
About Agrada

AgradaDesign is a design consultancy with two design directors that have run large design companies, worked with major brands, have proven track records of success and have helped small businesses to get established. #! /agradadesign

Agrada Description

AgradaDesign is a design consultancy with two design directors that have run large design companies, worked with major brands, have proven track records of success and have helped small businesses to get established. #! /agradadesign



As part of the Elementos brand we designed the identity for the tea range, reflecting the original coffee identity. A range of labels were then designed for the packaging. There are 10 blends in total from English Breakfast to specialist herbal blends. So far I only received the three sample packs.


Fallen in love with this feed on Instagram. There is true magic in these drawings, a deft touch and wonderful words.


Simple strong rules.


Very topical. It's all about the name, a simple mark and strong applications. Until it changes again.


Had to dust this down and use it today, it had been a while. Remember the chip books with all the favourite colours missing? Which ones were they, does anyone remember?


Wow, how impressive is Jane Fonda in this.


Shall I get my coat now............ when I see what is available in the App store it makes me sad. But then I refer you to the previous post about it not just being about the logotype....but I daren't search for branding apps. Should have been a hairdresser, you can't get a haircut on the internet, yet.


As brand marks become more simplified in order to work strongly in digital form, the application and supporting brand styling is critical. This is a good example, at first look it seems a little 'flat' but the holistic approach makes it work. A logotype is rarely seen in isolation. So for clients, just getting a new logotype is only part of the project.


Anyone else with neither the time nor inclination to work out why the news feed from pages you have liked has disappeared? This was what I discovered after getting irritated by it.
Yes, probably late to the party, but here is:
... Add pages_feed to the end of your page name, as in: es_feed
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Most of us are aware of the theraputic effect of horses, which was one of the reasons I am involved with Muirfield Riding Therapy, but this story is a little bit different and unusual. Of course I am biaised but thoroughbreds in particular are so highly sensitive and highly responsive.
''Matthews route into the sport is an unusual one. Four years ago she was terrified of horses. One day an ex-racehorse known as Romeo got loose from a nearby livery yard and she found him stood... at the bottom of her garden looking over her fence. She called the yard in a panic and they came to collect him but the next day he came back and again the day after. She very slowly got closer and closer and began talking to him.
"Four years ago, on January 28, I lost a baby," she says. "It was a really difficult time and I guess he became therapy. Undoubtedly I think that horse saved me at the time as I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and all sorts of things.
"I ended up walking out in the field with him and I started learning to ride, horses have completely turned my life around. When I was pregnant two years ago I was quite ill and it was the jumps season. I was at home a lot so I would watch the racing and that's how I got into it."
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'Laser marking could be used by food suppliers looking to reduce their carbon footprint, as it eliminates the need to use paper, glue and ink to produce sticker labelling'.


We all know one or did know one! Right back to college where certain people sucked all the attention of the lecturers, however to be fair they were often talented but high maintenance, which is another post altogether!! 8818#


The power of colour. gnorable/…


You all know I love coffee, so to get a coffee project makes me happy. We've been working with Delvado coffee on and off this year and are just finalising their rainforest alliance coffee blends. So far the branding has been applied to some sample sachets, the full packs will be done very soon. And then there is the tea! Happy days.


I've always been a fan of Thomas Heatherwick since I saw some of his work in the NE of England. Coal Drops Yard looks like another great example. s/coal-drops-yard/

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