
About Atraveladventure

We are world travel bloggers. We travel all over the world, doing outdoor and extreme sports, sightseeing, and participating in local off-the-beat activities, so to share them with you. Go

Atraveladventure Description

Through our travels, we discovered many things about life, different cultures, awareness, and the environment. As you see in our blog, we have a particular preference for two things: Nature and outdoor activities, along with discovering the culture of different countries.

Being in 30 countries so far, we found through these travel experiences that numerous things connect people and cultures on Earth.

It was stunning to see the similarities among different nations and ethnicities. We changed through these travel experiences, and we became -more- conscious about what happens with the lives of people on our planet and how meeting other cultures positively change people.

At that point, in the breaking of 2020, we found that what we are now experiencing is an increasing need to be more aware of life and our purpose in life. After a three month thinking, a weird incident, and -finally- an overnight discussion, we found out that the most suitable word for that changed way of thinking could be described as “mindfulness. ”

Getting as many travel experiences as we can is still great and our goal, but where that leads if not in further understanding ourselves and others?

For that reason, we found out that our past name was not representing what we want for the future. It is clear now that we are and want more than that. That name served us well. It helped us greatly.

On the other hand, “Mindful Travel Experiences” absolutely represents what we understand for life and traveling for the future. To tell you the truth, that name is more than a name. It is also a reminder, an incentive, a goal, and a constant reminder of our desired way of living.

About Mindfulness & Travel Experiences
The term and the way we feel is brightly described as a definition in this Berkeley page, with this:

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens. Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment.

If you put mindfulness in words (though according to Buddhism you cannot), the above words would be pretty close to accuracy.

This journey continues, and we love that you stay with us.

Exciting things are to be added to our blog. Contact us.