Atlantis Adventures

About Atlantis Adventures

Explore the wilderness
- message us for times and itineraries

Atlantis Adventures Description

About us:

We are a group of mixed outdoor adventure specialists and field researchers that have come together with a common goal - to create a rounded set of experiences that teach both outdoor adventure skills and academic subjects in the context of adventure and exploration.

Explore, Dream, Discover

Our goal is to enhance the traveling experience to a new level. We don't do the Great Wall or the Taj Mahal, we go to little known places and discover what few have seen. You would not find our destinations on Trip advisor. With the help of our field academics and researchers we discover new unexplored destinations, veiled in mystery, thus we create a purpose to the journey, then we add breath-taking outdoor activities to the mix.

Don't be a tourist.

We are located in some of the most spectacular locations for teaching and adventure tourism in the world. Wherever your next destination is - it's likely that you'd be near one of our associate specialists. Whether your interest is mostly academic or purely action adventure we have activities that would incorporate as much or as little of each.

Our courses and destinations include:

Outdoor Adventure - Havasupai, USA. 7days. Includes: rock climbing /bouldering, desert survival training, waterfall and canyoning, horse riding. Meet our own Pocahontas and follow her into the most incredible canyon in the Americas.

Extreme kayaking and rock climbing - London, UK. Woven deep through the ancient streets of Londinium there is a network of secret rivers. Those who have seen them are few and far in between. Join our war veteran adventure explorer and discover the wild hidden layers of London in one true adventure.

High lining, slacklining, cliffhanging - California. What's all the hype with the new sport? Discover it for yourself and learn from our own American Ninja Warrior.

The Lara Croft discovery route - Siem Reap to Koh Rong and beyond, Cambodia. Unexplored jungle, mysterious ancient civilisation, breathtaking landscapes & seascapes of the Khmer land and Islands, is our playground of rivers that flow from the Himalayas to the sea.

Sailing /Navigation /Sea safety - Corfu, Greece, 7-14 days. Get active and learn to sail or relax and enjoy the sweet Mediterranean Sea sun and wind for a holiday of a lifetime. You can get as much or as little involved in the sailing but either way you'll see a new port every day and experience the old silk route of Ancient Greece.

Eco commune research, Savusavu, Fiji. 7-14 days. Join a tribe in the rainforest of this tropical utopia. Once a wild and cannibal nation today this is the most friendly and unbelievable place on earth.

Ancient cultures and anthropology - Machu Picchu, Peru. Did the Incas built Machu Picchu or is there a trail of a lot older civilisation hidden right there in full view?

Archeology /Megalithic architecture - Giza, Egypt. Who built the pyramids and why. Join our attempt to find the unbelievable answer to these big questions. Off the beaten track we will take you to discover evidence of advanced ancient technology.

Urban exploring - Shanghai area, China. The communists built concrete megastructures some of which span for hundreds of miles. Ghost cities, mega-factories, apocalyptic scenery. Are you ready to discover them?

Mountaineering /Palaeontology - Tibet, The Himalayas - trek across sacred mountain ranges and join our search for the elusive Yeti. Although considered the realm of legend our recent discoveries have implied that there may be a link between the now extinct giant ape species Gigantopithecus and the stories of Yeti.

Surfing, water sports, oceanic conservation - Hawaii - coming soon

Arctic exploring, climate research - coming soon

Contact us for availabilities, dates and locations or follow us on Facebook for updates.

More about Atlantis Adventures
