Adesse Nlp

About Adesse Nlp

Professionals in NLP, TFT & Hypnotherapy

We can provide solutions for


Adesse Nlp Description

A very warm welcome to you from Anne & Fiona at Adesse.
Our website will give you some insight into what we do at Adesse.
We are Master Practitioners of NLP , Advanced Practitioners of TFT and trained in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy.

Adesse comes from the Latin and translated means;
' Being present' or 'in the moment'

'The ability to be in the present moment is a major component to mental wellness'
Abraham Maslow

Below is a very brief description of NLP, TFT and Hypnotherapy which we trust you will find helpful.

What is NLP?

N is for Neuro; refers to how we think (the mind & body working together)
L is for Linguistic is about language and communication ( verbal & non verbal) and how we use it.
P is for Programming is about the patterns of thinking and behaviour and how they can be best used to achieve consistent results.
So NLP is a methodology dealing with our thoughts, speech and actions.
How to learn to communicate with yourself and other people in such a way that you can consistently achieve the results you desire.
So by changing How You Think . . . you can transform . . . . What you Think

What is TFT?

Thought Field Therapy
The concept of 'tapping' was created by Dr. Rodger Callahan ( who died in November 2013) he held an impressive academic record including being an Associate Professor and a Research Clinical Psychologist as well as a Fellow of the American Academy of Psychotherapists Treating Addiction. He was indeed a highly educated and well respected individual.
The TFT is a simple but very effective method of 'tapping' on certain points on the body which are related to the meridian channels.
All that is required from the client is that they get 'into the thought'.
It is totally safe and non- invasive. . . . . it often works where so many other methods have failed.
It is commonly used on troops returning from conflict areas if they are suffering from 'post traumatic stress syndrome'
It can be used for a multitude of issues from fears, phobias, stress, anxiety, confidence , pain relief etc.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is both a 'state' of deep relaxation and a 'state' of heightened awareness.
You remain in control and fully conscious of everything
It is a non- addictive and natural method that has been around for centuries.
While a person is in the deeply relaxed 'state' they are more accepting of beneficial suggestions e. g. 'You are now no longer a person who smokes

More about Adesse Nlp

Adesse Nlp is located at 2 Glasgow Road, PA1 3 Paisley, Renfrewshire