Arbroath Lawn Tennis Club

About Arbroath Lawn Tennis Club

Tennis club based in Arbroath (Registered Charity SC040954)



Brilliant colouring in here from Louie! Can’t wait until the courts are back open to get this up in the club house!
If any other juniors would like to send in drawings and colouring in hen we will get them all up on a wall in the clubhouse when we are back open.
In the mean time send them in to us on here or WhatsApp and we will get them up on here.


Steve Scott nails the latest trick πŸ‘πŸ‘


Okay back to tap ups for this new challenge.
You have to try and use every part of the racket. Both sides of the strings, both sides of the frame, the top of the frame and the grip.
Red ball and younger can do it with letting the ball bounce and can take tap ups in between to get the ball back into position. They can also use a balloon if they have one.
... Orange ball can take tap ups in between each hit but must keep the ball in the air and not let it bounce.
Green and yellow must do it the way it is in the video.
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Fern has smashed the record for the Red ball age with a massive 94!
I was a bit worried for the wall when I saw it was fern but she shows so much control in the video! Great effort πŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ‘


New leader from the yellow balls! Cody got a massive 99 volleys! Well played Cody πŸ‘πŸ‘


Great effort from Abi to set 13 for the orange balls 🎾


Finn has set the score for the red and mini reds with 8 πŸ’ͺ


Big score from steve though to take the lead out of the adults with 87 πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ


Great effort from dan getting 49 on the volleys 🎾 πŸ‘


Afternoon everyone,
Got a new challenge for everyone to try and recreate over the next few days! It will be a good opportunity to get out in the garden, get some fresh air and to keep some tennis in our daily routine. I stopped at 40 to set the first target. Let’s see who can beat it?!? (Headband is optional)
Red ball and below - don’t have to alternate forehand backhand and can let the ball bounce.
... Orange ball - don’t have to alternate forehand backhand but are not allowed bounces.
Green ball and yellow ball - have to alternate forehand backhand and must be volleys!
If you want it make it harder then you can do what I did and use an uneven stoney wall. It is great for improving the responsiveness of your feet and your reactions with your racket. πŸ‘
Good luck everyone and safe.
Look forward to seeing your videos soon πŸ˜€
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A very good effort here from Adam! He absolutely nailed the racket flip! πŸŽΎπŸ‘


Brilliant effort here from Max! πŸ‘
Need to have a little vote for if he clipped it with his toe?!
Leave a comment to tell us if you think he got it or not?


First person to complete the challenge!
Well done Daniel Peacock! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Who’s going to be next? Send in your attempts of how close you got off you haven’t quite got it yet!


Good Evening,
Here’s a wee challenge for everyone to try and recreate over the next few days! It will be a good opportunity to get out in the garden, get some fresh air and to keep some tennis in our daily routine.
Let me see if you can recreate this on video and post it up on here! I want to see parents and kids doing it.
... Stay safe everyone.
Look forward to seeing your videos soon πŸ˜€
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Following the announcements yesterday from the PM and FM, we must now respond appropriately and close ALTC with immediate effect until further notice. This includes the clubhouse and courts for all members and non-members. Entry to the grounds is prohibited entirely.
Although we are still being encouraged out once a day for exercise, it is too difficult for us to 'police' people being there and it is our responsibility to ensure the guidelines are adhered... to.
All at ALTC wish you well and encourage you to stay safe. It's likely to be a difficult time ahead, but the courts will be there and waiting for us when it is safe to return. Perhaps a re-opening party will be on the cards...🎾
Take care everyone and thank you for your continued support.
Chris and ALTC Committee.
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Hi everyone,
As you are aware we have been told to stop all of our group lessons at the club. However I am happy to carry on running private lessons at the club as it is easy to maintain the 2 metre distance. Please do not book in for a lesson if you are showing any symptoms of the Coronavirus. Symptoms can be found here - -covid-19/
... We will follow the same procedures as before where the player and I will wash our hands before and after the session and we will remain at least 2m apart for the duration of the lesson. I have locked the equipment cupboard so I am the only one who has access.
As this is going to be a tough time for everyone and parents will be looking for things to do themselves and for their kids I have dropped the price of a lesson to Β£12 to try and make it affordable for everyone.
Thanks, Chris
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Following today's government announcements and guidance issued by Tennis Scotland, we regret that we will have to stop all group coaching after lessons on Friday 20th March.
Apologies, but we're sure you will understand it is now outwith our control. However, we are seeking guidance regarding the possibility of individual lessons.
... Unfortunately, this recent news also means we will have to postpone our open day. We will keep you updated with any further information.
Thank you for you continued support of Arbroath Lawn Tennis Club.
Stay safe and well!
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With the outbreak of COVID 19, we have been regularly reviewing government and LTA guidlines. At the moment, we will continue to offer coaching, as tennis is an non-contact sport that already requires social distancing and has the advantage of being outside. While the schools remain open, there is no benefit to closing the club.
However, as with school, please only bring your child to lessons if they are fully well. Chris will ensure hands are washed prior to playing and afterwards.
We will continue to monitor and review the situation and inform you of any changes.

More about Arbroath Lawn Tennis Club
