Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team

About Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team

The Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team is on call 24 hours a day-365 days a year. In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency call 999 and ask for the Coastguard



A fun and interactive learning opportunity for all the family is promised this Sunday (23rd June 2019) from 12 midday until 4pm as representatives from organisations working to keep people safe come together at Eglinton Country Park in Irvine.
A number of emergency service vehicles will be on display with officers also on hand to demonstrate the equipment used by them in their work.
... A variety of organisations working together in North Ayrshire will also host information stalls and be on hand to provide advice and speak to visitors about their role in the community.
Organisations present on the day will include Police Scotland, Coastguard Search and Rescue, British Divers Marine Life Rescue, Mountain Rescue, the RNLI, North Ayrshire Council Youth Services and KA Leisure.
PC Colin Johnson, Community Safety Officer for North Ayrshire, who is coordinating the event said: “This event was last held in 2015 and received great feedback. This year, back by public demand, we will come together with our partners to promote a safe summer and raise awareness on our work to keep people safe.
“There will be something for everyone and we look forward to welcoming visitors on the day.”
All events are subject to operational availability. Parking is available at the venue, however public transport is also recommended with bus stops on Irvine Road, Kilwinning within walking distance. Follow #SafeSummerNA for updates.
Search and Rescue - it's what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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When you arrive at the beach with your kids, take a quick selfie before you do anything else.
Not only will you have a good photo to post on your social media accounts, but you’ll also have an up to date photo of your children, including what they are wearing, should they become lost.
... This is a quick and easy way to make sure the emergency services know exactly who they are looking for and can quickly reunite everyone back together.
Search and Rescue - it's what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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Make sure you remember your day at the coast for all right reasons - not the wrong ones. It’s also essential that people #KnowWhoToCall in a coastal emergency.
... Search and Rescue - it’s what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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The Ayrshire coastline is a great place to visit and we are fortunate enough to around 80 miles of coastline with some magnificent beaches to enjoy the summer weather when the sun is shining.
It’s a great day out for all the family and for local residents and also those visiting from further afield, looking to escape the city life for a day or so and enjoy the sea air.
... The coast can be unpredictable however and there are some very simple steps which everyone can take to make sure everyone has a great day out, but also everyone stays safe.
Always check the weather forecast before heading for a day out at the coast. There’s nothing worse than turning up at the beach in your shorts, t-shirts and flip flops only to arrive to find its overcast and pouring with rain.
The weather at the coast can be unpredictable so it’s always best to pack some extra clothing in the car just to be on the safe side – we live in Scotland after all and often get four seasons in one day.
Many people visiting the coast also don’t realise the tide comes in and out, usually twice a day. If you’re heading for a walk along the coastline always be sure and check the tide times before setting off. Some spots can quickly become cut off when the tide is rising which quickly turns your day dream walk along the coast into a nightmare.
Be sure and pack some essential items as well for your day at the coast including bottled water to ensure everyone stays hydrated as well as sun protection. There’s often a gentle breeze at the coast which can make it feel a bit cooler than it actually is, and people don’t realise they are getting sunburnt so make sure to regularly top up your sun protection to avoid getting a bad case of sunburn.
Children are notorious for running away on the beach and going on adventures so please always keep them in sight and have a pre-arranged meeting point if you do become separated.
Most importantly of all, it’s essential that everyone knows who to call in an emergency at the coast. If there’s someone in lost or in difficulty along the coast or at sea it’s always dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
Search and rescue - it's what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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The Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team was called out shortly after 11am this morning as part of a multi-agency search in the Renfrew area.
The team responded immediately alongside a number of search and rescue resources including Greenock Coastguard Rescue Team, South Queensferry Coastguard Rescue Team, Helensburgh Lifeboat, two Senior Coastal Operations Officers and partner emergency services.
During the course of the initial incident, several resources were diverted to ano...ther ongoing incident nearby.
All Coastguard resources were stood down just before 1600 hours to return to their respective stations to complete the necessary paperwork and repack equipment before booking off duty.
The Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to respond to those in need at the coast and beyond.
Search and Rescue - it's what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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The Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team was on station last night for the team’s weekly training session joined by colleagues from Largs CRT and Senior Coastal Operations Officer Steve Muldoon.
Last night’s training covered the use of pyrotechnic devices, including live firing of hand held smoke flares. Coastguard Rescue Teams now routinely carry hand held smoke flares for use when setting up helicopter landing sites.
... The smoke flares provide the pilots and aircrew a clear visual representation of the on scene wind conditions prior to landing, an essential piece of information when landing a helicopter, especially at an unfamiliar location.
Following a classroom input and theory on the safe storage, transportation and use of smoke flares, the teams thereafter deployed to Ardrossan North Shore. Ensuring the beach was clear and with good wind conditions on scene, team members were then given the opportunity to live fire a hand held smoke flare while following all the necessary safety and operational procedures.
On completion of the training session, two hand held smoke flares were thereafter issued and stored within the Coastguard Rescue Vehicle for operational use should they be required, with each team member present being signed off as competent and capable in their use in the operational environment.
Search and Rescue – it’s what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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Last night, team members from Ardrossan, Greenock Coastguard Rescue Team and Largs Coastguard Rescue Team joined colleagues from Largs Lifeboat for a training and familiarisation evening.
The training night was primarily aimed at the recent intake of new Coastguard Rescue Officers across the three teams, while also acting as refresher training for other team members.
... The training night consisted of a PowerPoint input by the Lifeboat Operations Manager at Largs, familirisation training on the Atlantic 85 Lifeboat including equipment carried on the boat, casualty care techniques and also the equipment used by each individual lifeboat crew member.
Following all the group inputs on station, team members were then taken out to sea for a short time to experience the operational capabilities and manoeuvrability of the lifeboat, while also gaining a much greater understanding of the work taking place onboard by RNLI colleagues during multi-agency callouts.
We would like to extend out thanks to the Lifeboat Operations Manager and the crew for the hugely beneficial training night and the hospitality.
Search and Rescue - it's what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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The Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team was deployed to Irvine Beach this morning following reports of possible flares washed up.
The information was initially received via an e-mail to Police Scotland late yesterday evening with the first informant advising they believe they had spotted some washed up flares a few hours earlier.
... Given the tide conditions and now within the hours of darkness, the decision was made for an early morning deployment to coincide with low tide for the team to conduct a search of Irvine Beach.
On completion of the search of the low water line utilising the team's 4x4 vehicle, no items were spotted or recovered and the team has subsequently been stood down.
We continue to advise the public it's imperative the correct emergency service is contacted at the appropriate time. Washed up maritime distress flares do pose a risk to the public and is classed a coastal emergency.
The appropriate course of action if a distress flare or possible ordnance is found along the coast is to dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard immediately.
This way the relevant information can be taken by our highly trained Search & Rescue Coastguard Operations Centre staff and the suitable resources deployed to the location. It's also crucial that sufficient contact details are provided so the resources deployed can make contact via telephone if required to make further enquiries.
Delays in the right emergency service being contacted can have a significant impact on the outcome of an incident.
Please make sure you Know Who To Call in a coastal emergency - lives may depend on it.
Search and Rescue - it's what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
Police Scotland Ayrshire Police Division
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Team has just stood down from being on a callout in Irvine - further details to follow.
Search and Rescue - it’s what we do.
... In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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The Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team was called out this afternoon alongside Largs Lifeboat and Largs Coastguard Rescue Teamm to reports of a yacht aground near Hunterston.
The team responded immediately with two Senior Coastal Operations Officers also deploying to the incident.
As the team arrived on scene, visual contact was made with the casualty vessel with Largs Lifeboat closing on its location.
... It was confirmed the solo sailor on board was safe and well, however due to the low tide conditions it was unfeasible for the vessel to be towed into deeper water. The solo sailer was happy to remain on board, keeping in regular contact with CGOC Belfast Coastguard, to await the rising tide to re-float the vessel.
With all persons safe and well, all resources have thereafter been stood down to return to their respective stations with suitable advice and guidance given, and further assistance being available later this evening if required.
The team has then returned to station to complete the necessary paperwork before booking off duty.
The Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to respond to those in need at the coast and beyond.
Search and Rescue - it's what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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Team has just stood down from being on a callout with Largs Lifeboat and Largs Coastguard Rescue Team - further details to follow.
Search and Rescue - it’s what we do.
... In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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The Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team was called out this afternoon following reports of a number of maritime distress flares being found on Irvine Beach by the volunteers from Coastwatch Irvine.
The team responded immediately and proceeded to Irvine to liaise with the first informants and establish the full circumstances of the incident.
... Arriving on scene, the team proceeded straight onto the beach in the team’s 4x4 Coastguard Rescue Vehicle and located the first informant and the items in question on the beach south of Irvine Harbour.
Four time expired rocket flares and three time expired hand smoke flares were quickly located and identified having been washed up by the tide. The team thereafter deployed setting up an initial cordon and conducted the necessary safety assessment of the devices before making them safe and removing them from the beach.
Ayr Coastguard Rescue Team has thereafter been requested to rendezvous with the team at Irvine Beach Park to conduct a safe handover of the time expired pyrotechnics for onward transportation to Girvan Coastguard Station for storage and subsequent disposal.
The team has thereafter stood down and returned to station to complete the necessary paperwork before booking off duty and returning home.
The Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to respond to those in need at the coast and beyond.
Maritime distress flares are explosive devices and pose a significant risk, especially when time expired and having spent time in the water. They can be safely disposed of at many marinas and chandlers for a small fee.
We would urge people not to throw time expired pyrotechnics overboard or dump them in bins or anywhere else due to the risks involved – it’s also a criminal offence.
If you find something along the coast which you think could be a maritime distress flare or ordnance washed up please do not touch or move it, keep well back and dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard immediately.
Coastguard Rescue Teams are specially trained and equipped to deal with maritime distress flares and to respond to suspected ordnance along the coast.
Search and Rescue – it’s what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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Team has just returned from being on a callout in Irvine - further details to follow.
Search and Rescue - it’s what we do.
... In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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It's estimated that 50 per cent of UK population do not know who to contact in the event of a coastal emergency.
Delays in the right resources being tasked can have a significant impact on the outcome of an incident and it's essential that people #KnowWhoToCall in a coastal emergency - it's always dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
... The team's #KnowWhoToCall selfie frame was a big hit at today's Ardrossan Highland Games as we continue to promote this vital safety message.
Search and Rescue - it's what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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The Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team enjoyed a busy day at the Ardrossan Highland Games which was celebrating it's 40th anniversary.
The team was on hand to speak to the public about the work of the Coastguard Rescue Service and crucially how to stay safe at the coast and when near water.
... A full range of water safety material was on hand to distribute to both adults and children with the team's 4x4 Coastguard emergency response vehicle also attracting a lot of attention and being open and on display.
As well as speaking to members of the public, the team had a full range of rescue equipment on display including water rescue equipment used by the team when entering the water to conduct rescues, a technical rope rescue setup and our critical casualty care responder bag.
The team's #KnowWhoToCall selfie frame also proved to be extremely popular highlighting the key message of knowing what emergency service to contact and what number to phone in a coastal emergency. The selfie frame photos will be posted later this evening.
Thanks to everyone who came to visit and speak with the team and thanks to the Ardrossan Highland Games for the continued support. We are already looking forward to next year's games.
Search and Rescue - it's what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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The team are at today’s 40th anniversary Ardrossan Highland Games and will be here all afternoon.
Come and find out about the work of the Coastguard and how to stay safe at the coast and near water.
... Search and Rescue - it’s what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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The Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team will be at tomorrow’s Ardrossan Highland Games.
Come along and meet the team, see our vast range of rescue equipment on display and take home some invaluable coastal and water safety information for all the family.
... We will also have our #KnowWhoToCall selfie frame with us so you can pose for some photos for social media.
We will be setting up from 1000hours and at the event throughout the day.
Attendance is subject to operational requirements and the team may be called away at anytime in response to an emergency.
Search and Rescue - it’s what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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A FLOOD ALERT has been issued for Ayrshire and Arran.
Locally heavy rain may affect the area on Tuesday evening and on Wednesday. Localised flooding of low lying land and roads from surface water and smaller watercourses is possible.
... Remain vigilant and remember, it is your responsibility to take actions which help protect yourself and your property.
Advice and information is also available through Floodline on 0345 9881188.
This FLOOD ALERT is now in force until further notice and was sent by phone and sms free of charge to registered customers of our Floodline direct warning service.
If you haven't already signed up to receive free flood messages, please call Floodline or register online at
Your Floodline quick dial number for this area is 24200
Search and Rescue - it’s what we do.
In a coastal, beach or cliff emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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More about Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team

Ardrossan Coastguard Rescue Team is located at 32 Montgomerie Street, KA22 8 Ardrossan