Artlink Central

About Artlink Central

Artlink Central is the leading participatory arts agency in Central Scotland. Our patron is Chidren's Laureate, Julia Donaldson.

Artlink Central Description

We are an arts agency working across Central Scotland, engaging artists in communities. Established in 1988, we are a charity based in Stirling, with a focus on developing evidence-based practice in the following areas:
┬Ę Arts and Health
┬Ę Arts and Disability
┬Ę Arts in Prisons
┬Ę Arts and Young People



Welcome to the first episode of Creative Bytes - small scale arts activities that you can do at home with easy to access materials. Please let us know what you think - and post pictures of your creations and comments underneath. Thanks!


Excellent advice on keeping mentally as well as physically well during this time.ŌĆ”/coronavirus-a nd-your-mental-wellbŌĆ” #mentalhealth #coronavirus

UserŌĆ”/screenŌĆ”/bri dging-bursary-programme

UserŌĆ”/fund ingŌĆ”/bridging-bursary

UserŌĆ”/coronav irus-self-employed-wŌĆ”
Apparently, this is how it will work...
How do I claim the help?... The chancellor said this will cover 95% of the self-employed who make most of their money from self-employment. This is how it works:
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will use existing information to identify those eligible and will invite applications
The application will require them to confirm that they meet the eligibility requirements
It will be paid straight into a bank account, which eligible taxpayers will need to confirm on their application form
People do not need to contact HMRC now, if they are eligible HMRC will contact them directly
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That's more like it....sure folks could have done without the stress and worry though and it's ridiculously it's still not available until June apparently.
Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran said: ŌĆ£An 80 per cent grant for the self-employed is a welcome measure. However, after days of anxious uncertainty, there are still many unanswered questions for people who are already struggling to put food on the table and look after their families. Having to wait until early June does not give self-employed people parity with those in full-time work."
She added: "Instead of making people nervously wait while they implement a complicated system, the Government could be making a fixed and regular payment to all.ŌĆØŌĆ”/ coronavirus-self-employed-wŌĆ”

UserŌĆ”/coronaviru s-bailout-will-compeŌĆ”


The ever on the ball Martin Lewis Money Saving Expert Advice to Self-Employed.
CONFIRMED the Govt is working on a further support package (some reports say it'll be as soon as Wed, but it'll almost certainly be by Fri). I don't know what it is, but suspect it'll be on a par with the 80% of your salary up to ┬Ż2,500 for employees. So hold tight, and don't make any drastic decisions until that's announced.


Creative industries freelancers: write to your MP NOW!!
BECTU (Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union) are calling on all creative freelancers to write to their MP to urgently ask for additional financial support from the government towards their income during the coronavirus pandemicŌĆ”/bectu-calls-for- creative-industrieŌĆ”/ŌĆ”
...ŌĆ”/covid-19-advice- for-members-workingŌĆ”/
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UserŌĆ”/resp onse-to-covid-19-impŌĆ”


Royal Conservatoire of Scotland creates online platform to ŌĆśinspire, uplift, unite and entertainŌĆÖ @RCStweets #LikeNowhereElse #rcsalumni The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland has launched an online community to connect students, staff and audiences while its campus is closed during the coronavirus outbreak.
The Glasgow-based drama school said the platform, RCS at Home, would serve to ŌĆ£spread joy and combat isolationŌĆØ, with features including streamed lunchtime concer...ts, online talks, yoga classes and cultural recommendations showcasing the schoolŌĆÖs alumni.
Monday lunchtime concert. @MoishesBagel performing in Stevenson Hall ­¤ź» #RCSatHome 073722409844737ŌĆ”ŌĆ”/coronaviru s-royal-conservatoŌĆ”/ŌĆ”
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Wall of Wellbeing
Delighted to have been able to live screen last night. Visiting hours have been restricted but we will try and do some more screenings before the clocks change, and rescreen in autumn.


Ladies and Gentlemen there is now only half an hour until The Wall of Wellbeing 2020 goes live!! As always the public's health and safety is our number 1 priority so we will be practicing social distancing and will have plenty of wipes.


Okay we only have 1 hour left until we go live with The Wall of Wellbeing 2020!! Be prepared because we are going live at 6:30pm on our Facebook page and on our Instagram. So tune in and we hope to see you there.
Artlink Central


Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Impact Survey
Completing this survey will help Culture Counts to communicate the needs of the sector due to the impact of Covid-19 (Coronavirus), to decision-makers in government and in parliament.ŌĆ”/covid-19-c oronoavirus-impact-sŌĆ”


Creative Scotland support #creativescotland We understand that these are challenging and uncertain times and recognise the serious personal and professional impacts for artists, practitioners and organisations arising from Covid-19 as it spreads.
We will continue to work closely with colleagues at the Scottish Government to advocate support for the sector, share the impacts arising, and make the case for additional resources to help mitigate against the short, medium and long... term effects of this situation.
At present, we can also offer the following specific guidance on funding support:ŌĆ”/20ŌĆ ”/02/coronavirus-advice
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Support Our Freelance Artists
If we care about the arts we need to keep supporting our freelance artists. We are committing to sustaining our work with our contracted artists and redesigning our way of working to ensure that they can still get paid and so that we can still reach our communities.
We call on the arts and cultural sector and funders to do the same.
... #keepsupportingfreelanceartists #freelance #supportartists #scottisharts
Resources for Freelancers
If any of our staff, employed or freelance, is finding the current situation financially challenging then the following links may be helpful, particularly for freelancers. Feel free to share.
You can apply for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) if youŌĆÖre under State Pension age and you have a disability or health condition that affects how much you can work. owance/eligibility
Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs. ItŌĆÖs paid monthly - or twice a month for some people in Scotland. You may be able to get it if youŌĆÖre on a low income or out of work. o-claim
Choose competitive rates on loans and savings from a not-for-profit. Over 400,000 people in Scotland already have loans or savings with a credit union. Join them and discover competitive rates with an ethical approach.
We provide free debt advice tailored to your individual circumstances and in line with Scottish debt law.ŌĆ”/debt -advice-scotland.aspx
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We are really excited to screen this year's Wall of Wellbeing on Wednesday evening and given the themes include mental health it's important we project our half an hour programme of arts and health content on the front of Forth Valley Royal Hospital.
We will try to screen a live feed of the Wall of Wellbeing on social media so that we share this widely and due to the impact of coronavirus. We hope you will join us for an #instascreening

More about Artlink Central

Artlink Central is located at Stirling Old Town Jail, FK8 1EA Stirling