Aberdeen Streetwork Project

About Aberdeen Streetwork Project

We are a service that uses informal learning to help young people aged 10-25 years make positive changes in their lives and take action in their local communities.

Aberdeen Streetwork Project Description

Aberdeen Streetwork Project Youth Workers meet with young people in public
places to offer information, advice and support on a range of issues including
alcohol, employment, drugs, sexual health and education. We focus on building
up positive relationships with young people.

When needed we will challange anti-social behaviour and work alongside our
partners to allow mediation between young people and other groups /residents to
take place to resolve such issues.

Aberdeen Streetwork Project Youth Workers are employed by Aberdeen City Council,
Youth Development Team and are PVG checked.

More about Aberdeen Streetwork Project

Aberdeen Streetwork Project is located at Tilly Youth Project, Formatine Road, Tillydrone, AB24 2TL Aberdeen