focus on corporate health and wellness , with work place seminars, consultations and workshops available.
Visit - https://ritefitnessforall.com.
Discount code for 10% off - YMNUTRITION
For a look at our corporate brochure just pm my page.
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Veganism is becoming increasingly popular lately, with many people deciding to drop animal products in favour of a life of lettuce and lentils!.
Regardless of why you chose to follow a vegan diet/lifestyle, I wanted to touch on some areas related to the topic.
... โ— Being vegan isn't in itself healthier than having a diet that contains animal products.... wow! Believe it or not, you can be healthy and eat meat.
The research shows that most vegans/vegetarians tend to be more "health seeking" individuals, but when you look at "health seeking" people who eat animal products, they both are very similar from a health standpoint. Just remember, you can be vegan and unhealthy too, if you don't life a health seeking lifestyle. ๐ŸŸ๐ŸŸchips and pizza are vegan too !
๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿ‰ ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ–๐Ÿฅฉ
โ— Increasing your fruit and vegetable intake is great advice for improving health, but there is no benefit from dropping animal products completely. And animals products do not cause all the health issues such as cancer, diabetes and heat disease, that is stated by the vegan community.
โ— Why is there so much hate towards vegans?
I think this stems from the dogmatic behaviour that some (not all ) vegans take. Some, insist that their way of eating is the right way and the only way. And that you are either unhealthy or completely unethical if you choose to eat meat.
๐Ÿฅฆ๐ŸฅฆIf you choose for ethical reasons to follow a vegan diet, then I salute you!.๐Ÿ„๐Ÿท๐Ÿฎ That shows amazing empathy for animals and a selflessness that a lot of meat eaters dont have. However, if you believe for health reasons its better?, you aren't being factually correct.
Are there any negatives to following a Vegan lifestyle???
Typical things that come up are: โ— Vitamin B12 deficiency โ— Iron deficiency โ— Increased risk of bone fractures and low bone mineral density โ— Increased risk of depression ( low omega 3 intake) โ— Possible sports performance issues
These things always pop up when people discuss Veganism. But, unfortunately people tend to not look at things with a critical mindset. Yes these could be issues, but with careful planning and education, these issues can easily be avoided.
Like all "diets" , having a good knowledge, good support system and plenty of planning is the key to success.
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When dieting, the weekend can be your Achilles heel!.
You do so well all week, but go clean mental Saturday and Sunday. And, if you have a night out, like I have tonight, you undo all your weekly hard work.
Here is a simple example of how you can limit the damage a night out can do.... Simple tricks to leave you able to enjoy a guilt free night out. Also be mindful of what you are drinking if you drink. I'm going to be sticking to vodka mixed with sprite zero and the odd pint of water lol, maybe lol.
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I'm a proud to be a part of this amazing set up by Rite fitness founder and long term friend Damien Rooney RITE Fitness - Damien Rooney.
A brand new online health and fitness portal like no other!
... Experts from all fields rounded up into one platform for you.
Everything from fitness to nutrition, to physiotherapy, yoga and meditation. ALSO CORPORATE OFFERS AVAILABLE FOR BUSINESSES WHO WANT TO INCLUDE A HEALTH AND WELL BEING PROGRAM INTO THEIR BUSINESS.(Get in touch for a brochure)
Loads of content at a really affordable price! made even more affordable when you use my discount code: YMNUTRITION
Get checking it out and get in touch if you want more info.
Getting fit and being healthy couldn't get anymore easier than this!
To celebrate the launch , I am offering a free individualised programme to the first 25 people to sign up for a year, plus a years worth of online nutrition support from myself (ยฃ120 for the year with discount, individualised plan is usually ยฃ150 + , and monthly support is priceless lol). To get this you just have to sign up for the year, like and share this post and tag 3 of your mates.
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Do you have to eat healthy to lose weight? NO
Are you healthy if you are ripped? Not necessarily.
... Is losing weight healthy if you are overweight? Most definitely
There are so many factors surrounding health.
A few things are certain, maintain a healthy weight throughout your life cycle and eat a varied diet rich in fruit and vegetables, with lean meats or fish (down to preference) and some healthy fats, exercise, de-stress, socialise, sleep, move more and be happy.
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More about Yannick_Magee_Nutrition

Yannick_Magee_Nutrition is located at BT34 3PF Newry