2180 Galashiels Sqn Royal Air Force Air Cadets

Monday: 18:45 - 21:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 18:45 - 21:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About 2180 Galashiels Sqn Royal Air Force Air Cadets

The purpose of this page is show you some of the things we get up to. You can join when you are 13 or from March 1st if you are 12 yrs of age and in S1 and up to 17 years of age .

2180 Galashiels Sqn Royal Air Force Air Cadets Description

On the 5th February 1941 the Air Training Corps was officially established with King George VI as the Air Commodore-in-Chief and there has been a presence in the Borders ever since. The organisation has gone from strength to strength over the last few decades. Girls were able to join from the early 1980s, helping to bring more people together to enjoy everything that Air Cadet Life has to offer and today’s Air Cadets has a lot to offer any 12- 17 year old who is interested in joining.

Today the Air Cadets is one of the largest youth related organisations in the UK. 2180 is one of the most successful Squadrons in South East Scotland Wing.

2180 Squadron meets on a Monday & Wednesday Evening from 1845-2100 hours. We get involved in a wide range of activities from shooting to flying, sports to gliding, Duke of Edinburgh Award to rock climbing and many other fun activities.

We often undertake activities at weekends and we also get involved in foreign travel. In the past few years cadets have visited Germany , Gibraltar and Turkey. in the coming year we will be visiting Germany, France , Netherlands and Northern Ireland

You can join when your are 12 yrs of age and in S2 and up to 17 years of age . You can stay as a cadet until your are 20 . Then you can continue as a member of staff in a variety of roles.

For more information phone, drop in to see what we get up to or email us.



2180 was involved in various activities over the weekend


2180, other youth groups and the Legion supported Galashiels Academy remembrance service on 7 Nov. Afterwards the students created a remembrance garden with a cross for each of the fallen in World War 1 from Galashiels. Some of the 639 crosses are shown; you can see more photos on Gala Academy's facebook page. We would have liked to have a banner bearer from one of the students but alas we are lacking cadets from there at the moment . Come on students of Gala Academy - where is everybody?


1 Apache hung around on Lees Haugh for a long while waiting for 3 more. They all went upriver, soon after returning and loitering before heading off south. At the same time other helio, believed to be Wildcat, were noted south of Duns


Summer can now be classed as officially over - at least going by the weather! Cadets have been out and about on summer camps, which included flying in light aircraft, laser games, police riot training, parties and visits to museums, national arboretum and tours of RAF bases, gaining radio communication and leadership badges . Other activities over the last few months have included a helicopter flight in a Chinook, winning the inter-squadron aircraft recognition competition, taking part in inter-squadron swimming competition and assisting at East Fortune air display.
Would you like to be a part of it all? https://www.raf.mod.uk/aircadets/ gives more info or you can mail this page.


1500 cadets, including 2180 Sqn, have enjoyed flights in Puma and Chinook at Leuchars. Here is one stick of happy cadets


In April 3 of our cadets represented the Sqn at the inter-squadron athletics. Anine and Lewis have just represented the Wing and done well. Lewis is to represent the Region later in the year.


https://www.facebook.com/armedforcesday/p osts/10155071328495566


Inspiring! https://www.facebook.com/bbcbreakfast/vid eos/1924086314299723/


Command Task - Build a free standing structure on either side of the river to transport equipment. Cadets did an extraordinary job and came up with a pulley system to move equipment. #Team2180.


Command Tasks / Leadership Exercises @ #Team2180. Awesome leadership and teamwork being demonstrated this evening!

More about 2180 Galashiels Sqn Royal Air Force Air Cadets

Monday: 18:45 - 21:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 18:45 - 21:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -