Anstruther Pleasure Cruises



Great day out to Ilse of May...lovely scenery. Lots of birds, rabbits and seals....even saw puffins. Well worth it.


For a trip to the Isle of May
This is the thing to do!
And during your day om May you can come for a drink or a bite


Good service, informative and friendly. You will feel very safe in their hands with all their experience.


I have enjoyed this cruise twice. The service is excellent with friendly and well informed crew. The Isle of May is a joy for anyone with a passion for nature. You will not visit a better place to enjoy puffins.
On this trip we had the bonus of a large school of bottlenose dolphins which the skipper located and ran with.
I imagine I will take this cruise annually for many years.


A brilliant afternoon out. Crew are great..


FANTASTIC Day out!! defo a place to visit the crew and rangers are amazing the Isle of May


Una bona manera d'arribar a l'Isle of May és amb el May Princess, vaixell que pertany a aquesta companyia. He de reconèixer que el fet que ens fes un dia immillorable, amb el mar absolutament tranquil (com poques vegades veig a casa...) va influir en què la travessa fos un plaer. Hi ha una gravació audioguia que va explicant la història de l'illa i de la regió fins i tot abans d'arribar-hi, però la tripulació també està disponible per tot el vaixell per si hi ha preguntes.
Només ens va sobtar que a l'hora de tornar de l'illa tanquessin la part de dalt sense donar-nos-en explicacions. Potser molestàvem la gent que hi havia a dalt? És que potser era seva, la part de dalt? Havien pagat més diners?

More about Anstruther Pleasure Cruises

Anstruther Pleasure Cruises is located at Anstruther, Kirkcaldy KY10 3AB, UK
+44 7957 585200