603 (City Of Edinburgh) Squadron Rauxaf

About 603 (City Of Edinburgh) Squadron Rauxaf

This is the official Facebook Page for 603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron Royal Auxiliary Air Force.

603 (City Of Edinburgh) Squadron Rauxaf Description

This is the official Facebook Page for 603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron RAuxAF.



The new #BBCOne series of #LineofDuty starts this Sunday at 9pm.
In the first of two clips, the series writer & former RAF Officer Jed Mercurio, (who also created last year’s blockbuster series ‘Bodyguard’), speaks about how RAF Valley & Royal Air Force Cosford gave inspiration for his 2007 novel Ascent.
Read the full interview: http://bit.ly/RAFLineDuty
... #NoOrdinaryJob #RAF #RAFP #Police
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A great offer from the #RAFBF


The RAF continues to carry out work worldwide on behalf of the UK Government to save the lives of people affected by natural disasters.
These tasks need the combined skills of the Regulars and Reserves to make them successful.
https://www.raf.mod.uk/recruitment/apply< br>... #603Sqn #RAFReserves #NoOrdinaryJob #GinYeDaur #RAFPolice #RAFRegiment #RAF
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Think being in the RAF Reserves is all about good old square bashing, polishing uniforms and learning how to shoot a rifle?
Think again! You can go off and have fun around the world even when you’re not “working” AND whilst you’re having having all this fun you’re being PAID!!!
Want an example? How about a trip to Norway?
... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CPNC8Sztf9o
What about mountain biking in the Scottish Borders? (some pictures below)
Adventurous training to warmer climates such as scuba diving in Malta or biking and hiking in Malaysia (https://www.facebook.com/pg/603sqn/photo s/?tab=album&album_id=20483539152152 46) are also available. And these are paid too!
These are open to all Reservists - no matter what their RAF role is.
Come on, join us and enjoy life even more!
Gin ye daur!
https://www.raf.mod.uk/recruitment/apply< br> #603Sqn #RAFReserves #NoOrdinaryJob #GinYeDaur #RAFPolice #RAF #Wintermarch #LowlandRFCA #RAFP #RAFRegiment
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Today, the Chief of the Air Staff represented the RAF at a service to remember those who were executed for their part in The Great Escape.
#TheGreatEscape75 #RAF #RAFReserves #NoOrdinaryJob #603Sqn #StalagLuftIII #RAuxAF #InMemory #TheGreatEscape #RAFP #CAS


2 More BBC reports on The Great Escape.
How Great Escape veteran Alan Bryett was foiled in 1944 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dor set-47669266


Dutch Spitfire pilot Bram Vanderstok was one of only three men to make a 'home run' as he crawled his way to freedom during World War Two's most famous prison break, the Great Escape. In an excerpt from his memoir, he describes the moment he escaped. Read it here: http://bit.ly/2TrboEO
The Great Escape remembered 75 years on in a BBC report. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-4 7684249
... #TheGreatEscape75 #RAF #RAFReserves #NoOrdinaryJob #603Sqn #StalagLuftIII #Sagan #Zagan #RAuxAF #RAFBF #InMemory #TheGreatEscape #RAFP
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This afternoon, #603Sqn was very pleased to give a cheque for a magnificent £3200 to The Yard Scotland. This was accompanied by a cheque for £100 from the 603 Squadron Association.
The Squadron’s donation was raised over the last 2 years by the squadron personnel through a number of activities.
#TheYardScotland is an award-winning charity running adventure play services for disabled children and their families in #Edinburgh and the East of Scotland. You can find out more he...re https://www.theyardscotland.org.uk/
Good luck to The Yard in their activities over the coming year. We hope this money will help you continue your work to provide great experiences for disabled children.
And well done to all of the Squadron personnel who helped raise this amount - onto our next challenge.
#RAuxAF #RAF #NoOrdinaryJob #charity #RAFRegt #RAFP #RAFReserves
https://www.raf.mod.uk/our-organi…/squa drons/603-r-squadron/
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Tonight marks 75 years since the escape of Allied airmen from the World War Two prisoner of war camp Stalag Luft III. Two hundred airmen had planned to escape through man-made tunnels and 76 found their way to freedom; 73 were later captured.
The mass breakout of Allied airmen from Stalag Luft III, a high security prison camp run by the Luftwaffe, in March 1944, is significant for the sheer impact it had on the Nazi leadership and the way in which it embodied the will of Al...
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The latest platform to join the RAF.
This is what our personnel are trained and employed to protect. They do a vital job keeping vital assets safe.
#RAFRegiment. #RAFP #603Sqn #NoOrdinaryJob #RAFReserves #RAF #ISTAR... #JoinUsNow
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The latest version of the RAF Families Federation bulletin is now available.
The eBULLETIN, is a convenient way for RAF personnel, their families and supporters to keep up-to-date with the latest news from the Federation.
eBULLETINs will provide information and links on housing matters, changes to MOD policy that may affect you and the latest news for RAF personnel and their families. Please share.


Want to know more about joining the Royal Air Force Regiment as a Regular or a Reservist? Now you can!
Here is an opportunity to see a fantastic array of kit and equipment from the RAF Regiment. Get the chance to speak to the Gunners themselves and find out what life is really like as part of the RAF Regiment.
... Open to all, no booking required.
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At approximately 13.40pm on Wednesday 5 June, more than 35 Douglas DC-3/C-47s will take to the skies from Imperial War Museum Duxford.
Escorted by a number of World War II fighters, they will set course for Caen-Carpiquet Airport in Normandy. The planned flight will pass Colchester, Southend-on-Sea, Maidstone and Eastbourne before heading out over The Channel.
They will pass Le Havre and then the historic UK Drop Zone at Ranville, where the skies will be filled with paratroopers jumping round military parachutes, as they descend in honour of the troops who did the same 75 years ago.


This morning the Squadron was pleased to invite members of the 603 Squadron Association, RAF Association and other veterans to a breakfast morning at their beautiful building in Edinburgh.
The HQ staff served tea and coffee and, of course, bacon rolls to those who turned up and gave them a chance to visit to the historic HQ - a glorious Victorian building right in the heart of the New Town.
The purpose of the day was an opportunity for everyone who attended to meet new peopl...e and chat about they own RAF experiences, as well as have a short presentation on the history of the squadron and the building itself.
Keep an eye out for details of the next veterans breakfast!
#RAFA #RAFReserves #603Sqn #Veterans #Edinburgh #RAF #NoOrdinaryJob #RAFRegt #RAFP
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I’m sure our wartime predecessors on the Squadron enjoyed a tune or two from Dame Vera!
Happy Birthday to the original British forces sweetheart!


Great bit of work returning the medals to the rightful owners. And with one of our own involved.
From RAF Association - Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders Branch
... —-/—-
The Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders Branch are pleased and proud to have helped return young Pat Donlevy from Pathhead's war medals to his family.
Thank you to all who attended; particularly the staff and cadets of 1739 (2nd Midlothian) Squadron ATC, the Piper Cadet Adam Davanna of 297 (Musselburgh) Squadron ATC, SAC Graeme Hawthorn of 603 Squadron and Marie Crombie S&NI Area Welfare Manager.
To Thomas and Val Lusk and family; thank you for allowing us the privilige of being involved.
Bob Bertram MBE Chairman
#RAFA #RAuxAF #603Sqn #RAFRegt #RAF
RAF Regiment 1739 - 2nd Midlothian Squadron Royal Air Force Air Cadets South East Scotland Wing Air Training Corps Scotland & Northern Ireland Region Air Training Corps
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Great unit to be with. I d go back tommorrow.


Great unit to be with. I d go back tommorrow.


Great unit to be with. I d go back tommorrow.


Great unit to be with. I d go back tommorrow.

More about 603 (City Of Edinburgh) Squadron Rauxaf

603 (City Of Edinburgh) Squadron Rauxaf is located at 25 Learmonth Terrace, EH4 1NZ Edinburgh, United Kingdom