Alistair Carmichael Mp - Orkney And Shetland

About Alistair Carmichael Mp - Orkney And Shetland

Alistair Carmichael is the Liberal Democrat MP for Orkney and Shetland. See imprint here: http://www. alistaircarmichael. co. uk /imprint

Alistair Carmichael Mp - Orkney And Shetland Description

Alistair was first elected to Parliament in 2001 as MP for Orkney and Shetland.

Alistair was born and raised on Islay. He first worked in the hotel industry before attending University of Aberdeen where he graduated with a degree in Law in 1992. After graduating, Alistair worked as a Procurator Fiscal Depute then moved into private practise as a solicitor.

He married his wife Kate in 1987 and they live in Orkney with their two sons, Sandy and Simon.

Record Of Delivery

Since becoming an MP in 2001, Alistair has campaigned on a range of issues important to people in the Northern Isles, such as farming, fishing, offshore oil and gas, and more recently the development of renewables. He is also well-known for his work on human rights and has been an active campaigner for the worldwide abolition of the death penalty.

In the Coalition Government, Alistair has held two ministerial positions. Since 2010 the Coalition Government has supported Orkney and Shetland in a number of ways, including:

Ensuring the coastguard station in Shetland was retained and will continue to provide 24-hours a day emergency assistance within the Northern Isles and beyond.

Successfully arguing for a 5 pence-per-litre fuel duty cut for Orkney and Shetland, helping to keep down the cost of fuel in the Isles.

Protecting Isles waters by securing the support of two emergency tug vessels for Shetland, through a deal brokered between the UK government and BP.

Securing £10 million from the UK Treasury to help tackle the Shetland Island Council’s historic housing debt.

The setting of an “isles strike price” to help the development of renewable energy generation in the Isles.

Parliamentary Experience

During his time at Parliament Alistair has shadowed a number of portfolios in opposition, speaking for his party on issues relating to the work of the Home Office, transport and Scotland. After the 2010 election, Alistair was appointed as Chief Whip to the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Chief Whip to the Coalition Government. He held this role until October 2013 when he was appointed as Secretary of State for Scotland.

In 2012, Alistair was also elected as deputy leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats.

In January 2015 Alistair was appointed to the Liberal Democrat General Election Cabinet as the party's spokesperson for Scotland.
Between 2015 and 2016 he was the party's spokesperson on Home Affairs. In October 2016 Alistair was appointed by Tim Farron as the Shadow First Secretary of State.

In June 2017, Alistair was re-elected as the MP for Orkney and Shetland.



My question to the Scottish Secretary on the Fisheries Bill which has now been missing for 6 months. Conservative Government clearly letting down fishing communities across the country


Standing room only in one of the largest committee rooms in parliament today to hear Greta Thunberg speaking about the urgency of climate charge. Phenomenal presentation that had everything - science, clarity, authority and passion. Follow the science!


Bit of mixed feelings about my day on Fair Isle today. Lovely and peaceful as ever but seeing the burned-out remains of what used to be the Bird Observatory did shock me. It was good to talk to local people about what happens next before I meet ministers along with the Chairman of the FIBO Board. After taking a few pictures of the burned out building I felt compelled to take some other pictures of the unspoiled beauty of this very special place. Also good to speak to some Coastguards from mainland Shetland who dropped in courtesy of Oscar Charlie.


The time for negotiations between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition was two years ago. Having decided not to do this, the Prime Minister is now desperatly trying to avoid the inevitable. A people's vote is the only way to resolve this issue.


The 160 MPs who backed no deal last night risk doing huge damage to rural communities which depend on sheep and hill farmers. Government's tariffs could be very bad for the sector.


My thoughts on last night's vote. Parliament has taken control of the process because the Government have failed. We must now see a sequence of options considered by Parliament, with a People's vote at their heart of those options.


My comment piece from today’s Scotsman on what the Chinese Government is doing in Xinjiang Province.…/millions-of- muslims-face-orwelli…


Looking forward to Public Platform this evening. Any questions send them in to


The loss of the Bird Observatory over the weekend in Shetland is heart-breaking for the communtiy. I welcome the Prime Minister's indication that she is willing to support the community and those impacted by the fire to help them rebuild.


It is good that Labour are finally edging towards a people's vote, but I think if they could edge a little faster we would all be immensly grateful.


My Question to the Secretary of State for International Development today. Sadly, not much relevant material in the reply.


Today I raised my concerns around the five and a half year delay in holding a Fatal Accident Inquiry into the Super Puma helicopter crash off Sumburgh Head in Shetland back in 2013. We still need closure for the families impacted, and to restore confidence of those in the industry that safety is a priority. We need to get to a place where the duration of these Fatal Accident Inquiries is measured in months not years.


Disapointing reluctance from Jeremy Corbyn to sign up his party to the People's vote should his No Confidence vote fail. People's vote is increasingly the only option to break the deadlock.


On Friday 11 January, between 1 and 2pm, I will be hosting a public meeting on the effect of changes to the State Pension Age for women born in the 1950s. If you have been effected by the changes, or are related to someone who might be, please join me at the Islesburgh Community Centre, Lerwick.

User 662546
This is very sad news for the Liberal family. Paddy could be the the most inspiring, infuriating, caring and exhausting person you would ever meet - he could inspire all these reactions and more, all at the same time!
Paddy was a liberal to his core who just didn’t know how to quit. There will be people across the world who will mourn his passing because, at his core, he was an internationalist and that was how he lived his lif...e.
Personally I am enormously sad to have lost a colleague, friend and mentor. It feels like a light has gone out at a time of gathering darkness.
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