
About Asfb-Rafts

Association of Salmon Fishery Boards | Rivers and Fishery Trusts of Scotland

Asfb-Rafts Description

The Association of Salmon Fishery Boards (ASFB) is the representative body for Scotland's 41 District Salmon Fishery Boards (DSFBs) including the River Tweed Commission (RTC), which have a statutory responsibility to protect and improve salmon and sea trout fisheries. Conservation of fish stocks, and the habitats on which they depend, is essential and many DSFB’s operate habitat enhancement schemes and have voluntarily adopted ‘catch and release’ practices to this end. ASFB create policies that seek where possible to protect wider biodiversity and our environment as well as enhancing the economic benefits for our rural economy that result from angling. An analysis completed in 2004 demonstrated that freshwater angling in Scotland results in the Scottish economy producing over £100 million worth of annual output, which supports around 2, 800 jobs and generates nearly £50million in wages and self-employment into Scottish households, many of which are in rural areas.

Rivers and Fisheries Trusts of Scotland (RAFTS) is an independent freshwater conservation charity representing Scotland's national network of 24 rivers and fisheries Trusts and Foundations. Our members work across over 90% of Scotland’s freshwaters to protect and develop our native fish stocks and populations by undertaking a range of activities including freshwater, river habitat restoration, fish and fisheries monitoring, research and education programmes. RAFTS is the membership organisation of the fisheries and rivers trusts operating in Scotland and is, itself, a charity and company limited by guarantee.

More about Asfb-Rafts

Asfb-Rafts is located at CBC House, 24 Canning Street, EH3 8EG Edinburgh, United Kingdom
01312722797 |