B Platoon Rhf - Army Cadets

Monday: 18:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About B Platoon Rhf - Army Cadets

MOD sponsored youth organisation for 12-18 year based in Cambuslang, Glasgow.

We parade on a Monday and Wednesday Night between 1930-2130.

B Platoon Rhf - Army Cadets Description

B Platoon RHF Army Cadet Force is part of the Army Cadet Force which is a MOD sponsored Youth Organiastion for 12-18 year olds.

We parade between 1900-2130 on Monday and Wednesday nights,

If you have any questions either phone our HQ or pop along and see us at:

Cadet Training Centre
Gilbertfield Road
G72 8YP



A few more presentations last night, Congratulations to: >L/Cpl Ross McClengahan for receiving his silver DofE certificate. >Cadet Rachel Borland for gaining her 1st air rifle shooting badge.
We also presented a leaving gift to SI Rebekah Green who has moved to 5 Platoon SG. We wish her all the best and look forward to seeing SI Green at camps.


Another Duke of Edinburgh Award Gained:
Congratulations to L/Cpl Ross McClenaghan for being awarded his Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Keep the hard work up!


A Couple of Presentations tonight:
A Huge to Congratulations to: Cadet Ross McClenaghan on his promotion to Lance Corporal Cadet Joe Ghanime on gaining his One Star certificate.
... Keep the hard work guys!
SI Mulligan.
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In the few months, we’ve had multiple achievements within the detachment..
Congratulations to: Cadets - Black, Kelly, Gahnime C and Nicol for gaining their Basic Badges. Cadets - McClenaghan & Leach for being presented their star levels certificates.... L/Cpl Dixon for gaining his Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.
Keep up the achievements as we head to annual camp in a few weeks.
SI Mulligan.
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A Huge Congratulations to L/Cpl Dixon A and Cdt Mackenzie M who have both completed and gained their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.
A brilliant achievement for them and the detachment.


A huge congratulations to our two cadets: L/Cpl Pew R and Cdt McClenaghan R who passed their two star board and have been awarded their badges!
A huge achievement for both of them and the unit!


Another promotion for the detachment!
A huge congratulations to the newly promoted Sgt Oehme G.
A huge achievement and a lot of hard work that has paid off.


A huge congratulations to the newly promoted Cpl Fitzsimmons C.
This promotion was a result of her hard work and dedication to the unit and company.


Two members of our detachment have been in Poland for the last few days, learning about the effect of World War Two on Poland and the Holocaust.
SI Mulligan & L/Cpl Fitzsimmons have visited many key locations within Poland and even met a survivor from Auschwitz Concentration Camp and heard her experience about the camp, how the camp effected millions more.
It’s been a memorable experience for the both of them.


As we come to a close of 2018 we’ve been taking stock of the achievements of the detachment in the last year. Some notable accolades were:
Senior Female Swimming- Winners 5-a-side football – Semi- finalists Senior Male 5-a-side –Winners... Senior Female 5-a-side – Group winners Annual quiz- Winners Volleyball- Winners Athletics- Numerous medals at battalion and national level Albion Sodger- Runners up 2 Master Cadets (a first for BRHF) 2 CCAT courses completed (adventure training) 100% pass for signals course Continued Duke of Edinburgh Award involvement and several awards completed Thousands of pounds have been raised by individuals and at detachment level for Veteran support charities including Poppy Scotland and Soldiers off the Streets.
The commitment of every cadet has been demonstrated through their continued progress through the star levels, thanks to their efforts at detachment nights and additional courses or camps. Congratulations also go to some individuals, as their hard work, leadership abilities and potential have been awarded by their promotions through the ranks. Cadet force adult volunteers have also completed many courses during the year to continue to deliver up to date and relevant training.
However, we have also had to say goodbye to several cadets and adult volunteers who had been with us for many years and wish them well in their futures. Nonetheless we have continued to grow as we have welcomed many new cadets and look forward to supporting them to develop through their cadet career.
2018 has been a busy but rewarding year which has only been made possible by hard work and commitment and I hope your support will continue through 2019 to carry on the training and sport successes of the detachment.
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Cadet Fundraising Race Night!
If you would like to come, please contact SI Cheryl Mulligan.
Every person who attends is a greatly appreciated.
... All funds raised goes to directly to the Battalion’s Battlefields Tour which takes place in 2019.
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Cdt Caitlin Connor has a mention in the Rutherglen Reformer on her recent climb of three of the European’s highest peaks.
Well done Caitlin, B RHF are very proud of you!


Congratulations to L/Cpl Marshall for completing his 2 star!
Let’s get the progression to 3 Star started!


Annual Camp 2018 is finally over.
It’s been a successful camp for the cadets in B RHF!
The cadets won:... >The Battalion Quiz >Volleyball >Senior Male 5-a-side Football.
We also helped Invictus Company win Senior Female 5-a-side and become Second Place in Junior Female 5-a-side Football.
We also found out that Cpl Adams has been awarded his Bronze DoE for his hard work and dedication on all elements on the award.
The adults are proud of all the cadets’ achievements this camp.
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Well done to CSM Harkins D, L/Cpl Gray J and Cdt Connor C on representing both the unit and battalion in the annual Scottish Athletics Competition. Their contribution to the competition helped the battalion to win 6 out of 8 trophies available. A brilliant effort displayed by them and the rest of the cadets from the battalion.
Photos courtesy of Captain Stirling A.


What an achievement. Cadet CSM Dillon Harkins & Cadet C/SGT Cameron Oehme have both successfully completed and passed the Master Cadet Course at Frimley.
Here are the two with their course certificates.
We now await their course reports and appointment as Master Cadets from the Commandant.
... Huge Congratulations from all at B Platoon RHF
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This weekend has seen Cadets from the Detachment complete practice and qualifying expeditions for their Bronze and Silver DofE Awards.
Well Done to CPL Glenn Adams & L/CPL Logan Marshall for completing their Bronze qualifying and practice expeditions and to CDTs Ross McClenaghan & David O'Rourke who completed their Silver Practice Expedition.
Great effort across the weekend and one step closer to your awards.

More about B Platoon Rhf - Army Cadets

Monday: 18:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -