Aspiring Minds Scotland

About Aspiring Minds Scotland

Aspiring Minds Scotland. life coaching and holistic therapies service
Looking after your mind and body. Your thoughts control your actions so be careful what you tell yourself. If you don't mind the body won't matter.

Aspiring Minds Scotland Description

Master practitioner of NLP, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, CBT Dip', Timeline Therapy. Dip in Holistic therapies

I have unique issue based workshops aimed at helping individuals to resolve issues, develop confidence and self-worth to move on for a more fulfilling life. Specialising in abuse recovery, stress management - confidence and motivation

Motivation & Confidence in sports workshop. Aimed specifically at junior team sports to promote confidence in teamwork. (Individual sessions also available)

Developing and facilitating high impact learning that is interactive, informative with positive outcomes; courses tailored to suit the needs of the organisations and client groups. Can facilitate to SQA & CfE.
PX2 /Steps to Excellence workshops facilitated

Individual service available: HNLP, Hypnotherapy, Timeline Therapy
Holistic therapy’s.



Enjoy every moment as you never know when the moment will be your last.


Men also need to know they're appreciated so if you have a good one, let him know how you feel.


Time to stop daydreaming and walking towards what it is you want.


Watch the things that someone does not what they say. Some people find it difficult to say I love you but they will show you in other ways


Not everyone is after something and if there's someone in your life who gives without receiving or who's not looking for anything except to see you happy - appreciate them.


Make plans for the future and then make them happen; you're not your past so don't let it define you.


Happy father's day to all the amazing dads and mums who're playing both roles. Especially to my own 2 sons; growing up without a father who wanted nothing do do with his children, was painful. With no role model who do they and other young people like them, to turn to for advice. . When my son's told me they were going to be dads there was only 1 piece of advice I could offer: "You can be the father you had or the dad you wanted", you make the choice but chose wisely. Watc...hing them with their own children it's easy to see the role they chose; 2 amazing dads who's children come 1st. Who's children have them wrapped round their fingers, who's children run to them for cuddles or when they want to play, when kids are comfortable enough to wind them up - climbing on tables, jumping on beds..the things that kids do.
They chose wisely and although their own father disowned them in favour of 'fun', they've stepped in to their respective roles full throttle. They've got a long road ahead of them but the foundations of amazing relationships where their children feel safe, secure, loved, have already been laid. Happy Father's Day boys
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Stop trying to prove your self to others


Jobs will come and go, hobbies can be picked up again. House will be tidy again some day soon but time spent with your child is limited. They're only little for a short time. Don't waste it


The nicest people can turn out to be devils in disguise whilst the one who appears loud and Bolshoi can be an Angel in what people do not what they say. The mask always reveals itself


To the world you are one, to one you are the world....Remember that - there's always someone that cares even if you don't know it or can't see it


Don't change who you are because it makes someone else feel insecure.


Make sure you're holding the right hand and don't be scared to let go of the wrong one.


NEVER stop yourself from getting to know someone just because of another person's opinion. They may be right but they could also be wrong.


Time goes in so fast so stop worrying about the mess. There will be plenty of time to keep your house neat and tidy when the kids are gone; enjoy the mess and the memories - make them good ones.


It's never to late to do something different even if it's taking up that hobby you always wanted to do. We all need something different in our lives, something we enjoy and can look forward to. Start making the time for you or if you get the opportunity, get yourself the proper qualifications and go after the career you've always wanted. Life is to short to look back with the regret of 'If only'


How to judge a human being - look at what's in their heart not what postcode they come from, not what car they drive, not what their job is or the clothes they wear. To many people think that they're not good enough (whatever that means) just because. Ok, you swear, you take a drink and maybe you don't pronounce your vowels when you speak - that doesn't make you a bad person. We have to teach our children to treat everyone equal, we have to get them in to the world to meet people from all different cultures and dialects, we have to get them to be compassionate and we have to educate them to love themselves for them not who other think they should be. Don't ever think you're better than anyone just because they have different values - they may have better morals and that will always mean more.


Recognise yourself? Wonder how many kids ran out and bought a pack of fags because of these; they even had the red tip mimicking the lighted end 🔥😀

More about Aspiring Minds Scotland

Aspiring Minds Scotland is located at Warrior Fitness, S. Elgin St, G81 1PL Clydebank