Adele Pennington Mountaineering

About Adele Pennington Mountaineering

Adele Pennington Mountaineering provides high quality mountain guiding and skills courses in Scotland

Adele Pennington Mountaineering Description

Exploring the mountains on the west coast of Scotland is truly magnificent at any time of the year. Ben Nevis, Glencoe, Torridon and the Isle of Skye are all within striking distance from the Adele Pennington Mountaineering hub close to Fort William. With over 20 years of mountain guiding and instructional experience Adele will know exactly which activity will allow you to reach your potential and allow you to have a safe, enjoyable experience in the mountains. Contact Adele via Facebook or e mail climb@adelepennington. co. uk to discuss and book your mountaineering adventures



As I had to abandon a Cuillin Ridge crossing due to the wild weather it was a good time to start training for Cholatse. Two sessions at the ice Factor and crevasse rescue practice never goes a miss. Training for your expedition is essential if you want to make the most of it. Looking forward to leading this expedition for Jagged Globe in a months time www.


This year the weather allowed us to enjoy a wonderful bimble across the Rum Cuillin with some outstanding views and nearly dry feet. A quick visit to Cafe Canna and the beach was followed by a perfect evening ferry and drive to Broadford. On Day four we ascended Sgurr a Bhastier and over to Bruach na Frithe to complete Raymond's second round of the Skye Munros. With the promise of descent weather we headed forthe Inaccessible Pinnacle on Friday but the sun never shone and the... drizzle made for an eary ascent of the Pinnacle; at least there was no queing involved. For our last day the sun shone again and Carolyn , Mark and myself headed for Blaven whilst Raymond headed for a couple of Marilyns. Returning back to Fort William we cooked a hearty meal and dank some fine wine. One super week with some great company. Next years trip dates will be 2nd to 7th September 2019 and hopefully the sun will shine again. If your interested in joining next years trip then drop me a pm or e mail.
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After two weeks on Kilimanjaro and 4 days on the West Highland Way its time to reflect on adventures past. For those interested there is a little report on my website of how and why we played volleyball at 4911m and went on to summit the roof of Africa. Next week its off to the Islands of Rum and Skye as the nights draw in and there is an Autuminal chill too the air. How the seasons pass and I firmly believe I must have one of the best jobs in the world. Thank you to everyone who has kept Adele Pennington Mountaineering going into its 9th year of business.


On the 19th August at 11.15am 12 out of 14 members of the team summited Kilimanjaro. This was a slightly unusual trip as in addition to climbing the mountain the group were trying to achieve a Guiness book of records achievement for the highest game of volleyball ever. We had a long acclimatisation program but unfortunately snow stopped play any higher than 4911m. Perhaps our over 50’s under 21’s and porter matches may count but it doesn’t really matter as we all had one wonderful experience and for some like me this was the first time we had ever played a real game of volley ball with qualified referees and match rules. An outstanding trip and great thanks to Gideon and Killibound adventures for organising the 5* trip. Homeward bound soon for more Scottish mountains. Well done to everyone on the trip.


July and early August have been busy as usual time spending quality time with clients, friends and family. Classic routes Ardverike wall and Tower Ridge climbed, Paddling out to sea without a seat in my Kayak, Gentle walks with my mum and Dad and a romp around some Lakeland hills with Steve and a great day at Ardnamurchan with Mungo. Next week I am off to Killimanjaro and then home for more Rum and Skye action. Still one place available on the Rum and Skye trip 3rd to 8 Sept. Pm or e mail me if your interested.


A cunning plan. As the forecast for Saturday looked a little grim John Manda and Lee made an early start from Glasgow and we met at 1 pm on Friday for our Inn Pinn climb. We had some sun and views to start and then the mist came in, making everything very atmospheric. Up and down the Inn Pinn and then back for 7.30pm. Well done team! The monsoon has certainly arrived in Fort William today.


With the weather continuing to give its been a bust 15 days climbing on Skye, the Peak , the Lakes and back to Skye The smiles and the feedback say it all. Thank you to all my clients for making my life and work so pleasurable. . Gary's feedback after completing all the Skye Munros
In terms of the final achievement it was fantastic and surpassed our highest expectations. We would never have achieved anywhere near the same outcome on our own merits and are very grateful for yo...ur terrific planning and experience.
On a personal note thank you keeping me and my son very safe and for having the patience to help and offer advice with real empathy. Your leadership and enthusiasm was inspiring and certainly motivated Rob and I to focus hard.
Thank you for a great professional guiding service and a truly terrific week of mountaineering in Britains most challenging mountains.
1 place left on the Rum and Skye trip in September 1 more booking to guarantee Cholatse with
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Taking on a Cuillin Ridge traverse is one of the best adventures in the UK. Sue John and I started out on Saturday morning. After walking into Coire n Ghrunnda we dropped our sacks and made excellent time to Ghars Bheinn, the true start of the ridge. From here we popped over Sgurr nan Each and then out to Sgurr Dubh Mor before reaching the TD gap. Everytime I look at the gap it makes my stomach turn as I anticpate the struggle for a 4 ft 11 midget. Yes squeezing in the gap it...s shiny polish gave only one option for Pennington as the left hand break was out of reach, a number 3 nut and a sling gave a wee bit of extra height and we were up. John followed and we hauled our sacks without issue. Then off to Sgurr Alasdair and over Thealach. It had been a hot hot day and a snow patch allowed us to restock water and feed before running round Collies ledge for a perfect bivi. Unfortunately Sue's poor knees had taken a hammering and it was so obvious she was in considerable pain. Rising early we ticked off the Inn Pinn before enough was enough for painful knees and we descended back to Glen Brittle. Although we all felt dissapointed as everything was lining up sometimes pain cannot be ignored. Sue and John were superstars and will endoubtedly return to complete the finest expedition in the UK. I returned home only to be caught out by the closure of the road at Laggan so camped up for the night and enjoyed a celebratory beer. A super two days and now staring at the sunshine over the Ben trying to get enthused about doing some gardening. I have availability over this next week as the weather Gods are with us and our planned ridge traverse was done sooner than expected.
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Summer has definately arrived. A superb week in the Lakes with 19 year old Josias who started the week having never climbed on rock and we finished with him leading both a bolted and trad route. Over 35 pitches of rock climb from Diff to HVS. This was followed with some personal climbing and death defying Ghyll scrambling ( Ill Ghyll Wasdale) and a great day out on Pillar with a very good mate. Now its off to Skye where the weather looks set fine for the week for my first Cuillin Ridge traverse of the year. There are still 2 places left on the Rum and Skye trip 3rd to 8th September ( £550)Contact me if your interested in this trip or arranging your only personal scrambling and climbing adventure to the Highlands.


Its been a busy bank holiday week for APM rock climbing and scrambling in the Scottish Highlands. As the rest of the UK was having a heat wave we dodged the showers and made the most of the rock when it was dry. Scotland is a very special place to climb if your happy to be flexible. Next week I am off to the Lake District for another week of rock climbing. Places still available on the Rum and Skye week 3rd to 8th September.


Its been a busy bank holiday week for APM rock climbing and scrambling in the Scottish Highlands. As the rest of the UK was having a heat wave we dodged the showers and made the most of the rock when it was dry. Scotland is a very special place to climb if your happy to be flexible. Next week I am off to the Lake District for another week of rock climbing. Places still available on the Rum and Skye week 3rd to 8th September.


A weeks course travelling to the Isle of Rum for a traverse of the Rum Cuillin followed by three days scrambling on Skye. All transport and accomodation provided. Suitable for fit hill walkers with a liking for scrambling. £550 for the week. If your interested e mail, call 07968983146 or pm.


Not quite mountaineering but learning new skills for myself. Excellent week on Sea kayak survival and rescue skills course with Greene Adventures and Sea Kayak Argyll and Bute. Back to the mountains next week.


Diana's 76th Birthday outing. Deciding it was a bit wet and windy to go to Curved ridge we stayed low on Scimter Ridge in Glen Nevis and then took a walk to Steall Falls
If you fancy some summer scrambling then there are still 2 places available on the Rum and Skye Cuillin Adventure Mon 3 to 8th September ( £550) including accommodation.
Places also available on the July long weekend Glencoe and Ben Nevis Scrambling course £350 per person excluding accommodation.
... If you're interested then just contact me or give me a call on 07968983146
Spring has arrived!
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Last few days of the winter season as Spring arrives in the Highlands. Thank you to all my clients and colleagues who have made this one of the best and longest seasons ever.


Thank you, Max Hunter for this little video of our day out on Curved Ridge on the Jagged Globe Winter Mountaineering course. I am currently in Austria enjoying some R and R on the ski slopes.


1st March tomorrow and the winter is proving to be one of the best ever. From winter skills and mountaineering with the UCLAN students and more stunning days out in Glen Shiel and Glencoe as well as a sneaky day out on the Ben for myself, we couldn't ask for more. Hoping the winter lasts well into April but also looking forward to Cuillin traverses in the Spring and Cholatse in the Autumn with In the interim, there will be many days out in the Highlands.


What a start to February! Its been a busy couple of weeks with Janet and I celebrating our 10th Anniversary since Everest; Ann Middlemass celebrating her 60th on Dorsal Arete. Many others getting their first taste of winter mountaineering and finally perhaps one of my best days ever traversing the Forcan Ridge with Simon in Himalayan conditions. It looks like this winter will continue well beyond easter so please get in touch if you wish to enjoy some Scottish winter action. Thanks to everyone who has made the effort to head North and to Connor and Mo have been part of the APM guiding team this last couple of weeks.


Top notch


There isn’t a better person or company to go out in the hills with!


Thanks Adele for another fantastic trip. One of the highlights of our mountaineering career!


Six stars wouldn't come close.


Maximum respect to the most experience and professional mountain guide .


Just completed a 4 days winter skills course in Glencoe, what a great experience, Adele is such an amazing lady who motivated and inspired me.

I learned so much on the course that i would recommend to anybody.....Thank you Adele


Highly Recommended


Had a fantastic trip to Rum and Skye which exceeded all my expectations! Her excitement for the mountains rubs off and I can't wait for my next trip with Adele!! The best guide I have ever been on a trip with!!


Fantastic guide for a day climbing in Skye to head up the Inn Pinn. Extremely knowledgeable and a pleasure to chat with all the way up (she tells some awesome stories). I also appreciated the slightly slower pace so that I never felt rushed to get to the top, or back down as I'm not the fastest climber in the world. I wouldn't hesitate to book her again for any future trips.


Adele is one of the most generous and empowering guides I've ever had the good luck to go climbing with.


Adele is one of the best guides I have ever climbed with.


Adele helped me to bag 11 munros on The Skye Cuillin ridge over 4 days in June 2017.

A fantastic experience and helped massively by Adele .

Her own climbing and outdoor experience speaks for itself so i always felt in safe hands.

Would highly recommend if you need help in the outdoors.


A great professional guiding service, excellent knowledge of the mountain environment combined with safe planning. Adele is a first class guide with extensive mountaineering skills and experience from Scotland to the Himalaya. This lady has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the mountains and provides inspiring leadership combined with true empathy for those daring to push themselves to the limit and venture out of their comfort zone. My son and I recently completed the Cuillin Ridge Munro’s with Adele within a week and it was fantastic, a dream realised and achieved with a guide who was fun loving but very focused when necessary. We could not have achieved this goal without Adele in such a short period of time. We cannot wait to join Adele on another adventure �


Top notch


There isn’t a better person or company to go out in the hills with!


Thanks Adele for another fantastic trip. One of the highlights of our mountaineering career!


Six stars wouldn't come close.


Maximum respect to the most experience and professional mountain guide .


Just completed a 4 days winter skills course in Glencoe, what a great experience, Adele is such an amazing lady who motivated and inspired me.

I learned so much on the course that i would recommend to anybody.....Thank you Adele


Highly Recommended


Had a fantastic trip to Rum and Skye which exceeded all my expectations! Her excitement for the mountains rubs off and I can't wait for my next trip with Adele!! The best guide I have ever been on a trip with!!


Fantastic guide for a day climbing in Skye to head up the Inn Pinn. Extremely knowledgeable and a pleasure to chat with all the way up (she tells some awesome stories). I also appreciated the slightly slower pace so that I never felt rushed to get to the top, or back down as I'm not the fastest climber in the world. I wouldn't hesitate to book her again for any future trips.


Adele is one of the most generous and empowering guides I've ever had the good luck to go climbing with.


Adele is one of the best guides I have ever climbed with.


Adele helped me to bag 11 munros on The Skye Cuillin ridge over 4 days in June 2017.

A fantastic experience and helped massively by Adele .

Her own climbing and outdoor experience speaks for itself so i always felt in safe hands.

Would highly recommend if you need help in the outdoors.


A great professional guiding service, excellent knowledge of the mountain environment combined with safe planning. Adele is a first class guide with extensive mountaineering skills and experience from Scotland to the Himalaya. This lady has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the mountains and provides inspiring leadership combined with true empathy for those daring to push themselves to the limit and venture out of their comfort zone. My son and I recently completed the Cuillin Ridge Munro’s with Adele within a week and it was fantastic, a dream realised and achieved with a guide who was fun loving but very focused when necessary. We could not have achieved this goal without Adele in such a short period of time. We cannot wait to join Adele on another adventure �


Top notch


There isn’t a better person or company to go out in the hills with!


Thanks Adele for another fantastic trip. One of the highlights of our mountaineering career!


Six stars wouldn't come close.


Maximum respect to the most experience and professional mountain guide .


Just completed a 4 days winter skills course in Glencoe, what a great experience, Adele is such an amazing lady who motivated and inspired me.

I learned so much on the course that i would recommend to anybody.....Thank you Adele


Highly Recommended


Had a fantastic trip to Rum and Skye which exceeded all my expectations! Her excitement for the mountains rubs off and I can't wait for my next trip with Adele!! The best guide I have ever been on a trip with!!


Fantastic guide for a day climbing in Skye to head up the Inn Pinn. Extremely knowledgeable and a pleasure to chat with all the way up (she tells some awesome stories). I also appreciated the slightly slower pace so that I never felt rushed to get to the top, or back down as I'm not the fastest climber in the world. I wouldn't hesitate to book her again for any future trips.


Adele is one of the most generous and empowering guides I've ever had the good luck to go climbing with.


Adele is one of the best guides I have ever climbed with.


Adele helped me to bag 11 munros on The Skye Cuillin ridge over 4 days in June 2017.

A fantastic experience and helped massively by Adele .

Her own climbing and outdoor experience speaks for itself so i always felt in safe hands.

Would highly recommend if you need help in the outdoors.


A great professional guiding service, excellent knowledge of the mountain environment combined with safe planning. Adele is a first class guide with extensive mountaineering skills and experience from Scotland to the Himalaya. This lady has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the mountains and provides inspiring leadership combined with true empathy for those daring to push themselves to the limit and venture out of their comfort zone. My son and I recently completed the Cuillin Ridge Munro’s with Adele within a week and it was fantastic, a dream realised and achieved with a guide who was fun loving but very focused when necessary. We could not have achieved this goal without Adele in such a short period of time. We cannot wait to join Adele on another adventure �


Top notch


There isn’t a better person or company to go out in the hills with!


Thanks Adele for another fantastic trip. One of the highlights of our mountaineering career!


Six stars wouldn't come close.


Maximum respect to the most experience and professional mountain guide .


Just completed a 4 days winter skills course in Glencoe, what a great experience, Adele is such an amazing lady who motivated and inspired me.

I learned so much on the course that i would recommend to anybody.....Thank you Adele


Highly Recommended


Had a fantastic trip to Rum and Skye which exceeded all my expectations! Her excitement for the mountains rubs off and I can't wait for my next trip with Adele!! The best guide I have ever been on a trip with!!


Fantastic guide for a day climbing in Skye to head up the Inn Pinn. Extremely knowledgeable and a pleasure to chat with all the way up (she tells some awesome stories). I also appreciated the slightly slower pace so that I never felt rushed to get to the top, or back down as I'm not the fastest climber in the world. I wouldn't hesitate to book her again for any future trips.


Adele is one of the most generous and empowering guides I've ever had the good luck to go climbing with.


Adele is one of the best guides I have ever climbed with.


Adele helped me to bag 11 munros on The Skye Cuillin ridge over 4 days in June 2017.

A fantastic experience and helped massively by Adele .

Her own climbing and outdoor experience speaks for itself so i always felt in safe hands.

Would highly recommend if you need help in the outdoors.


A great professional guiding service, excellent knowledge of the mountain environment combined with safe planning. Adele is a first class guide with extensive mountaineering skills and experience from Scotland to the Himalaya. This lady has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the mountains and provides inspiring leadership combined with true empathy for those daring to push themselves to the limit and venture out of their comfort zone. My son and I recently completed the Cuillin Ridge Munro’s with Adele within a week and it was fantastic, a dream realised and achieved with a guide who was fun loving but very focused when necessary. We could not have achieved this goal without Adele in such a short period of time. We cannot wait to join Adele on another adventure �


Top notch


There isn’t a better person or company to go out in the hills with!


Thanks Adele for another fantastic trip. One of the highlights of our mountaineering career!


Six stars wouldn't come close.


Maximum respect to the most experience and professional mountain guide .


Just completed a 4 days winter skills course in Glencoe, what a great experience, Adele is such an amazing lady who motivated and inspired me.

I learned so much on the course that i would recommend to anybody.....Thank you Adele


Highly Recommended


Had a fantastic trip to Rum and Skye which exceeded all my expectations! Her excitement for the mountains rubs off and I can't wait for my next trip with Adele!! The best guide I have ever been on a trip with!!


Fantastic guide for a day climbing in Skye to head up the Inn Pinn. Extremely knowledgeable and a pleasure to chat with all the way up (she tells some awesome stories). I also appreciated the slightly slower pace so that I never felt rushed to get to the top, or back down as I'm not the fastest climber in the world. I wouldn't hesitate to book her again for any future trips.


Adele is one of the most generous and empowering guides I've ever had the good luck to go climbing with.


Adele is one of the best guides I have ever climbed with.


Adele helped me to bag 11 munros on The Skye Cuillin ridge over 4 days in June 2017.

A fantastic experience and helped massively by Adele .

Her own climbing and outdoor experience speaks for itself so i always felt in safe hands.

Would highly recommend if you need help in the outdoors.


A great professional guiding service, excellent knowledge of the mountain environment combined with safe planning. Adele is a first class guide with extensive mountaineering skills and experience from Scotland to the Himalaya. This lady has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the mountains and provides inspiring leadership combined with true empathy for those daring to push themselves to the limit and venture out of their comfort zone. My son and I recently completed the Cuillin Ridge Munro’s with Adele within a week and it was fantastic, a dream realised and achieved with a guide who was fun loving but very focused when necessary. We could not have achieved this goal without Adele in such a short period of time. We cannot wait to join Adele on another adventure �

More about Adele Pennington Mountaineering

Adele Pennington Mountaineering is located at PH33 7LH Corpach, Highland, United Kingdom