Adam Sutherland Personal Training

About Adam Sutherland Personal Training

Training services in Dundee

Specialising in a number of different goals, contact for more info!

M: 07552 217787

E - Contact@AdamSutherlandPT. co. uk

Adam Sutherland Personal Training Description

Personal training holds the key to achieve your goals. Through knowledge as well as constant motivation, I will push you throughout your journey in achieving your goals.

I hold a strong knowledge and have a number of years of experience within the fitness industry which leaves me well suited to aid you.

Sessions will be tailored towards your goals, personailsed programmes and nutritional guidance will be provided. As well as face to face and online support.

Specialising in:

Weight loss - Body fat reduction

Muscle tone – Muscle mass development

Nutritional guidance – Cardiovascular Improvements

Overall Health and fitness improvement – Plus much more

Prices are affordable and block booking is available while subject to some discount.

Please get in touch should you be ready to book a session or if you have any queries



Day 23/365
Winter feels feat. @kalliemackaypt being a three jumper wearing armadillo. @randomheroliam showing his client how to dance too πŸ•ΊπŸ»
It's cold. Mustering the enthusiasm to exercise is tough at times. Though it isn't down to motivation, it's down to how much you want to change. How far are you willing to go to achieve your goals! It's a barrier, likely one of many - Push through it! Get a decent warmup done, crush your workout and piss off home πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
... The Scottish weather won't wait for you to change, so get to it!
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Day 22/365
Could NOT have put it better myself.
Never above continued professional development (CPD)! It's an integral part of being true to both yourself as an industry professional and your clients too!!


Day 21/365
Gymnastics is tough!!! Staying in the correct position (technique) has always been a toughie for me, but I'm improving. Sheer perseverance and listening to my peers, I'll get there 😊 @randomheroliam
End of today's session included:
... 6 sets of 5 Muscle Ups + 5 Dips,
Though I managed 3 + 3.
Last set shown 😎
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Day 20/365
True pleasure to take part in this morning's hero workout @ffdcrossfit - Thanks to partner on the day @markw456 πŸ‘πŸ»
CrossFit Airdrie


Day 19/365
Putting my handstand hold to shame!
One for the family group chat John πŸ‘πŸ» πŸ˜‚... We've been ticking through a list of movements and certain goals together, slowly but surely.
Safe to say we're not far off that HS walk next! Very proud and happy 😊
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Day 18/365
This is how most of my days end - Therapeutic at times after a long day!
Good to reflect and relax before having some dinner then watching a film or likewise.
... Put in the work so you can chilax in full confidence you've given your day/week everything!
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Day 17/365
"Get this thing off me"
Thanks again to @radim_zvanovec πŸ“Έ


Day 16/365
I'll be forever grateful of the opportunities given to me, especially when it comes to passing on knowledge.
#40DOC is off the mark again, third intake of people looking to improve their understanding of food, how it can be used to achieve their goals and diminishing some of the myths surrounding all things nutrition.
... The goal is to learn. 40 Days of Change provides this. An everlasting understanding of nutrition.
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Day 15/365
First open - Nearly a whole year since I walked into the box and everything changed 😊
Excited to do some fitness with the @ffdcrossfit crew ❀️


Simply put, just NO.
A negative calorie environment isn't suitably 500 calories for every Tom, Dick and Harry. For some this would be unrealistically aggressive, poverty calories!!!
... We've all had that one friend, they've been given a 'meal plan', their lunch consists of sniffing an apple and dinner is screaming at a head of lettuce.
Maybe a touch over the top, but you get the picture - You DONT need a super aggressive deficit to lose weight!! You need something sustainable, something you can manage long term. That's how weight loss works πŸ‘πŸ» Not only that, but it'll depend on your current weight, sex, goal and general energy output too.
Massive caloric deficit are the main reason you're unable to sustain consistency when aiming to lose weight. And remember a calorie deficit is THE ONLY WAY - Though there are many ways to calculate and track this.
This one has been doing the rounds recently. As the awareness of calories being paramount continues to grow, it's important to totally understand what they mean to you. Find someone correctly educated, willing to help you! Not just another vulture ready to copy and paste you a meal plan.
If you'd like some proper researched education on how to calculate calories and much more, all tailored specifically for you and your needs, then get in touch - I'll give you everything you should ever need 😊
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Day 13/365
Zizzi's Strozzapreti Pesto Rosso
Inspired after last week's trip to Zizzi's, fancied trying something different. Cheap ingredients, ticks all the nutrient boxes and makes enough for 4-6 meals easily πŸ‘πŸ»
... Fancy lunch tomorrow βœ”οΈ @ Adam Sutherland Personal Training
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Day 12/365
Why handstand walk? It looks cool - Party piece - Maybe need to walk on your hands some day?
... Honestly though, it's just another movement I've really always wanted to do - Channel my inner gymnast πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
As a large human - I've always thought this would be impossible. Though as I'm always reminded it doesn't work that way.
Going to keep hammering the things I'm not so good at, as that's how we progress as people - Not just athletes, exercisers or otherwise.
This video is a starting point, it'll serve its purpose. It'll show me where it begun, when I improve πŸ‘πŸ»
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Day 11/365
First time performing a Push Press for Ross
We've been working hard on shoulder mobility recently to improve his range of movement through the shoulders, this morning was a massive plus for him.
... Still need to work hard at getting into that front rack position though the mechanics of the movement are coming along nicely 😊
Proud moment for me!
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Day 10/365
NEAT - Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (Essentially all the things you do outwith the gym, sleeping and eating)
... Usually the one thing we overlook. It's likely the most important factor for us NOT achieving our goals!
Why? Because for a lot of us it's not enough to hit the gym 3-5 days a week, watch what you're eating and still expect to see results. With the prevalence of sedentary based jobs and lifestyles, the need to increase NEAT is ever present!!
There's plenty of options to increase your output day to day. Walk to work, park further from work so you have to walk further or simply make a point of going for a post meal walk daily!
Vader is the cause of my NEAT increase over the last 18 months - Plenty love too!
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Day 9/365
Protein Yoghurt - Great way to keep the calories down, post festive period I bet you feel me on that one, while getting a good bang for your buck on protein.
Better alternatives? Sure there's likely plenty. But I prefer these because they taste great, they're cheap from Aldi and Gingerbread Yog 😍


Day 8/365
Lifty lifty from the recent competition in St Andrews - 1 Hang Clean (Power/Squat) + Front Squat + STOH.
Plan to work on incoorperating more split jerk moving forward, a definite weakness of mine! Work those weaknesses people, it'll make you stronger!


Day 7/365
Share for your friends and family to benefit from a life changing opportunity.
Just over 1 Week until the next intake of 40 Days of Change begins!
... Want to gain education on nutrition? Learn how to use the information day to day - While living and enjoying your life? Understand how eating can have variety and likely keep all your usual 'go to' meals and more?
Β£60 is all it takes. It'll change your life. Don't just take my word for it though? Go to the 40 Days of Change page and have a read at some of the reviews for me.
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Day 6/365 - Thank you to our clients @johnnywhite67 and @gillawhite for a lovely meal at Zizzi 😍 Perfect feed after a sweaty Metcon this morning! @ Zizzi


Day 5/365
Client class today - Aiming to make this a monthly thing for Kallie Mackay Personal Training and my gang. Nothing beats an opportunity to train alongside likeminded people!
... Ever appreciative of our clients who turn up and give their exercise 100% consistently - Especially when we ask them to get involved in something a little different - Well done to you all today πŸ‘πŸ»
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Well what can I say my mum and i had our first pt session with adam on friday and what a workout, considering I hadn't been for a few month I was able to keep up. Everything was explained clearly and we worked on all area's pushing us to the limit to reach our goals, wouldn't have lasted much longer don't think. Felt great the next day but as I write this my upper arms are killing me. Looking forward to my next session and the results to follow. For anybody thinking of giving it a shot would highly recommend adam πŸ˜†


Was a bit reluctant to attend as felt PT not my thing but was pleasantly surprised and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Will certainly be contacting Adam when I need an extra boost to my training/fitness. Protein bar came in useful for breakfast today!!!!! Good luck to you venture Adam!!!!!!!!


Training with Adam is fun, but expect to be pushed - he takes no prisoners! His sessions are carefully structured over the weeks to ensure he gets the best out of you, and each session is never the same which is great because it keeps things fresh; you never know what to expect. Adam has been training me and my partner since the New Year, mainly strength and muscle tone work, and the results have been really impressive. You'll have to put the work in, but Adam's encouraging words egg you on - he doesn't even mind if you swear at him!


Started training with Adam in December and can really notice a difference in my strength and fitness levels! I now know how much I can actually push myself in workouts and have the confidence to do the programs Adam's gave me in the gym on my own. I can't thank Adam enough for the support and guidance he's given me with exercise and nutrition - I've learned so much in this short time! Props to Adam for putting up with my student lifestyle and all my complaining about being tired and sore during sessions too! Haha!


Started training with Adam back in January this year (2017). At the time I was looking to lose weight and to tone up as I felt like I was stuck in a rut.

I'm so glad I teamed up with Adam. I have a better understanding inside and out of the gym and my mindset for working out has completely changed aswell. No longer am I the girl who just attends classes or jumps oj the cross trainer, I now get excited when I have to lift heavy weights!!

Adam has opened my eyes and every week helps me to push myself and reach my goals and once they're met, push for better goals.

My journey has just begun and although I only see Adam on a weekly basis, he is always there if I have any questions or advice not matrer how silly the question or how simple the advice.

A friendly face with good banter and is a pleasure to have Adam as my personal trainer so if you're wanting to get yourself fitter, stronger, healthier Adam's your guy!!οΏ½


Really enjoyed today's session. I'm amazed at what I can achieve with the right support and encouragement. Cheers Adam


Just finished my 3rd session with Adam and as I type this, I am an achy, sweaty, mess! just what you want from a PT session. Every workout is varied so no chance of being bored. Always encouraging, and pushing you to the next level. Banter isn't bad either!


I've been pottering about the gym for a few years doing mostly classes with mostly getting smaller! Decided to go with Adam with my friend! few months in and I was half a stone heavier with more shape 😊 he how to push us and doesn't mind taking verbal and physical abuse for it πŸ˜‚ wouldn't go anywhere else !!


I train with Adam once a week to improve my overall tone and to keep my weight down. He pushes me every week with varied programs which I enjoy...most weeks ! He is a really nice guy, very knowledgeable, I would highly recommend to him to anyone


I started training with Adam Sutherland on 15th May as my previous PT Stuart Farquhar left. I wasn't sure how we well we would work together but......... I have not regretted beginning my sessions with Adam (hope he thinks the same about me) as he is very dedicated in what he does and pushes, encourages, me to achieve the best that I can.grrat at his job and obviously enjoys what he does.


I have only been seeing Adam for a month but he has made me so motivated ! I have completely changed my lifestyle ... I even love exercise now and already I see results


I have hated the gym with a passion all my life but when I started to get too old for football I needed to do something else to keep the weight off.

Adam was recommended by a friend and I gave him a very long list of dislikes to begin with. He also had to deal with all my long term injuries and work around them. From this he managed to create a program and motivate a confirmed gymaphobe. He knows when to use carrot and when to use stick and I (almost) enjoy his sessions now. Can't recommend highly enough.


Had my first session with Adam yesterday and I thought he was brilliant! This was my first time back at the gym in a few weeks and I'm feeling the effects of it today! The session was tailored to my needs and goals with each circuit/exercise being explained and demonstrated clearly beforehand. With Adam's continuous reinforcement and encouragement throughout I was able to smash it! Cheers mate, will definitely be booking another session soon!

More about Adam Sutherland Personal Training

Adam Sutherland Personal Training is located at 48 Brown Street, DD1 5DT Dundee