Alice Dashow - Psychoanalytic Life Coaching

About Alice Dashow - Psychoanalytic Life Coaching

I have a sincere wish to support you on your journey. Inspire. Help you establish the best possible relationship with youself. Build a life you deserve.



Mobius Mind show is back! Don't miss a new episode this Friday on the psychology of magic ;) As always, songs requests are very welcome!


Don't miss this exciting interview! ;)


Song requests are welcome ;)


It is an absolutely fantastic and very actual topic to discuss! What do you think? Please, leave your comments and (song requests) below ;)


Don't miss the next episode of Mobius Mind tomorrow! Join me on Friday morning on CamFM on 97.2 ;)
:) Any song requests are more than welcome! :)


Don't miss my show tomorrow ;). Any song requests are more than welcome! :)


;) Song requests are welcome ;)


My dear friends,
Tomorrow's episode of Mobius Mind is going to be quite special! ;) Have you noticed that there are tons of the tests which promise to tell you whether you are an extravert or introvert, and yet there are always a lot of situations when you don't feel like one type or another? Join me tomorrow and I'll share with you my research ;).


How do you prevent a drop of water from ever drying up? By throwing it into the ocean. - Buddhist ProverbHow do you prevent a drop of water from ever drying up? By throwing it into the ocean. - Buddhist Proverb


Dear Friends, I have been thinking about this topic for a while and finally, I'm running a radio show about it tomorrow. Join me online and learn how keeping a track of your dreams can help you make your life healthier and more balanced.
Any questions, comments or song requests are more than welcome!
... As always, with lots of love 🌺, Alice
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Do you know that there is a very first Positive Psychology Summit going to take place this year on April, 27th-28th in Bedford, UK? Last Friday I interviewed one of the main organisers of this event, Jane Jennison. It was a great show with a truly positive psychology spirit. Check it out! ;)
As always, with lots of love 🌺, Alice


Dear friends,
join me this Friday at 9am on CamFM and meet a very special guest Jane Jennison, the organiser of the very first ever Positive Psychology Summit in the UK which will take place on April 27-28, Bedford. Lots of fun and great music are guaranteed! ;)


✨ Game-changing idea: How to find your way? 🤔
Do you ever have a feeling that there is something you need to find? In order to make the next step, you need to know the direction you want to go. But you can’t decide which way to choose since there are 360 degrees in a circle.
You think you can choose anything, you believe you are talented enough to choose something, stick with it and it will ultimately bring you success in this area. And this is true. Genuine dedication to ...anything ultimately brings us results and success. You are certain of that, and I totally agree with you here.
However, before you make the next move towards your decision, you need to make not just a choice - you want to make the right choice. You are fed of trying everything, playing with it for a bit and moving on because other interests suddenly drew your attention. In the end, nothing is accomplished, nothing is achieved, nothing is completed. You feel guilty and blame yourself for self-sabotage.
What is it? What is this horrible feeling that makes you derail your attention and does not allow you to stay focused on the subject of your choice? Let’s imagine for a moment that this pattern of your behavior is not self-sabotage, it is something different. What? Are you raising your eyebrows with surprise now? Well, let’s analyse, and correct me if I am wrong.
You try something new, you feel great and high, you are excited, you are happy. As soon as you have learnt how that works, what exactly you need to do every single day 3-4 hours per day to become successful, that specific type of activity interests you no more. You are not excited to do it every day, you are not happy to make yourself doing this sort of things regularly, you simply don’t enjoy this activity.
Now, let’s do it differently. What is it you do every day 3-4 hours per day, you enjoy it and you feel great about doing that? You can easily imagine doing that today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. For me, this activity is writing, self-expressive, reflective, or creative. I love it very much. It is my tool to examine the Universe inside of me and let it take any shape it wants. So, what would it be for you?
Share your thoughts in the comments! Stuck? You can always drop me a line and book a session ;).
As always, with lots of love 🌺, Alice
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More about Alice Dashow - Psychoanalytic Life Coaching