Alphedia Arara - Lightworker, Spiritual Channel, Ascension Healer

About Alphedia Arara - Lightworker, Spiritual Channel, Ascension Healer

Channelled Messages from Angels, Star Beings, Goddesses, Ascended Masters, Elementals, Dragons, Fairies. Workshops, Soul Channellings, Crystals for sale,

Alphedia Arara - Lightworker, Spiritual Channel, Ascension Healer Description

Spiritual author who offers channellings, teachings, meditations and spiritual products and crystals. Alphedia Arara is an author, speaker, writer and spiritual faciliator. She has appeared on televison, radio and in magazines and newspapers. She has many international clients and has also taken part in international tv programmes on Fairies, USA radio talking on Dragons and records all her workshops so people all around the world can take part and benefit from the spiritual growth opportunities. She has many free recordings on her website www. elementalbeings. co. uk and sell hand carved crystal dragons, skulls and unicorns world wide. She also is the founder of the Scottish Dragon Wisdom School www.



“The energies of this moon will be assisting you in activating the Wisdom of the Goddess allowing you to upgrade the feminine vortex within your Merkaba Light Body Field.”
***** You are invited to this month's full moon workshop****** Booking is at ine-vortex/
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Really exciting Full Moon workshop this Saturday with the Goddesses Isis, Kwan Yin and Aphrodite! Upgrade the feminine vortex. It is the female tetrahedron in your mer ka ba that is now read for an upgrade!
Here is this months Channelled message! Personal channelled messages for Distance participants also.
Greetings, greetings, greetings Dear Ones.
... It is with great honour and joy that I, the Goddess of Resurrection come forth.
For you are all going through an internal resurrection process and to assist you in feeling at greater ease with this process the wisdom of the Goddess comes through to bring you inspiration, nurturing, and Divine protection for the healing of your soul at this time.
The Wisdom of the Goddess is the Divine Mother energies represented by myself, the Divine Soul Sister energies represented by Kwan Yin and the Divine Daughter energies represented by Aphrodite.
We are holding these energies to bring together all the wisdom of the Goddess culminating it through Grandmother energies of your ancestral lines and also to bring forward the language of the light key codes within the female vortex.
The merkaba vehicle will support you all in reactivating the ancient language of the sound codes of the feminine within.
Through this transmission Alphedia Arara will be supporting your cells as we go through this protraction upgrade as the Starbeings know it as.
This will bring forward not only the opportunity for you to increase your light body vehicle but to move into greater flow with Divine Source and the shifts and the changes that are occurring.
Through the meditation we will not only be supporting your template upgrades, activating the speed of the vortex within the merkaba, but we will be bringing you into deeper alignment with the soul wisdom within you.
Know this will be a nurturing and supportive moon energy for you, like a balm to the soul, for the shifts that have occurred and we are all coming forward to bring this special transmission for you.
In love and honour always. Adoni.” ng-feminine-vortex/
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Tonight I will be talking about this amazing hours transmission brought through from the Pleaides!
“Unlock Your Souls Sacred File” Transmission with Metatron and the Pleiadians through Alphedia
In this transmission Alphedia Arara channels for an hour Archangel Metatron and the Pleiadian High Council as they take you to a Pleiadian Light Chamber to perform deep soul healing and vibrational shifts in your energy field. This will allow you to increase your light quotient requir...ed to unzip the decompressed authenticity of your soul.
Working on shifting the vibrational frequencies that are keeping you out of being in alignment to unlock the geometric light package that contains your full consciousness.
You meet Pleiadian guides and also two of your Council of Twelve who show you a map of your soul alignment.
Through channeling the tones and frequencies of the sacred instruments, Tibetan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, element chimes and percussion Alphedia facilitates a deeply expansive and transformative soul healing experience.
Through light language codes you release keys within you that have been lying dormant. Aligning yourself to access your full consciousness of your soul path and allowing yourself to unzip the decompression of your soul that was required to enter into 3rd dimensionality.
Through this healing with Metatron and the Pleiadians you allow yourself to become unconstrained and your soul light will be evident to all moving forth. This is the living in the truth moment you have been building up to for thousands of years.
This is a transmission which aids with mastery of the ego that is still affecting you consciously or unconsciously with the focus on shifting any fear, jealously, anger, grief and reclaiming back your sovereign spiritual power.
They work on the chakras and the remaining conditioning you have taken on in 3rd dimensionality. This is a transmission to bring forward soul liberation for all that are ready to move into this place of ultimate authentic identity.

“Unlock Your Souls Sacred File” Gong Meditation Transmission through Auraengus
There is a 13 minute gong sound bath at the end to bring through integration and consolidation of the work your soul has done in this new moon transmission.
From here we move forward in expanded consciousness no longer hiding or constraining our light. You are ready for this experience as a key marker in the next stage of the global light ascension.
Enjoy your liberation!
Love to All, Auraengus and Alphedia Arara XX
You can download at souls_sacred_file/
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Going Live tonight at 8pm BST on my Profile! Talking Pleidians, Ascension News + Star being Skull healing Live meditation


Going Live tonight at 8pm BST on this Profile! Talking Pleidians, Ascension News + Star being Skull healing Live meditationGoing Live tonight at 8pm BST on this Profile! Talking Pleidians, Ascension News + Star being Skull healing Live meditation


I am super excited to channel Pan and the Elementals this weekend for a very special Beltane workshop to help you all deepen your connection with the Elementals, Nature Spirits and plants and trees.
They are keen to help us communicate with them. hear their messages of support and offer us healing!
What more could you want at the start of Summer to be able to ground, communicate more easily with the other realms and receive soul nourishment!
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Too tired to go live on Facebook tonight sorry will do a video tomorrow morning for you all. Happy Beltane!
To celebrate astrological beltane I am channeling a new workshop with the Elves, Sprites, Centaurs, Fairies, Trees and mother Earth on Sunday.
The healing the heart workshop with Mary magdalene and Unicorns is nearly ready to go out to you all. Apologies for the delay my husband has been having to look after me! Whiplash and concussion is a strange thing you feel fin...e then do somethings like normal life and wham you are back in it again! Only 14 of the 46 personal messages to channel still so getting there. Enjoy the new Beltane summer energies ng-connection-nat…/
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Im taking a break for Soul channeling to catch up with the sheer and a bit over whelming amount of channelled messages I require to do. Unfortunately I have only been able to work half days since the car crash to only Crystal skull healings and workshops you will be able to get channelled message from just now while I recover xx


You are invited to this channelled workshop!
Mary Magdalene & Unicorns Heart Healing Workshop “Know this is the next stage for Humanity as the Resurrection process has begun. In order to resurrect into higher consciousness the Light of the Heart must be shining bright.”
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You are invited to this channelled workshop!
Mary Magdalene & Unicorns Heart Healing Workshop “Know this is the next stage for Humanity as the Resurrection process has begun. In order to resurrect into higher consciousness the Light of the Heart must be shining bright.”
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Have been asked to bring through this powerful heart healing workshop after bringing the codes back from Iona with Mary Magdalene and the Unicorns! It will be 3 hours channelled workshop and deeply move your heart to the next stage of the ascension process. Wasn't sure if I would be well enough to run it so sorry for late announcement! Here is the link to read more and book your spot
Option for personal message also available! gdalene-unicorns-…/


This month’s dragon transmission comes forward through Alphedia Arara who will connect you with the consciousness of the Water Dragons Realm.
BOOK at ragons-balancing-…/
In this transmission the water dragons will be focusing on balancing the water element within you and your relationship with water.
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Anyone else for full moon workshop tonight? Im capping it at 100 so only 5 spaces left if you want a personal channelled message!Anyone else for full moon workshop tonight? Im capping it at 100 so only 5 spaces left if you want a personal channelled message!

User ragons-balancing-…/


Really excited about this special full moon workshop with the Star Beings Galactic Masters I will be channeling on Friday night! You can read their message to us all and if you choose to take part you will also get a personal channelled message of guidance from them. Distance people also read more by clicking the link!
Full moon is in Libra so this one is all about balancing ourselves and aligning ourselves to the blueprint we as souls came in with. How are you all feeling in... the build up to this moon?
I am super excited!! Hope you hear the call of them and can join us the moon channelled meditation are always powerful!
Start the change of your life this moon as you move into your divine blueprint alignment! How awesome is this opportunity from them.
Love Alphedia Arara Kenchington
book at c-masters-alignin…/
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More about Alphedia Arara - Lightworker, Spiritual Channel, Ascension Healer

Alphedia Arara - Lightworker, Spiritual Channel, Ascension Healer is located at Glenholm Spiritual Centre, Broughton, Ml12 6JF Biggar, South Lanarkshire, United Kingdom