3 Minutes To Midnight

About 3 Minutes To Midnight

Specialising in providing business focused advice to food projects - options appraisals, business plans, stakeholder engagement, funding applications - all the vital but boring stuff!

3 Minutes To Midnight Description

Specialising in providing business focused advice to food projects - options appraisals, business plans, stakeholder engagement, funding applications - all the vital but boring stuff!



Might be of interest to other foodie friends... Mhairi Barrett, Claire Seaman, Mike Pretious


Hello lovely FB friends.
I have made a new FB page for my business that reflects the EU GDPR work I am doing. If you are remotely interested (which you should be) please pop over to 3 Minutes to Midnight - GDPR consultants for SME's and give us a little lurve..
This page will now be used to reflect any food, drink or family business work that 3 Minutes to Midnight undertake.
... Cheers!
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I was challenged by my favourite online networking group to write entertaining content to sell my services this week... anyone who knows anything about data protection will know that GDPR is not setting the world alight in the fun stakes, but hey - I had a go.
Here follows my story... its a bit silly but probably the most fun thing I have seem about GDPR ever so far!!
Once upon a time, in a land far away (the EU), there lived a 'Big Bad Company'... The Big Bad Company did d...astardly and evil things with Unsuspecting People's personal data.
These poor people would go online to buy something, input their details, such as name, address, dob, medical info, nok details, photographic image, sexual preference etc, and Big Bad Company would exploit this data by selling it to third party's and using it to promote other boring stuff to the Unsuspecting People. The Big Bad Company got more sophisticated at doing this as Unsuspecting People reliance on technology grew.
One day, the hero of our story, Knight GDPR, decided enough was enough.. He went into battle with Big Bad Company (BBC) and developed new rules the BBC had to adhere to. Obviously Knight GDPR couldn't just punish BBC... He had to make the rules apply to everyone. This impacted on lots of Small and Lovely Companies. They too had to get compliant with his rules.
Fortunately, Knight GDPR had a band of trusted "experts" to help him in his battles. His very favourite was Alison the Brave from 3 Minutes to Midnight. She was really great at understanding his new ideas and helping companies apply them to their businesses (by 25th May 2018).
Alison the Brave provided great, accessible help to many Small and Lovely Companies which made them both compliant and very very happy. They avoided the potential big fines and were seen as responsible organisations by their customers whose personal data they were protecting.
Knight GDPR loved Alison the Brave, as did all the Small and Lovely Companies she helped. They told their friends and Alison the Brave helped many, many more. This made everyone very very happy and they all lived happily ever after.... THE END.
I'm delighted to say that my super supportive networking group enjoyed it.. now thinking of selling it to the Information Commissioners Office!
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Should be a great event


Would encourage everyone to get along and join the fun with Karen and Kate


The working week at 3MTM... Inverness on Wednesday. City of London on Thursday and Friday... Weekend in the best place of all.... Edinburgh and home!


New Terrier Risk Partners website goes live... check us out... http://terrierrisk.com/


More fame.. 3 Minutes to Midnight helped compile the Family Business 100.


And there is more... Alison speaking at the Network ROI and Zonefox event this morning. Introducing GDPR to a crowded house...


3 Minutes to Midnight has another 15 minutes of fame!
Thanks Steve Newlin.. for the opportunity, as they say on The Apprentice...
http://www.eastlothian.gov.uk/…/east_lo thian_business_buzz-…


Lovely to get a mention in relation to my work on the #familybusiness Top 100 2017 report...


A handy guide which covers some good stuff on GDPR


Now for something un-food related... GDPR data protection regulations and the latest newsletter from 3 Minutes to Midnight...
http://mailchi.mp/…/what-happens-on-fac ebook-stays-on-faceb…


Sounds great!


1 in every 131 emails in 2015 contained malware or phishing links... #itsecurity


The "official" photos from Our Community Kitchen pilot day. We had fun!


Super proud of my friend Mhairi Barrett and her new programme

More about 3 Minutes To Midnight

3 Minutes To Midnight is located at Queen Margaret University Drive, EH21 6UU Edinburgh, United Kingdom
07724 464806