Ann Slimmingworld At Baptist Church Motherwell

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:30 - 11:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 07:30 - 18:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Ann Slimmingworld At Baptist Church Motherwell

Information and Promotion for Slimming world members New and returning. Always a Warm welcome. Come on in and find out how. Ann x

Ann Slimmingworld At Baptist Church Motherwell Description

I'm really thrilled you've found me and I can't wait to meet you as you embark on your journey of success. Like all Consultants, I joined Slimming World as a member and I understand the challenges that joining a group, losing weight and maintaining your weight loss can bring.

I really do care about your success and you'll have my unwavering, year-round commitment to your weight loss! With your dedication to your dream, the support of the group and my guiding hand whenever you need a little help, together we can do it.



Post from Lauren, member of 5.30pm group. Big well done!
Well I did it!! Something I honesty never thought I could achieve! Great Scottish Run 10K! Crazy what joining Slimming World does to you. Not only have I lost weight, I’ve gained fitness, confidence but I’ve gained the ability to achieve anything I put my mind to with a real smile on my face!
However, most of all I’ve gained friends for life! I just want to thank everyone on here and at 5:30 class for always supportin...g me! Big shoutout to Lynn as she was my main drive for participating in this run. I was gutted not to have her physically by my side but oh she was mentally! I’ve certainly found that training partner that helps you achieve things that you never thought you could and together we will push one another to the limits!
Big thanks to Lynn, Elaine & Pam alongside rest of my family for coming to support me yesterday at that finish line!
Just a reminder that you can all do anything you put your mind to but all you have to do is believe in yourself! 💖
Picture on the left - 2016 6K (65 minutes) Picture on the right - 2018 10K (63 minutes)
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Out Tuesday 2nd x


Good is me Angela
Ann’s classes are held in the Baptist Church Motherwell Tuesday 9.30am Thursday’s 7.30am, 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm
... Hello and happy Friday 😍.
💕”Some days are better, some days are worse. Look for the blessing instead of the curse. Be positive, stay strong and get enough rest. You can’t do it all, but you can do your best” 💕
I hope this finds you all well. It’s been a great week for me, I’ve filled out a food diary this week and really focussed on my plate being full with 1/3 speed, and not allowing myself to go hungry where I’m reaching for quick (usually high syn) quick fixes. I’ve really thought out my meals this week and really enjoyed SW again for what it is. I’ve felt really satisfied and good about myself this week and it’s paid off with 2lb off on the scales and i won slimmer of the week 🙌🏻🙌🏻☺️
What started off being a great week turned a bit sour on wed when my husband went to the docs with what he thought was a chest infection but was rushed from the docs to hospital in an ambulance. Very scary but I’m happy to say he’s home now with us and resting up!
This coming week I want the same sort of week I’ve just had, I’m going to continue to be organised and write down my meal plan and fill in my food diary. I’m at the twins on sat night for a drink but I will be organised with a ready prepared snack when I get home and have on plan comfort food prepared for the next day as this is when I really struggle. I know I can do it, I’ve gained my confidence back, I really trust in SW and know the plan works I just needed to trust in myself again ☺️
Favourite meal this week has been my lentil curry/Dahl it’s so tasty and filling and you can have with almost anything. Ann asks me in class what I’ve made through the week and fir the life of me I can never remember till I’ve come home and had a look through my Instagram 😂. I love Instagram to post all my meals and I get great support from other Slimming Worlders on there. You can find me using @its_me_angela_sw 😁
400g red lentils 950g water 3 ham stock cubes 2 red onions diced 2 tins chopped tomatoes 3 tsp ground coriander 3 tsp ground ginger 2 tsp garam masala 2 tsp cumin 1 tsp chilli 1 tsp paprika 1/2 tsp turmeric 1/4 tsp cinnamon Bing all in the slow cooker low for 6 hours or high for 4 hours
I love mine with rice and spicy onions 👌🏻
So it’s cheerio from me for another week, stay focussed, do the best you can when you can but most importantly enjoy! SW really is fab! ❤️
Much love always Angela xxx
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Your Best Chance for Success -


Out Tuesday 25th x


Good is me Angela
Ann’s classes are held in the Baptist Church Motherwell Tuesday 9.30am Thursday’s 7.30am, 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm
... Hello and happy Friday 😍.
“The best part about your story is that the next page is blank and you get to write it”
And I’m back 🙌🏻🙌🏻 did you miss me last week? Or did you not even realise I hadn’t posted 🙈😂. So my whole house was struck down with the sickness bug and I didn’t escape it so I couldn’t make class. Back last night and I thoroughly enjoyed it. “What’s in Ann’s bag” really had us all buckled (maybe it’s the dirty minds of some of the 5.30pm members) haha! But oh what a laugh! Really made me think about a few new things to try and a few new recipes to make. I maintained at class. It’s the dreaded *week where I always have a gain so I’m thinking my wee bug might have helped that a little 🙊.
Two weeks ago I took part in the 10k Pretty Muddy 2018 with the glow team and on the same weekend I attended a Clubbercise charity event dancing for a solid 3 hours. We are a group of girls who met through SW and Clubbercise but also have a bond through good times and alcohol 😂. What a weekend, honestly from start to finish it was the best weekend ever and as promised some pics below 💗
It’s Friday today, I have my food diary at the ready, my online shop has been delivered and I’m raring to go. I’ve already had my breakfast and a banana 🍌 when I was at gymnastics with Holly 💪🏻. This week I’m going for a good loss, I have no days or nights out planned so I’m gunning for a good loss 🙌🏻🙌🏻
So it’s cheerio from me for another week, stay focussed, do the best you can when you can but most importantly enjoy! SW really is fab! ❤️
Much love always Angela xxx
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Meatloaf for lunch today x


Well done marion! Wishaw press this week x
Really feeling proud of myself to come this far couldn’t have done it without sw and the amazing people in class and Ann x


Your Best Chance for Success - -chance-for-success


Check out our gorgeous Sharon, member of our Tuesday morning group. Almost 6 stones in 36 weeks My hen last year and Friday night just passed. Safe to say i aint going back there in a hurry. 1.5 off this morning. Really gunning for that 6 stone award xxx.


Out this Tuesday! X


Good is me Angela
Ann’s classes are held in the Baptist Church Motherwell Tuesday 9.30am Thursday’s 7.30am, 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm
... Hello and happy Friday 😍.
“Everything comes to you. In the right moment. Be patient. Be grateful”.
This week I really need to remind myself just how far I have come. Why is it we are so hard on ourselves? I’ve made no secret of the fact I find the summer months hard with the kids being off school and I’m out of my usual routine. But I really really need to get focussed again and start losing every week. I feel I’m just playing at it. But I am super focussed and motivated for the week ahead. I CAN do this and I WILL do this!
Last week I shared a picture of me already for the races 🐎. I have been so touched by all your lovely messages and PM’s saying I looked fab. I absolutely love getting all dressed up now for a night out and I have a new found love for dresses and shopping 🙈. But it’s not the looking good that’s made the biggest impact to my life it’s feeling good. Before I would have found it very hard to have a whole day out on my feet. I just wouldn’t be able to last that long being so overweight. I honesty thank SW every single day for changing my life.
This week I have the take 5 book out again and I’m planning on making a few recipes I haven’t tried. I am also hammering the body magic this week with a clubbercise charity event on Saturday🌈 and I’m taking party in this years Pretty Muddy 5k on Sunday🎀. I am looking forward to both of these events and of course I will share some pictures next week. ☺️💗.
This week’s recipe is my all time favourite (because it’s on the menu for tonight lol)
South Indian garlic chilli chicken
4 chicken breasts diced 2 onions diced 2 tsp lazy garlic 1 tsp lazy ginger 2 tsp curry powder 2 tsp turmeric 1 tsp chilli flakes or lazy chilli 1 chicken stock pot 1 tin chopped tomatoes 1/4 carton pasatta 1 tsp sweetener Seasoning
Fry onions and spices using fry light, add the chicken and fry for a few minutes, add everything else and simmer till cooked 👌🏻
So it’s cheerio from me for another week, stay focussed, do the best you can when you can but most importantly enjoy! SW really is fab! ❤️
Much love always Angela xxx
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Summer now has been and gone and Autumn's on the way With crispy mornings, windy spells and less light every day! Now's the time to look ahead for Christmastime won't wait If you start now, Food Optimise, you'll soon be feeling great. Those Christmas parties needn't bring on huge amounts of stress! ... With help in group, you'll soon be shopping for your slinky dress! So come back soon without delay and we will help you through. Remember here, we 'do it with friends' and we're all here for you! Tuesday 9.30am Thursday 7.30,9.30,11.30am & 5.30pm
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Good is me Angela
Ann’s classes are held in the Baptist Church Motherwell Tuesday 9.30am Thursday’s 7.30am, 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm
... Hello and happy Friday 😍.
I’m so excited this morning I’m up and getting organised to go on a girls day out to the races 🐎. Sitting writing this blog this morning made me think about how my life has changed with SW and the friends I have gained. Why is SW so successful? Why have I stuck to this “diet” when I’ve tried all the others and they didn’t work” well I don’t have all the answers but thinking about it this morning this is what I think works for me.
You can eat! Yes actually you can eat until your full and satisfied at every meal, and snack in between meals too! If your hungry well yes you guessed it you can eat! And no goods are off limits it’s just all about making a few better choices with shopping and preparing.
No 2 I think the whole support network is a key factor, from the lovely Ann in class, the image therapy, the people who some of have become my very close friends. The online line support and community it’s endless.
A combination of these two things for me is what keeps me going every single week. I still get a buzz about SW and I’m 3 years down the line. 3 fantastic years of changing my life for the better!
Right well I think I’ve babbled on enough, I need to get beautified up and I will post this blog with pics of me ready for the races ❤️
So it’s cheerio from me for another week, stay focussed, do the best you can when you can but most importantly enjoy! SW really is fab! ❤️
Much love always Angela xxx
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❤️ it love the group and it's good support as we are all in the same boat!


i joined 6 weeks ago and im down 10lbs and loving it. Class keeps me so motivated and the fab facebook page too . Would recommend to everyone !


Victoria .. Is So Involved with your whole journey and Your Ups And Downs ... She is so helpfull .. Thats Why Im Back At The New Motherwell Miners Class .. I Hope I Do Well ..


Love Anns group. Postive upbuilding reminders each week, everyone is so warm and welcoming. Xo


It gives you the confidence to try new things and meet new people. Also the recipes which is amazing. Ann is amazing � at what she does she inspires me and other people and encourage them too.

Thanks Ann


Great class, great people, great achievements, whats not to like❤


Great class with such a warm welcome, friendly social team and unconditional support Couldn't have done it without them all x


Fantastic page and group, any questions then just ask X


Fantastic morning class. Ann is so supportive and always keeps you updated whether in class, fb, texts. Defo recommend this group x


Fantastic class, can highly recommend! Been to the rest now come to the best! Great support, advice and changes the way you think about food! Changes lives!!


Fantastic Leader ,supports us and gives great advice and encouragement.


Fabby class masses of support and laughts brilliant advice and tips x


Brilliant classes and great leadership from ann first class!


Best thing I did this year was join ann's group. It literally kick started a new life for me


Ann's classes are the best! Great support, great advice & u get a good laugh aswell. I joined in January & its been the best decision iv ever made, life changing!


Ann's class is brilliant. She makes u feel so welcome and she really cares.


Ann is the loveliest, liveliest, most approachable group leader I've met and runs her groups in a fun and creative way. The social team and group as a whole will also make you feel welcome and answer any questions. Encouraging and supportive atmosphere...Couldn't recommend highly enough


All friendly and helpful dont get to stay at the meetings though cause i work all day a thursday .


Absolutely love this group. You are not alone in anything. It's one giant family and I don't know where I would be without it. Best consultant out and biggest family ever. ❤️ SW XX

More about Ann Slimmingworld At Baptist Church Motherwell

Ann Slimmingworld At Baptist Church Motherwell is located at Baptist Church, Windmillhill Street, ML1 1 Motherwell, North Lanarkshire
Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:30 - 11:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 07:30 - 18:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -