Abertay Make Up And Beauty Society

About Abertay Make Up And Beauty Society

Society for gals and boys who are interested in make up /beauty! You DO NOT have to be a professional make up artist. If you want to talk all things make up and learn from others and socialise then come along : )

Abertay Make Up And Beauty Society Description

Will be organising various workshop, events and competitions throughout the year!




not long left of freshers fayre, don’t risk FOMO 👀


hey everyone!!! We’re still upstairs level 1 of the student centre next to the dominos stand!! most of this is nearly gone thanks to all of you stopping by so come by before it’s all disappeared. SIGN UP TODAY and get some freebies, samples and tester pots 🙀 Brands included: Benefit ✨ MAC ✨ Clinique ✨ YSL ✨ Kat Von D ✨ Bobbi Brown ✨ Estée Lauder ✨ Kiehl’s 😻


hey boys and gals 😽 Hope everyone’s settling nicely into the new academic year :) We can’t wait to see new and familiar faces joining the society this year!!! We are also looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow at Fresher’s Fayre in the Student Centre starting from 11am, we have some v exciting things for the stall so be sure to stop by 😁💃🏾love Rutendo Ellis & Naqi x


Hey guys :)
Just a reminder that tomorrow evening there's the Student Led Teaching Awards and the Society Awards for 17/18. 💕We've been nominated for Best New Society and Society of the Year which we're psyched about so thank you!! 💕
The society awards are 5-6PM.
... There's also the end of year Society Party in the common room aswell from 19:30 - 1AM.
You can get free tickets for both events here: https://www.abertaysa.com/events?search=c ommon%20room
Thank you! x x
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hello everyone! I believe there are still tickets left for this Make Up Forever masterclass should you wish to attend. Tickets can be purchased at the counter in Debenhams. I went along to the one last summer and it was very informative!
- R x


hey guys and gals. You’ve got THREE days only to buy tickets to the summertime Enchanted Forest Ball hosted by ACS societies!! Bring a friend, a hot date, your neighbour’s gardener just anybody you want to 😭 £40 per ticket includes ✨transport there AND back ✨ dranks on arrival ✨meals ✨entertainment incl. fire breathers 🔥 photo booth 📸🤳🏾 bouncy castle ⛺️ DJ and much more.
So don’t miss out and end the academic year on a HIGHHHHH 🙌🏾🎉


💫 hey everyone! thank you to all who managed to attend the AGM we had a while back to allow the society to continue. Your next committee will be myself Rutendo as president, Ellis as secretary and Naqi as the treasurer and we cant wait to plan even greater things!! Big thank you to Zoe and Lucy for their help over the past year and for helping creating the society. And also thank you to guys and gals getting us over 100 likes on FB in such a short space of time and a strong registered membership count. Appreciate everything 🤩💃🏾


This is a v important meeting as this is where the committee members (President, Treasurer and Secretary) of the society will be elected for the next academic year and the constitution is reviewed. Without this meeting the society will not be able to continue into to the next academic year, so I'd like to ask if as many of our members officially signed up on the SA website could come along to vote on the new members who've nominated themselves.
If you'd like to have a chance to be elected please get in touch and let me know which position you'd like to nominate yourself for...


dont play YOSELF. come socialise and maybe win some goodies 🎉


hey bois & gals, could you please vote on if you’d like to attend the Abertay Society Ball (for all societies and their members) on 11th May in Student Centre, theme: House party, tickets: free, some food and drinking games etc 🎉🎈🍿🍻🥂


We’ve had new members recently and it will have been a while since some of you saw each other so we’re putting on a social night where we’ll be playing games, general chat etc and having some food and drinks 🤙🏾🍿🥤 feel free to bring along some friends who aren’t in the society // you know would like to come 😁😁
We’ll also be having a raffle to win some nice Make Up Revolution make up items ((pictures and details to follow)) 💄💋


Hi lovely people :)
We'll be doing a collaboration with EcoAbertay next Tuesday 13th 5-7PM in room 1502 (events space Kydd building) where we're going to have an interactive workshop to let you guy see what is in your daily cosmetic products, the good and the bad, how to prolong their use, how they damage the environment etc. You might be surprised at what you don't know!
As well as coming along on Tuesday, we'd be very grateful if you could have a look around the house for a...ny clean, empty cosmetic jars tubes and bottles etc of any kind for us to use for the workshop. You can drop them off in the SA office before Tuesday. There's a labelled box in the corner next to the filing cabinets on a trolley which you can just pop in and drop the stuff off in. You can also get stuff from your family and friends if you don't have any just now :)
Thank you in advance!
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Heyyyyyy gals and boyzzz! Catch us in bar one!! As many of you may know, before Christmas we announced that we’re going to Amsterdam as “a group of friends” in February and got a substantial number of bookings for the trip. Today we’ve had few more interested people sooooo if you’d like to find out more give us a message or come along to the student centre 🙀💃🏽 (allowing late sign ups)


hey guys! Was meant to post this over the weekend but too busy getting my life in order (LOL). But if any of you are free at all this Wednesday 12PM to help out doing some make up stuff for Abertay Fashion Society's photoshoot then can you let us know please :) / anyone else you know that would be able to help out (for free)! appreciate it lots x x


Next Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th (depending on how much we manage to sell on the first day) we'll be in the Kydd building in the foyer selling some sassy christmas cards that we are currently in the library making just now looking like 3 year olds at nursery but it's all in spirit of the holidays!! [see attached photo in the discussion section of a sample of our great efforts!! ] as well as some baking :)
We're also asking if anyone would like to help make cards// help ...out with making some simple homemade goodies for us to sell please please let us know!
Proceeds will go to future society events and activities. We would like so much to fundraise for a charity next semester, but as this is our first "sale" of any type we're testing the waters.
Hope you'll be able to pass by the stalls/help out.
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We're having another society meeting this Thursday 23rd 3-4PM in the library study room 2.03 (level 2). It'll just be a quick meeting to once again discuss any thing we've got planned in the future and a chance for you to ask us anything/discuss any issues/positive things etc.
Hope to see you there!


Hey everyone (: Just letting you know that the Debenhams event has been changed from the 9th to the 7th Dec, from 4-9PM. Just in time to spend your saas money the day it lands muhahahaha. Tickets are £5 and are redeemable on the night, but you can just go to the MAC counter and purchase them by giving your name at any time before the event :) Hope you can still make it if you wanted to go xo


Hey guys!!
Due to the success of the MAC Masterclass we had last Thursday (thank you so much to everyone that managed to come!) MAC are inviting us to the Debenhams VIP event on the 9th December. Tickets are £5 and are redeemable on the night, and they'll be offering a 15% discount to all VIP guests. There will be complementary drinks and food with live music and gift bags on the night. The tickets are limited so please us know if you'd like to go and they'll be able to reser...ve a ticket for you 🎉
I know we're all skinto students but you wouldn't have to spend much money since there's entertainment and other stuff happening so it would be a good night regardless.
We would't attend as a society, you could go with your family/friends but you have a better chance of getting a ticket if you reserve one(:
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More about Abertay Make Up And Beauty Society
