Alex Dillon Personal Trainer - Ad5 Fitness

Monday: 06:00 - 13:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 13:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 18:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 18:30
Friday: 12:30 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Alex Dillon Personal Trainer - Ad5 Fitness

Provide a high standard and excellent 1-to-1 Personal Training Services as well as 24 /7 advice with all clients via E-Mail, Mobile or Telephone.

Alex Dillon Personal Trainer - Ad5 Fitness Description

1-to-1 Personal Training Services available.
Training can take place in a public gym, in my own private gym with no disruptions, in a local park, or I can travel to your home.

Provide tailored trainings sessions to the needs of the client.

Arrange training sessions around clients work and personal commitments.

Create nutrition and training programs for clients to follow out with, and during the sessions.

Monitor clients progress and ensure they are achieving their goals.

Many years experience working with people of all fitness levels, including professional athletes such as the Scotland National Football Team.



For around 5 weeks, I have been training a new client.
... When they started, the target was to lose weight and drop dress sizes.
From our original consultation, I realised the hard bit here wouldnŌĆÖt be the training, it was clear she was motivated enough to do this. It was the nutrition.
From having no breakfast. To having pot noodles/crisps and fizzy juice for lunch. And then take away/chocolate/crisps for dinner. It was clear we had to really improve this.
Not only that, but each day, there were numerous bars of chocolate and bottles of fizzy juice being consumed.
Fast forward 5 weeks, and not only does she eat homemade meals for lunch and dinner, she now also goes days on end without thinking about eating chocolate or drinking fizzy juice. There has been no takeaway consumed in these 5 weeks either, which is a massive thing and something that will help us long term aswell.
This is a remarkable achievement to go from having so much, to now having very little.
And the key here is, allow yourself that cheat every once in a while. It might be a Friday night every couple of weeks. Or it might be a Saturday.
Allow yourself that one treat every couple of weeks.
WeŌĆÖve worked hard together with nutrition. IŌĆÖve been constantly asking during our sessions whatŌĆÖs been eaten, and giving a warning that with every bar of chocolate or fizzy juice, then there will be forfeits at the start of each session.
We have avoided all forfeits which is excellent and a huge testament to the clients dedication to succeed.
The fitness levels are night and day from when we first started, and the body shape is already showing big changes which is excellent.
The measurements we have are;
- lost 1.9 inches around each thigh - lost 1.1 inches around hips - lost 1.3 inches around belly button - lost 1.2 inches around waist - lost 0.8 inches around chest - lost 1 inch around the neck
- lost 2kg weight - lost 1.9% body fat - increased muscle mass by 0.8kg
- lost 2.8kg of fat off the body
These measurements are fantastic and with the attached picture, show that the training is already working after such a short period of time, and we are well on the way to getting to the intended dress size target. To drop down a size already is excellent!
Keep up the excellent work! ­¤æŹ­¤Æ¬­¤æÅ
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Recently I posted about one of my clients doing a charity cycle from Paris to Pisa. A total of 940 miles. And they aim to do this in 2 weeks.
... The last post contained pictures of one of the workouts we were doing in order to strengthen and build certain aspects of his body.
TodayŌĆÖs post will contain pictures (and videos in the comments section), of todayŌĆÖs workout.
TodayŌĆÖs workout was extremely tough.
It was designed to focus on working the legs muscles so much, that it would emulate a steep hill climb whilst on a bike.
Using the keg is to improve all round body power, by using glutes, thighs and hamstrings to explode up, and then also shoulders and arms to allow the keg to be pushed overhead.
The hammer hitting the tyre is again a power exercise. Working on shoulders and arms, but more importantly, core strength.
The final exercise, single arm kettlebell swing, is again designed to focus on these same muscles. Glutes, hamstrings and thighs to power the body in an upwards movement, before using your core and shoulder, as well as the powerful move upwards, to pull the kettlebell up to shoulder height.
This was an extremely tough session today, but one which will set us in good stead to progress from here and build towards the final goal.
Have a look at the pictures and videos posted!
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Firstly, a MASSIVE congratulations to 2 of my clients who got married last weekend. I hope you both had a great day!
... For around 4 weeks before the big day, we had been training with certain targets to meet.
Both of them had different goals, and to achieve this, we had to alter the sessions, and have different methods of training in order to reach these.
This included; HIIT, upper body weight training, lower body weight training, upper/lower split sessions, circuits, conditioning, name a few. Client 1 (female), wanted to lose some body fat, build muscle and tone up. Which would lead to a loss of inches. Client 2 (male), wanted to lose body fat, whilst building muscle and increasing the mass size of muscle. Which with our target, would lose inches around the stomach area, and build inches with muscle mass increasing around other areas.
Over the 4 weeks, here are the results;
CLIENT 1 (female): - lost 0.3 inches around each calf - lost 0.3 inches around each thigh - lost 0.8 inches around hips - lost 2.2 inches around belly button - lost 0.7 inches around waist - lost 0.5 inches around chest - lost 0.1 inches around each arm - lost 0.3 inches around neck
- lost 0.5kg weight - lost 1.4% body fat - increased muscle mass by 0.6kg
- lost 1.1kg of fat
CLIENT 2 (male): - increased each thigh by 1.3 inches - lost 1 inch around hips - lost 2 inches around belly button - lost 1.4 inches around waist - lost 0.7 inches around chest - increased each arm by 0.3 inches
- lost 1.3kg weight - lost 1.1% body fat - increased muscle mass by 0.9kg
- lost 2.2kg of body fat.
Overall, both of these results are excellent and exactly what we had set out to reach at the beginning of the 4 weeks!
Brilliant effort, and now enjoy your honeymoon relaxing and showing off all the hard work whilst down at the beach! ­¤æŹ­¤Æ¬
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One of my clients is training for a specific challenge he is about to take part in.
He is about to cycle 940 miles from the Norte Dame Cathedral in Paris, to the Norte Dam Cathedral in Nice, before finally setting off to the Norte Dame Cathedral in Pisa.
... All in 14 days.
They are going from Paris, through Geneva, up over the French Alps, down to Nice, heading to the Italian border cycling round the Liguria coast, which will take them to Pisa.
ItŌĆÖs a massive task, and will take a monumental effort to succeed. But that is exactly why we are training so hard at the moment, and why the training is also going to take a step up in intensity.
The cycle is in July. So between now and then, I will be sharing pictures and videos of the training and how the progress is going.
TodayŌĆÖs pictures are from a session when we focussed on really developing the strength of the hamstrings, glutes and quads. As well as working on core balance and shoulder strength.
It was a tough session, and the DOMS will last for a few days, but this is exactly how we will work towards making the muscles able to endure such a treacherous journey is such a short space of time.
Stay posted for future updates and progression!
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A few months ago, one of my clientsŌĆÖ daughters got engaged.
She came to me with specific targets to meet for December 2019 - the month of the wedding.
... We discussed different ways to succeed towards these targets and devised a specific plan in order to help her lose weight in order to slim down and fit into a nice mother of the bride dress.
We broke this down into different stages.
She is attending a wedding at the end of this month and had a dress that she was desperate to wear, but at the time we started training, didnŌĆÖt fit her comfortably. So we used this as target 1.
Over the past 2.5/3 months, we have blitzed two 30 minute sessions a week.
They have been gruelling sessions.
With a mix of weights and high intensity work. To body weight and boxing work. ItŌĆÖs been tough, but itŌĆÖs meant to be.
The dress for this months wedding didnŌĆÖt sit right and didnŌĆÖt feel comfortable in it. One of the main things was it wasnŌĆÖt comfortable around the core/midriff area when she sat down.
It now fits like a glove! It is comfortable when walking around. It is loose and comfortable when sitting down.
This is exactly what we wanted to achieve when we set this first target.
We have lost a total of 14.3 inches off the body, as well as losing 2.3% body fat.
We have now set the next target for July/August, when she will really start looking for the mother of the bride dress.
We have set very specific measurement goals aswell, in order to allow her to feel a million dollars on such a massive day.
When we reach this 2nd target, we will have 1 target left...the final dress fitting just before December!
ItŌĆÖs a tough ask to be able to change your exercise routine, eating/drinking routine etc. But when you have a target like this, it is vital that to succeed, you are dedicated. And that you stay motivated throughout - which is one of the most important roles in my job. And that comes down to variation during training, whilst making it fun.
ItŌĆÖs been an excellent effort so far and we are on the right path to succeeding and getting you the perfect dress by the time the big day comes around!
Keep up the great work! ­¤æŹ­¤æÅ­¤Æ¬
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When training, the majority of people have specific targets in mind. Be that; lose weight, build muscle, general fitness etc.
... No matter what your target is, it is a hard thing to achieve.
One of my newest female clients, who has a natural thin and very slim build, needed help to try an put some HEALTHY weight on as she was feeling weak, and not as strong as she would hope.
There are many ways to do this, but the most important thing to do, is ensure that the nutrition is spot on.
ItŌĆÖs all well and good putting weight on, but if you do this by consuming takeaways every night, itŌĆÖs just going to increase your body fat, and not give you the specific shape you are looking for.
We targeted the whole body in order to gain strength. We wanted the lower body to grow in size, ie- glutes, thighs etc. And we wanted to gain upper body strength around the arms.
We managed to do this, and through the last 8 training sessions - 8 very tough training sessions, doing various weight lifting exercises and training methods - here are the results;
- increased weight from 55kg to 57.3kg. Up by 2.3kg Ō£ģ - increased muscle mass from 37.7kg to 39.8kg. Up by 2.1kg Ō£ģ - whilst increasing this, we managed to LOSE 1.2% body fat Ō£ģ
- calves increased from 12.2ŌĆÖ to 13.2ŌĆÖ. Up 1ŌĆÖ each calf Ō£ģ - thighs increased from 15ŌĆÖ to 18.2ŌĆÖ. Up 3.2ŌĆÖ each thigh! Ō£ģ­¤æÅ - hips increased from 34.6ŌĆÖ to 38ŌĆÖ. Up by 3.4ŌĆÖ Ō£ģ­¤æÅ - around the core increased from 27.5ŌĆÖ to 29ŌĆÖ. Up by 1.5ŌĆÖ Ō£ģ - the chest increased from 31.5ŌĆÖ to 32ŌĆÖ. Up by 0.5ŌĆÖ Ō£ģ - arms increased from 8.3ŌĆÖ to 9.1ŌĆÖ. Up by 0.8ŌĆÖ each arm Ō£ģ - neck increased from 11.4ŌĆÖ to 12.7ŌĆÖ. Up by 1.3ŌĆÖ Ō£ģ
Now I know a lot of people will be thinking, ŌĆ£why would you want to put inches onŌĆØ, but with this client doing this, her clothes are now fitting her perfectly. She is feeling as fit and as strong as she has ever done. Her training is now stepping up and really progressing, and this is down to energy levels and body strength allowing it to happen.
Remember, when inches go on, itŌĆÖs not always a bad thing because as you can see, itŌĆÖs all muscle!! Not 1 bit of this is excess fat...weŌĆÖve actually lost fat ­¤æÅ
This is an excellent example of what can be achieved in just a few weeks.
Looking forward to the next few weeks ahead and seeing the next set of results!
Excellent work ­¤æÅ­¤æŹ­¤Æ¬
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Over the past few months, I have really stepped up my leg much so that thereŌĆÖs been a few times IŌĆÖve had to take a couple of minutes rest so I wasnŌĆÖt sick!
I was doing brilliant strength sessions for around 6 weeks, by performing squats; ... - 1 rep max, 10 sets x 1 rep at 200kg - 80% 1 rep max , 5 sets x 7 reps at 165kg - 65% 1 rep max , 5 sets x 10 reps at 145kg
In amongst this, I was also doing a lot of hamstring work and calf work, as well as implementing sprints, lunges and prowler work (for those of you who have used then prowler before, youŌĆÖll exactly what I mean when I say ŌĆ£ouchŌĆØ...!)
This 6 week programme I was doing was working. I was feeling stronger. I was feeling fitter.
However, I began to feel the effects of each session less and less as the weeks went on. Basically, because I was beginning to plateau and my body was getting used to it.
I knew I had to change my sessions up a bit in order to progress. So for the past 2 weeks, and for the next 2 weeks, I have completely changed the training regime.
I have remained with squats, but altered the methods I am using; - 3 sets x 20 reps at 60kg - 3 sets x 20 reps at 80kg - 3 sets x 15 reps at 100kg - 3 sets x 15 reps at 120kg - 3 sets x 10 reps at 140kg - 3 sets x 10 reps at 150kg - 3 sets x 7 reps at 165kg
Again, I have kept lunges, hamstring work, calf work and the prowler in my workouts to ensure I work all the leg muscles.
Since doing this, I have again felt the full effects of my leg sessions, and can feel a massive difference in strength yet again.
It is vital to consistently change your workouts up every 4-6 weeks. It keeps everything fresh, and more importantly, it prevents you becoming bored of doing the same training regime all the time.
In 2 weeks, I will go back to my original training programme for legs, however I will perform the 1 rep max again, to find out what that is now sitting at, and this will allow me to work out exact weights to be lifting, and for how many reps.
This all sounds quite complicated...but itŌĆÖs really very simple!
Remember, keep the training fresh, and watch your progression in body shape, muscle mass, body fat, strength, fitness all take a massive stride forward.
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Over the last 4 weeks, I have had 2 clients - both friends - training together, twice a week for 1 hour each session.
We have mixed the training up, going from endurance training, to weight training, to cardio training.
... We done this and changed the exercises and methods for our plan, which was to ultimately tone the body up, lose fat, and lose inches.
Here are the results;
- lost 0.4 inches around each calf - lost 0.8 inches around each thigh - lost 1.6 inches around hips - lost 1.9 inches around belly button - lost 2.4 inches around waist - lost 1.2 inches around chest - lost 0.9 inches around each arm - lost 1.2 inches around neck
- lost 0.8kg weight - lost 1.4% body fat - lost 1 on the visceral fat - increased water retention by 1.7% - increased muscle mass by 1.1kg - increased bone mass by 0.1kg
- lost 1.9kg of fat.
- lost 0.4 inches around each calf - lost 1.2 inches around each thigh - lost 1.9 inches around hips - lost 2 inches around belly button - lost 2 inches around waist - lost 1.6 inches around chest - lost 0.6 inches around each arm - lost 0.8 inches around neck
- lost 1kg of weight - lost 1.3% body fat - lost 1 on the visceral count - increased water retention by 0.6% - increased muscle mass by 0.7kg - increased bone mass by 0.1kg
- lost 1.8kg of fat
To achieve these results in 4 weeks is excellent. Now itŌĆÖs time to kick on with the training, up the intensity, and keep progressing forward.
Excellent work. Great effort. KEEP IT GOING! ­¤æŹ­¤Æ¬
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For a while now, IŌĆÖve been training a young football player.
... WeŌĆÖve been working on strength and conditioning on both upper and lower, improving fitness levels, improving speed and agility, and also improving his game awareness as a central midfielder.
When we started, we really had to improve his strength so we focussed on this to begin with. From session 1 to today, the difference is fantastic, and was clearly highlighted when performing different exercises. This has helped him progress massively in his game. He is now a more dominant player and is able to tackle opponents and dictate the match.
As we managed to improve the strength, speed and fitness, we then started running through game related drills, where we emulated countless scenarios which could happen in a football match, and how he as a central midfielder should react both on and off the ball. We done this by working on awareness. For 1 specific thing in football, there are many different outcomes and actions which could come from it. This is why improving awareness of his surroundings was key.
When we started training, he was playing boys club football.
Now, he is training 3 times a week and playing weekly games with a professional club, with a view to securing a full time contract if his development progresses at the same rate it currently is.
This professional club were playing European football at under 18 level only a few months ago.
Not only has my client been playing and training with them, he has also scored his first goal a few weeks ago, after only his 2nd appearance.
With a bit of hard work and dedication, he has managed to transform himself, both mentally and physically, to make that step up to a higher level.
The next few months will be vital and only the same level of hard work and dedication will do in order to help him secure a full time professional contract.
But with the talent and the mentality, he is well on his way to doing it.
Keep up the great work! ŌÜĮ’ĖÅ­¤æŹ­¤Æ¬
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For around 5 weeks before Christmas, I was training 2 new clients with a goal to help lose weight, lose body fat and tone up.
Both of the clients are very good friends so we doubled the sessions together and this was to help drive them on and use each other as a motivation throughout, and a a little bit of competition.
... We done 2 sessions a week for 5 weeks, and the difference in ALL measurements was fantastic!
CLIENT 1; - lost 1 inch around each calf. - lost 1.6 inches around each thigh. - lost 1.5 inches around hips. - lost 2.7 inches around belly button. - lost 2 inches around waist. - lost 1 inch around chest. - lost 0.8 inches around each arm. - lost 1.2 inches around neck.
- lost 1.4kg of weight. - lost 2.6% body fat. - lost 1 on the visceral count. - increased muscle mass by 2.1kg. - increased bone mass by 0.1kg. - increased water retention by 1.1%
- lost 3.6kg of fat around the body!
CLIENT 2; - lost 1.2 inches around each calf. - lost 1.9 inches around each thigh. - lost 1.8 inches around hips. - lost 2.8 inches around belly button. - lost 2.3 inches around waist. - lost 1.9 inches around chest. - lost 1 inch around each arm. - lost 1.3 inches around neck.
- lost 1.2kg of weight. - lost 1.9% body fat. - increased muscle mass by 1.9kg. - increased water retention by 1.7%
- lost 3.1kg if fat around the body!
These are excellent results from both clients!
We achieved these results from a different range of training methods and exercises, ie - weight lifting, fat burning exercises, HIIT, etc etc.
Every session has progressively got harder, and after the Christmas break, will continue to get harder and harder every week!
Keep up the great effort!!
ŌÜĮ’ĖÅ ŌÜĪ’ĖÅstay tuned for a post on how one of my clients, a footballer, has been progressing and how his career has taken a MASSIVE jump forward!ŌÜĪ’ĖÅ ŌÜĮ’ĖÅ
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Happy new year to everyone!
Hope you all enjoyed the last day of the festive period...the healthy eating and back to normal training starts back tomorrow!
Personal training sessions will be back to normal on Monday 7th...theyŌĆÖre going to be tough, so prepare!


­¤Äģ ­¤Ää
A Merry Christmas to all current and past clients, and to everyone who follows the page!
Next year there is going to be a lot more coming...stay tuned and donŌĆÖt miss out on everything which is happening!!
... ThatŌĆÖs all 1-to-1 sessions finished for the festive period, but if anyone needs to contact me for help on anything, just message over and IŌĆÖll get back to you ASAP.
Over the next few days, IŌĆÖll be posting some excellent transformations over the past couple of weeks/months - some with fat loss, some muscle build, some football progression in their careers...a little bit of everything! So stay tuned for that!
Finally, have an excellent day with your families, enjoy your dinners and a couple of drinks. Everyone deserves a day to relax from training...!! ­¤Æ¬
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Over the past couple of months, I have been training 2 guys who have been friends for years. They have been training together during their sessions, which has acted as a motivation to compete against one another. And as you can see from the shared photos, they have worked extremely hard.
... For one client (first 4 pictures), his aim was to build muscle and tone up all over the body, lose fat around his stomach, but also build up speed to help him in football. As you can see from the pictures, the difference in body shape is excellent. You can now see muscle building around his chest, arms and shoulders, as well as the stomach now becoming a lot flatter - everything we had been working on. Along with this, we have also broken personal bests on BENCHPRESS (started at 30kg, now at 60kg), SQUATS (started at 115kg, now at 150kg), and DEADLIFTS (started at 90kg, now at 140kg). The body fat % has also came down by 2.4% and muscle mass has increased by 2.7kg ­¤Æ¬­¤æÅ
For the second client (second 3 pictures with red hat), his aim was to bulk up, increase muscle mass on his legs, chest, shoulders and arms, before we also began to focus on the back aswell. Along with this, we wanted to get the body fat down slightly, and help to tone the body and bring the stomach area down in inches. As you can see from the pictures, we achieved everything we set out to achieve in this short space of time. Arms are much stronger, chest and shoulders are bigger with better shape, the core area is looking a lot better aswell now. With regards to his personal best when completing exercises, we have managed to smash all previous efforts. BENCHPRESS - started at 30kg, now at 67.5kg. SQUATS - started at 75kg, now at 110kg. DEADLIFTS - started at 30kg, now at 60kg. The body fat % has also came down by 1.2% and muscle mass has increased by 1.3kg ­¤Æ¬­¤æÅ We done all this whilst having to work around a few different niggling injuries which makes it an even better transformation!
Absolutely fantastic results from both clients so far, and we are now stepping the training up into a new level to help push us further and progress in both building muscle and stripping back the body fat, giving a more toned and defined body shape.
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One of the more effective lower body exercises is lunges. Various muscles are used throughout this exercise. And itŌĆÖs the big muscles, ie - quadriceps, hamstrings etc.
... Not only does it work various muscles, but there are so many variations to keep you from getting bored, and also help you feel the afterburn in different parts of these muscles.
Different variations; 1. Barbell lunges 2. Dumbbell lunges 3. Barbell reverse lunges 4. Dumbbell reverse lunges 5. Front grip barbell lunges 6. Front grip barbell reverse lunges 7. Barbell side lunges 8. Dumbbell side lunges
These all work very similar muscles; - quadriceps (primarily vastus mediallis) - gluteals (maximus as primary muscle, minimus and medius secondary) - hamstrings - gastrocnemius and soleus (calves) - transverse abdominis (core muscles)
The side lunges also work; - adductors/hip flexors
There are many benefits for doing these exercises. Not only does it help to build muscle and strength, it also; 1. Helps improve posture, balance and coordination by stabilising the lower body. 2. Improve muscular imbalances and ensure strength is equal on both sides of the lower body. 3. Increased hip flexor flexibility. 4. Improved gluteal activation. Allows the overactive muscles to be utilised and allows the body to isolate and activate the glutes. 5. Better core stability. 6. Help improve future walking, running, kicking and jumping. 7. Tone and shape thighs/glutes. 8. Help to prevent possible future injuries.
As you can see, there are A LOT of benefits from these variation of lunges. Not only just fitness related, but also helping you live a healthier and more active lifestyle.
*attached are a few pictures demonstrating how to perform these exercises*
If you struggle to do these exercises, or canŌĆÖt get the correct technique, just message over and IŌĆÖll talk your through it ­¤æŹ­¤Æ¬
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Over the past few months, IŌĆÖve really been stepping my training up. The intensity, the weights, the frequency...itŌĆÖs all been increased.
... I have seen a massive difference in both my upper and lower body strength, and also a big difference on my weight (muscle mass).
I have been trying to add a few kg on whilst staying around the 15% mark for body fat.
So far, I have done this successfully.
I have increased my weight by 2.8kg which IŌĆÖm delighted with. My muscles mass has increased by 3.1kg, meaning I have lost 0.3kg of fat whilst training over this period. My body fat is sitting at 15.4%, which IŌĆÖm also pretty happy with...but still room for improvement!
With this training, I have been feeling my strength increasing, and I had set targets for specific exercises.
Today, I wanted to push myself and see how close I was to reaching my squatting target.
My target over the past 6 weeks was to be able to squat 190kg for 1 rep.
Today, I squatted 200kg for 2 reps.
ItŌĆÖs things like this which really pushes you and spurs you on to reach more of your targets. Sometimes it can bring back that motivation when you donŌĆÖt think things are working.
For me, I was starting to feel a bit drained with training. After finishing these 2 reps, itŌĆÖs now gave me a boost to push even further.
DonŌĆÖt give up with training when you feel itŌĆÖs getting tough. Push through it and reap the rewards...itŌĆÖs a great feeling! ­¤Æ¬
Attached is a picture of what I was squatting today... before upping the weight, I want to focus on the depth and getting just slightly lower to really put all the emphasis into these muscles.
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Last week, I was thinking about walking up the Humphrey. I drove to the car park, and my sole intention was to just walk up it. Then I decided that IŌĆÖd jog a wee bit and then walk.
Before I knew it, I was running at a pace which I wasnŌĆÖt planning on doing!
... There were a few 15-20 second walking breaks on the way up, but to me, thatŌĆÖs because I was giving it 120% running up the hill.
When I got to the top and seen my time, it was worth it.
17 minutes 35 seconds from the bottom to the top which I was very happy with.
On the way back down, 12 minutes 23 seconds.
IŌĆÖve recorded this time of 29 minutes 58 seconds and plan on beating it this coming Sunday.
ItŌĆÖs important in training to set yourself targets. By doing this, it is the only way to achieve success. You will then always have something to surpass.
Another key thing for me here is, I wasnŌĆÖt planning on making this a training day, it just happened. So sometimes if you arenŌĆÖt wanting to train, remember the hardest part is starting it. Once you get started, you get into the rhythm of it and a routine will start from here.
If you havenŌĆÖt ran the Humphrey yet...I suggest you give it a go! Run as much as you can and then walk until you can run again ­¤æŹ­¤Æ¬
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With last night being the final night of the 2nd block of bootcamp, we finished off with another extremely tough session.
We worked intensely on upper body for half the workout, and then lower body for the next half.
... Everyone put in a great shift - not only last night, but in all 8 bootcamp sessions.
The difference in fitness and strength levels over the past 8 weeks in everyone has been excellent and was very noticeable over the passing weeks.
The classes in September wonŌĆÖt be on, however, they will hopefully be back in October!
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Week 3 out of 4 in the second block of bootcamp is on tonight!
6:30-7:15pm down in the gym!
... See you all there ­¤æŹ­¤Æ¬
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More about Alex Dillon Personal Trainer - Ad5 Fitness

Alex Dillon Personal Trainer - Ad5 Fitness is located at Glasgow, United Kingdom
Monday: 06:00 - 13:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 13:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 18:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 18:30
Friday: 12:30 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -