Aspect Mountaineering

About Aspect Mountaineering

Welcome to Aspect Mountaineering! We provide guided mountain walks within the wilds of Scotland as well as introductory rock climbing and abseil sessions.

Aspect Mountaineering Description

At Aspect Mountaineering we are happy to organise guided mountain walks exploring the captivating scenery of the Scottish Highlands and Islands. Our mini hillwalking and camping expeditions will give you the chance to get away from it all and truly appreciate the wilderness of Scotland!

If challenge walks are your thing how about a daytime or night time ascent of the UK's tallest mountain Ben Nevis or the West Highland Way in five days?

We can also provide introductory rock climbing or abseiling sessions at some of Scotland's most scenic rock climbing venues.

Whatever your preference Aspect Mountaineering can tailor an experience to suit your needs and ability. Our guides all hold the relevant qualifications and First Aid certificates so you can have fun while we ensure your safety.

And don't worry, in this case 'bespoke' doesn't necessarily mean 'expensive' - we enjoy designing an experience to suit your needs and want to make sure you get the most out of your time with us!



Sunday 30th September 2018 and something a little different for Aspect Mountaineering. I was extremely excited to be taking part in the Glen Coe Marathon Gathering, all be it I was running the half marathon section from Kinlochleven to Fort William which takes you along the stunning West Highland Way. The weather was not kind as I battled through the rain showers and the wind. However half way along the sun popped out which put a smile on my face. Another fantastic experience... and another personal achievement. Here are some pictures I took along the way. Was also great to bump in to an old work colleague Mark who was also taking part, of all the places....!! June 😉 #glencoemarathongathering #wildfoxevents #mamoreshalfmarathon #westhighlandway #icefactor #Kinlochleven #glennevis #running #fitness #scotland #charity #challenge #pushyourself #personalgoals #bennevis4000 #aspectmountaineering
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Saturday 29th September 2018 and it was a great pleasure to be part of the Eight Point Two team guiding a fantastic group of 35 enthusiastic people raising money for Cystic Fibrosis charity. The weather was grim from start to finish with heavy rain and extreme strong wind on the summit. 34 made the summit despite the horrendous weather conditions to raise money for this worthy charity. An outstanding effort from everyone involved. June 😉 #bennevis #glennevis #cysticfibrosis #charity #challenge #visitscotland #fitness #scotland #scottishhills #teamwork #aspectmountaineering


Certainly a beautiful time of year to be in Loch Ard Forest, the autumnal colours are starting to appear. I am just back from another DofE Expedtion working for the Adventure Academy CIC. Thursday started with a little light drizzle and breezy, clearing mid afternoon with plenty of sunshine. The evening was chilly with clear skies, a vibrant moon and stars galore as well as hot chocolate all round! Early morning Friday the young people woke to a heavy frost, with clear skies and plenty of sunshine to warm everybody up. A fantastic effort from this group, they overcame personnel fears, learned new skills and made new friends. A huge well done to all the young people who I now hope will go on to complete their DofE Bronze assessed expedtion. Andy, 27th-28th September 2018


It continues to be winter at the summit of Ben Nevis with snow from above 1200m, making it incredibly cold at the summit. This fantastic charity group from Edinburgh enjoyed some great views on the ascent until we walked into the clouds towards the summit, we got there in good time as well considering things were getting slip slidy with all the snow, a very respectable 3.5hrs. We only hung around long enough to get photographs before descending. Again we were rewarded with fa...ntastic views lower down. A great effort from this group completing Ben Nevis in a total time of 7hrs. As always great to be working for The Highland Mountain Company. Andy, 24th September 2018 #TheBen #BenNevis #Munro #UKsHighestMountain #Challenge #Fitness #Healthy #Walking #Scotland #ScotlandisNow #VisitScotland #MyOutdoorCapital #TrueHighlands #Winter #Snow #WinterisComing #TheHighlandMountainCompany #AspectMountaineering
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23rd September 2018 and after yesterday's day on the hill, I decided to stretch my legs a little, so took a wander up the Whangie with Sharon. Absolutely beautiful day with plenty of sunshine which brought the most stunning views across to Loch Lomond. A very busy little hill today with loads of people out with their family enjoying this glorious weather. June 😉 #whangie #lochlomond #scottishhills #familydayout #scotland #visitscotland #fitness #Walking #healthy #myoutdoorcapital #scenary #aspectmountaineering


22 September 2018. While Andy was working I had a day off. So I decided to take my daughter out on a little adventure to bag her first munro. Beinn Bhuidhe was the hill of choice. This munro is part of the Arrochar Alps, however sits isolated from the rest and has an extremely long walk in. Despite this though Jodie remained positive and was overwhelmed with the views that now surrounded her. We made our ascent and as we reached some minor scrambling, Jodie was given the opti...on to avoid this, however she decided she wanted to continue the fun way. We were extremely lucky with the weather today with plenty of sunshine and the occasional shower. Nothing like the dusting of snow that is now falling further North. A very enjoyable and pleasant day out and super exciting for Jodie who is now very proud of herself 😊 Well done. If you would like to take your family out and enjoy some family time exploring the hills of Scotland then why not get in touch at and let us organise something for you 😉 June. #beinnbhuidhe #munro #munrobagging #arrocharalps #challenge #Walking #healthy #familydayout #scenary #lochfyne #glenfyne #scotland #visitscotland #myoutdoorcapital #aspectmountaineering
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While Andy was elsewhere on the Ben today. I had the privilege of guiding this lovely lady Grace from BBC Radio Merseyside with her very own personal challenge of conquering Ben Nevis today. The weather was kind with stunning views on our ascent, however that soon changed to low cloud and poor visibility as we reached the summit, we also got our first glimpse of snow falling. This did not dampen the excitement Grace felt as we reached the top with smiles and joy all round. On... our descent we were soon welcomed with the stunning views across the Glen once more. An absolutely fantastic day spent with Grace and an all round superb time of 6 hours. A huge well done. 😊 Grace spent the day with Aspect Mountaineering earlier in the year in the Lake District so it was super fantastic to see her back with us again today. Saturday 15th September 2018. If you would like a day out on the hills around Scotland, please get in touch at June #theben #bennevis4000 #bennevisInn #glennevisbarandrestaurant #glennevis #fortwilliam #challenge #fitness #Walking #girlsonthehill #snow #scotland #visitscotland #scotlandisnow #myoutdoorcapital #bbcradio #aspectmountaineering
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A little snow of the summit of Ben Nevis today. Although cold with low cloud and the occasional drizzle it did not put off this group of Three Peakers with Maximum Adventure. This small group which was part of a larger group summited the Ben within three hours and including descent time they made a round trip of 5.5hrs. They even enjoyed some fine views on the descent. An excellent time given the conditions. 15th September 2018 #TheBen #BenNevis4000 #BenNevis #HighestMountain #Adventure #Challenge #Walking #Healthy #GlenNevis #FortWilliam #Scotland #VisitScotland #TrueHighlands #MyOutdoorCapital #MaximumAdventure #AspectMountaineering


Another amazing Silver DofE qualifying expedition with the Adventure Academy CIC. This expedition started in Brig O' Turk, travelled through Glen Finglas passing Glen Finglas Reservoir into Gleann nam Meann and eventually camping at Bealach a' Chonnaidh. Following day we walked through Glen Buckie, to Balquidder, popped into the church where Rob Roy's grave is before travelling through Kirton Glen, ascending to the bealach where Rob Roy's Putting Stone is. Descended to Ledcha...rrie Farm and camped for the second night. The expedition finished with a short walk along the dismantled railway through Glen Ogle to Lochearnhead. All the young people passed and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The main theme was rainbows! Andy, 12th-14th September 2018 #BrigoTurk #GlenFinglas #Glenbuckie #KirktonGlen #GlenOgle #Lochearnhead #RobRoysGrave #RobRoy #RobRoysPuttingStone #Balquidder #DofE #DofScotland #DukeofEdinburgh #Adventure #Expedition #Challenge #Scotland #VisitScotland #AdventureAcademyCIC #AspectMountaineering
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Today myself and Andy had the privilege to guide these super motivated ladies with their Ben Nevis challenge. Most of whom were from Kent Foods. Despite horrendous weather from early morning, which only let up on occasion, if only to tease us with a view, these ladies showed sheer determination to make the summit and were not going to let the torrential rain, severe winds and hail stones stop them. These girls have trained hard, both together and individually in the last 5 mo...nths and today that hard work payed off when all 7 of them successfully made the summit. Myself and Andy would like to say a huge awesome well done to each and every one of you. Smashing the Ben in 7 hours against those elements is outstanding 😊 if you would like to organise a corporate event or a group day out, please get in touch at 9th September 2018...June 😉 #teamwork #teambuilding #theben #bennevis #glennevis #FortWilliam #scotspirit #scotland #myoutdoorcapital #glennevispartnership #visitscotland #challenge #fitness #healthy #charity #pushyourself ##event #kentfoods #aspectmountaineering
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8th September 2018 and it was great to be part of the Rat Race Coast to Coast event. This is my first post with Aspect Mountaineering and it is fantastic to share this day as these guys are truly amazing in their efforts throughout this challenge. Starting from Nairn they cycle all the way to Fort William then from here they run 14 miles along the West Highland Way to finish with a Kayak across the Loch to Ballachulish. Outstanding performance from all who took part. June #ratrace #coasttocoast #nairn #fortaugustus #FortWilliam #Kinlochleven #westhighlandway #challenge #cycling #kayaking #running #fitness #pushyourself #scotland #myoutdoorcapital #visitscotland #aspectmountaineering


Another fantastic day on Ben Nevis with this trio, who were raising money for charity. We enjoyed fantastic views on the ascent, unfortunately the cloud descended as we approached the summit, so again no summit views but warmer than yesterdays ascent. A huge well done to all three! And as always fantastic to working for Maximun Adventure. 8th September 2018 #TheBen #BenNevis #GlenNevis #Charity #Challenge #Walking #Hillwalking #Healthy #FortWilliam #Scotland #VisitScotland #AspectMountaineering #MaximumAdventure


It has been a while, great to be back on Ben Nevis with this fantastic group from Maximum Adventure. We enjoyed some very pleasant views on the ascent, at around the 740m mark we entered into the low cloud and things got a little chilly. We summited in good time, did'nt hang around long, it was a pretty chilly -4 on the summit today with the wind chill. A quick descent and we soon returned to warmer conditions. A rapid 5hrs.40 mins ascent and descent. An awesome effort and Aspect Mountaineering wishes the team all the best with the rest of their Three Peaks Challenge. 7th September 2018 #TheBen #BenNevis #GlenNevis #FortWilliam #Challenge #NationalThreePeaksChallenge #Walking #Healthy #GlenNevis #FortWilliam #Scotland #VisitScotland #MyOutdoorCapital #AspectMountaineering #MaximumAdventure


Another excellent DofE Expedition this small team were out in the Pentland Hills not far from Edinburgh. The team was out on a practise bronze expedition amd learned some valuable skills including basic navigation, how to pack a rucksack, pitching tents and learning how to use camping stoves. The entire team showed great skills and should hopefully go on to complete their Bronze DofE Assessed Expedition with troubles at all. Not sure how Andy of the Adventure Academy CIC keeps on arranging the fabulous weather but no complaints from me or this team of young people and as always a pleasure to be working for Andy. 5th-6th September 2018 #Adventure #Expedition #DukeofEdinburghAward #DofE #DofEScotland #PentlandHills #Edinburgh #Scotland #VisitScotland


My second day in Torridon with Barbara and husband Oliver, we decided to go for Beinn Alligin via the Horns of Alligin Traverse. Myself and June started the day early with fine views from Bealach na Gaoithe, then popped into Torridon Village to meet Barbara and Oliver. We drove the short distance to the car park and made our approach via Abhainn Coire Mhic Nobuil. The views were fantastic on the approach, but as we gained height we soon walked into low cloud. We scrambled acr...oss the Horns Alligin just in time, no sooner than we stepped off the windspeed increased remarkably. Sgurr Mhor proved to be a battle of wills, with steadfast determimation we made it and then descended to the conecting ridge that sweeps up onto Tom na Gruagaich, here the windspeed was at its most feirce. We battled on until we were protected by the wind from Tom na Gruagaich itself. Here we had a short break and then summited and again we were battered by the wind. A swift summit photo and a rapid descent to the shelter of Coir' nan Laogh, followed by a gentle descent back to the cars. A incredibly challenging day and again Barbara performed planks on every peak to raise money for her chosen charity. As always great to be working for The Highland Mountain Company. 2nd September 2018 Bloodwise. #Challenge #Charity #Bloodwise #MyPeakChallenge #BeinnAlligin #TheHornsofBeinnAlligin #SgurrMhor #TomnaGruagaich #Munros #MunroBagging #Torridon #TrueHighlands #MyOutdoorCapital #Scotland #VisitScotland #AspectMountaineering #TheHighlandMountainCompany
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Time for some inspiration... On the 1st September I had the pleasure of guiding Barbara a Lady of 68 and her husband around Liathach one of the most challenging mountain ridges in the Northwest of Scotland and also taking in two of the finest munro's as well. Barbara was representing Chesapeakers a group of folk from My Peak Challenge to help raise funds for Bloodwise a charity that helps folk with diseases of the blood. For every peak that Barbara made she did a plank and ev...ery plank raised £10.00 for Bloodwise, June joined in the fun as well to give Barbara support. Barbara is truly inspirational and at 68, she has endless amounts of energy, enthusiasm and certainly shows no signs of slowing down! As always fantastic to be representing the Highland Mountain Company. 1st September 2018 #MyPeakChallenge #Bloodwise #Chesapeakers #Life #ChooseLife #Challenge #Charity #ChallengeYourself #Active #Inspiration #Torridon #Liathach #SpideanaChoireLeith #MullachanRathain #Munro #MunroBagging #Scotland #VisitScotland #TrueHighlands #OutdoorCapitalUK #AspectMountaineering #TheHighlandMountainCompany
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Another fabulous DofE Expedition working for the Adventure Academy CIC. This expedition was a Silver Qualifying based in the Dunkeld area of Scotland. The teams started from the forestry car park just north of Dunkeld and made their way north via Cally Loch, The Glach, Mil Dam, Raor Lodge, eventually passing Loch Ordie to make camp by a ruined bothy. They enjoyed a great sunset whilst cooking their evening meals. The following day the teams woke to a frost, perhaps the 1st of... the autumn season? The sun was shining and the teams quickly warmed up before continuing their journey further north to Lochan Oisinneach Mor where they played skipping stones for some time. The route then changed direction and the teams made their way south to make camp at Laird's House and again they enjoyed another stunning sunset whilst cooking, unfortunately this time the wind speed dropped and the dreaded midge was out and about! The following morning was again cool with mist, but a light breeze just enough to keep the dreaded midge at bay. The teams then walked out in sunshine passing Riemore Lodge and Deuchary Hill to return to their starting point at Dunkeld forestry car park. An excellent expedition with some fantastic young people that all passed their Silver DofE Expedition! 29th-31st September 2018 #Dunkeld #ForestryCommisionScotland #ForestofClunie #Expedition #Walking #Adventure #DofE #DukeofEdinburghAward #SilverExpedition #DofEScotland #Scotland #VisitScotland #AspectMountaineering #TheAdventureAcademyCIC
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Day two with the geezers from down south and we made our way further north to Fort William and into the stunning Glen Nevis. The Geezers wanted another day of exciting remote ridge walking away from the crowds so we headed to the Mamores range and made an ascent of Mullach nan Coirean and Stob Ban another two fine Munros. The weather was kinder than the previous day and we enjoyed some fantastic views over Glen Nevis, unfortunately it did not clear enough for them to see the Ben, but hey ho it will be there for another day! we even managed to stay dry and got the occasional fleeting view across the tops. We ended the day in the Real Food Cafe in Tyndrum with well earned fish and chips and a cold beer! As always great to be working for Jon Haber's Walkabout Scotland. 18th August 2018


Another 1st for Aspect Mountaineering this time a stag do for these geezers from down south. Following a swift pick up from Edinburgh Airport we quickly drove to Dalmally and made an ascent of Beinn Eunaich and Beinn a' Chochuill two fine Munros. The boys got a thorough soaking, but this did not dampen their spirits (rubarbh & ginger infused gin)! We then pitched tents by Inveroran so the boys could experience camping in Scotland. They spent the night in the Inveroran Hotel drinking Earl Grey tea of all things. And it would'nt be a stag do without a stag! A huge thanks to Walkabout Scotland for the opportunity. 17th August 2018


Wow! What an experience, I was part of an open UK 3 Peaks challenge group who Andy led on the 8th July 2017. Andy's love and knowledge for the mountains is inspiring, he guided our group every step of the way, pushing us to our limits to ensure we made good time and having a real giggle on the way. I can't recommend Andy as a leader enough, thank you!


We spend a great day with Andrew climbing near Fort William. He tailored the activities to our groups needs, yet still it was fun and exciting for all. He showed particular care to our little one (8 years) and he is very knowledgeable. He comes highly recommended and we would happily book him again.


Thanks again to Andy for all the help on the Yorkshire 3 Peaks challenge. He was professional, patient and good fun and really added to the day. I would definitely ask Andy to guide us on any future trips.


Our group of eight had a great day with Andy & June on Saturday successfully completing the Lake District 10 Peak Challenge.

13.5 hours of even pace, great routes & fun conversation.

His skills allowed us to concentrate on the amazing scenery and enjoyment of the day.

Highly recommended.


Had a fabulous trek up Ben Nevis with Andrew, we were a bunch of novices, but with help and guidance we made it!! A beautiful sunny day helped, Andrew had so much knowledge on all the views an awesome day - thank you 😁


Had a brilliant day scaling the Carn Mor Dearg, although we couldn’t cross the Arête due to strong winds, Andy and June made sure we made the most of our day, even practicing some winter skills on the way down which was a bonus! Couldn’t recommend Aspect enough, extremely knowledgeable and good craic.


Great weekend with Andrew for Winter skills course. From prep and planning, weather conditions, moving across snow and ice with axe and crampons, navigation in light and dark. He got everyone working well together into a great wee team.


Great guide, well worth paying for. He has so much knowledge, so nice and very fit!! Had an awesome time up Ben Nevis. Would recommend him to anyone! :)


Great day out with Andrew on my first winter walk. First class teacher friendly patient and extremely knowlegeable. Learned so much in one day. Would highly recommend Aspect Mountaineering. Can't thank you enough awesome experience.


Did a Multi pitch climb In Glencoe, this was my first time Trad climbing and it was an awesome experience. I learned a lot with Andy helping me and will definitely be itching to get out again. Cheers Andy !


Awesome weekend in Glencoe. Anyone wanting to get out to the mountain but lacking in skill and confidence like me, I can 100% recommend Andy as your mountain instructor. He has wealth of knowledge and experience on the mountain and you get to learn and test your new skills in real environment and in safe and fun way. Thank you Andy!


Awesome hike up Scafell Pike with Andy. Great pace, lovely guy that knows his stuff and lead us on an interesting and varied route. Weather was challenging but it didn’t take away from a brilliant experience, can’t recommend him highly enough. You’ll not be disappointed!


Andy, best guide we could have thought of! We were two unrelated ones of a 23-group travelling around scotland...both dreaming about climbing Ben Nevis. So we separated from our group and had a great day out with Andy. I don't think we would have made it without his great support! On that hot day, hiking in the burning sun, he never failed to give us our needed breaks and also motivating us heading on to a next stop. We had a great time...walking, sweating, talking... Andy told us lots about the surrounding mountains, Glen Nevis and the ones doing the 3 peaks challenge...we really had a lot of fun, even laughing while crawling up the ben! To put icing on the cake he gave us a ride back to our hotel in Fort William. We highly recommend Andy to anyone who is looking for a mountain guide, no matter how experienced you are.


Andy was our guide for the Yorkshire 3 peaks. Andy was great fun, knowledgable and very patient! We all had a great day, thanks Andy!


Andy was great and got our 3 Peaks challenge off to a fantastic start. Highly experienced and knowledgeable, good banter, would highly recommend!


Andrew was an absolute gentleman! A great guide with lots of knowledge and a chipper attitude who kept motivating us to keep putting one foot in front of the other. He made us feel safe and gave me his coat at the top of Ben Nevis!!! Thank you for a great and challenging experience from @bbcradiolincolnshire X


Andrew was a wonderful guide! Transported us to the start and motivated us to the top of Ben Nevis. He made this a truly great adventure! Highly recommend.


Andrew was a brilliant guide on my first winter hill walk along Buachaille Etive Beag, introducing skills suitable for the conditions as well as sharing his endless knowledge of mountains, climbing, navigation, weather, equipment... Felt safe at all times while still pushing myself and challenging what I thought I knew about winter mountaineering. Coudn't recommend a finer mountaineer!


A huge thank you to Andy for taking us safely to the top of Ben Nevis lastnight and bringing us back down again during our Moonlight hike with Macmillan cancer support. What an amazing guy with a huge knowledge of his surroundings. Would highly recommend Andy to anyone who is looking for support or a guide around any of our beautiful mountains x

More about Aspect Mountaineering

Aspect Mountaineering is located at 35 Kersland Street, G12 8BP Glasgow, United Kingdom