4 Paws Dog Walking & Training

About 4 Paws Dog Walking & Training

Fully Insured dog walking & Training service covering Inverness & surrounding areas



On Luna's second visit she got to investigate another new enrichment toy the Kong wobbler. She was very interested in this one


Luna enjoyed learning to use the snuffle mat on her first pop in


Harry enjoyed a street walk this morning


Bronson finished off our day having a good run through the trees


Luna played some football on her 2nd pop in of the day


Cara enjoyed a good munch on a squeeky burger on her pop in


Luna had fun killing some dinosaurs on her first pop in of the day


Cuillin, Pacha, Harry & Ted enjoyed a sunny wander in the hills for the morning walk


We also now stock the long lines we use for training and also while out walking, these are 10m in length (other lengths available) These come without a handle but we can get them with handles if needed. These are all made by hand.
They are designed to be easy to hold and not become slippery in wet conditions. The special rubber based material is soft and comfortable to hold but also highly durable. The rubber stitching gives amazing grip in wet conditions without having to apply much pressure & they don't soak up much water at all so dry off really quickly.
For more info please don't hesitate to contact us.


Luna finished off our day playing some tuggy on her 2nd pop in. We are sure she wants to keep all our toys for herself 😂


Deacon enjoyed a chilled wander in the hills


Bronson had a blast running through the trees


Luna enjoyed a good chomp on our toys on her first pop in of the day


Ralph & Jasmine enjoyed a wander through the woods together


Cuillin, Ted, Harry & Samson had a very icy walk in the hills on the morning walk. We almost fell a few times 😂


We got caught in a bit of a snow shower with Bronson on his wander in the hills to finish off our day


Deacon met Lola today for a wander in the hills together

More about 4 Paws Dog Walking & Training
