Acorn Principle Plus - Learn Connect Grow

About Acorn Principle Plus - Learn Connect Grow

From little acorns growโ€ฆ helping you realise the potential within you, your team or your organisation

Acorn Principle Plus - Learn Connect Grow Description

Acorn Principle Plus exists to support individuals and organisations to learn, connect and grow. Our primary focus is to train high level coaching skills however, our NEW Online Academy will support people to create the lives they really want to live.



What are you thinking about doing differently?
Go do it!


The perfect end to a fabulous day โค๏ธ


Reasons to be cheerful, part 1. Courtesy of my daily Gaping Void post today ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


โ€œThe energy of presence can be developed, understood and enhanced... and can be destroyed by our learned habits. Presence is your natural state.โ€
Patsy Rodenburg


I love that there are special signs for coaches ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ My coaching journey began in 2001 when the book: The Celestine Prophecy raised my awareness that โ€œcoincidences are the signposts to your true pathโ€.
As our beliefs are nothing more that thoughts that we choose to assign meaning to, I decided to accept this one and started to notice coincidences, synchronicities and anomolies and pay attention to what meaning lay there for me. It makes life interesting, fun and less than it would otherwise be ๐Ÿ˜‰
Funnily enough, I did not follow this sign when I arrived in London last night. Instead I struggled to find my hotel using a combination of google maps and my navigation app - except the signal was so weak that the arrow on my maps didnโ€™t change as I walked! When I came out of my hotel this morning, turning left to walk the 500 yards to the tube station (that I had totally missed last night as I wandered up and down many streets with my nose in my phone waiting for a sign to give me direction), I suddenly realised that the Coach Station (indicated on the sign below) was right next door to my hotel. Lesson learned!
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View from the train - just arriving in Dundee for the second of a 2 day Coaching Approaches course in Dundee University- really looking forward to a high energy day ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


So proud of our team today - we had a fabulous day at the Mindful Living Show in London and Alister blew us away with his inspiring and engaging talk.


Amazing talk by Alister Gray today at the Mindful Living Show, London. All about intelligence and insight and whether the two can coexist.


Guess where we are? Alister Gray is speaking at the Mindful Living Show today so Raymy Boyle, Ilaria and I are hosting a stand. Let the show begin ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ


FREE FRIDAY OFFER - Come join our Life Is What You Make It Facebook Group!


Take a few moments to consider your breath - Stuart Sandeman has some really useful ways to bring our awareness to help mprove how we breathe.


Looking forward to the Mindful Living Show 2019 in London this weekend with Ilaria Christina Nardini-Gray and Alister Gray and Raymy Boyle - if youโ€™re coming along - remember to say hello ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ


Having prepared for a talk on Neuroleadership I'm doing in St Andrews University tomorrow, I decided to do a brief Google search to see how much the stats had changed since I last presented on this topic - I was tickled when my own interview with the ILM Edge Managazing popped up!!


Just 2 more days before Edinburgh gets a chance to hear the stories of how some amazing coaches experienced transformation - both their own and othersโ€™ - through their journeys into coaching.
Come along to the Eric Liddell Centre in Morningside on Tuesday evening to be inspired!!!


What an absolutely amazing morning!!!
Whoever said that we canโ€™t have truly emotional engagement through the medium of online training should have attended a very genuine and heartfelt graduation ceremony this morning!
The Mindful Talent Academy have just completed working with another cohort of Trusted Coaches and on this mornings call, each of them shared openly and passionately about their own transformation and their vision for making a real difference in the world.
... What I love most about this final day of training is that I know they mean it and I know that our training programme has introduced each one of our coaches to a fantastic skillset, methodology, tool kit and coaching network to make it happen.
They have reached the edge and now itโ€™s time to fly.
#coaching #mindfulness #transformations #graduations
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Really looking forward to this event in Edinburgh next week ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ


Great lessons about building a company that people enjoy working for.


Share the love... my partner at the Coaching Academy, is speaking London next month - if you are in the area - check this out!


Say it out loud... or better still, share below and let your desires run free!


There is a great depth and discipline to the Acorn metaphor. It is an open heart approach to coaching if you use it well. Curiously it works well with the theory u stuff.


There is a great depth and discipline to the Acorn metaphor. It is an open heart approach to coaching if you use it well. Curiously it works well with the theory u stuff.

More about Acorn Principle Plus - Learn Connect Grow