3 Minutes To Midnight - Gdpr Consultants For Sme'S

About 3 Minutes To Midnight - Gdpr Consultants For Sme'S

Sharing good content on the new GDPR regs to help small businesses with their compliance journey



3 Minutes to Midnight are delighted to sponsor the "Magic of Speakeasies" event produced by Tullulah Events tonight3 Minutes to Midnight are delighted to sponsor the "Magic of Speakeasies" event produced by Tullulah Events tonight


Only 18 more sleeps to GDPR compliance day! How prepared are you?
Our well received course "What every SME REALLY needs to know and do about GDPR" is a bargain £24.99 for the next 2 weeks.
Check it out a http://bit.ly/DGPR-THE-ANSWER


Words of comfort from the Information Commissioner Office...
"To small and micro businesses, clubs and associations who are not quite there, I say … don’t panic! As the new ICO Regulatory Action Policy, out for consultation very shortly, sets out, we pride ourselves on being a fair and proportionate regulator. That will continue under the GDPR. 25 May is not the end of anything, it is the beginning, and the important thing is to take concrete steps to implement your new responsibilities — to better protect customer data."


Met some lovely ladies at The Simplicity Concept event today. They all managed to stay awake through my whistle stop tour of the GDPR regulations. Thanks for inviting me as guest speaker Niki Hutchison!


Join me at Simplicity Connect, Edinburgh to learn more about GDPR


3 Minutes to Midnight are delighted to launch our new online training course.. "What every SME REALLY needs to know and do about GDPR" along with its additional specialist modules.
Special launch rates available now... £24.99 for the main course. £12.99 for other modules. Bargain bundles available too!


3 Minutes to Midnight are delighted to launch our new online training course.. "What every SME REALLY needs to know and do about GDPR" along with its additional specialist modules.
Special launch rates available now... £24.99 for the main course. £12.99 for other modules. Bargain bundles available too!


Super excited about the outputs from our new online training courses! Launching on Monday!


GDPR applies to all walks of life... if you are secretary of your local bowling club, you still need to do your bit! Here is a handy infographic for social clubs to think about...


Day 3 in the filming studio for the additional modules of our online GDPR training courses.
"What every SME REALLY needs to know and do about GDPR" is in the can.
Today we are adding the specialist modules for Direct Marketing and Subject Access Requests. Should be ready for launch by next Monday! Watch this space!


Did you know that, when you tell the Easter Bunny you are allergic to chocolate, he has to put your name on his special category list and apply one of a further 10 different conditions for processing! That's a lot of work for 1 bunny!
That said, he gets off lightly compared to Santa and his lists of naughty and nice children!
Happy Easter! 🐰🐇🍫


Worth a read for Mailchimp users
https://smallbiztrends.com/2018/03/mailch imp-gdpr-tools.html


Retention, Retention, Retention...
All of us are guilty of holding onto stuff "just in case".. and data is no different. GDPR discourages this, suggesting you define and document retention periods for your personal data.
If your company has CV's on file from long gone employees, it might be time for a cull - will save you storage space and help with compliance.


Spent this week writing privacy notices - that has been a challenge for the old grey matter! Article 13 tells you what you need to put into a privacy notice, but boy - does it need some hard thought!
There are lots of templates available on the interweb for privacy notices - the challenge is modifying them in a way that is meaningful and appropriate to your business.


Third party supplier statements are starting to filter through now - Do you have a list of companies that process data on your behalf who you need to check? It's never too soon to start!


More #GDPRninjafacts... If you use a service like Mailchimp, Salesforce or even outsourced payroll, you are a Data Controller and still responsible for the data handed to these companies, who are Data Processors on your behalf.
Check out their GDPR statements when you are working on your compliance journey. #ninjafacts


GDPR ninja fact....did you know there are 6 lawful basis for processing data... you don't always have to rely on consent...?
In fact, the employer / employee relationship CAN'T use consent as its legal basis, as there is an imbalance of power. #ninjafacts😁😁😁


Got to love an infographic on a snowy Saturday afternoon...

More about 3 Minutes To Midnight - Gdpr Consultants For Sme'S

07724 464806