Baggage Freedom - The West Highland Way

About Baggage Freedom - The West Highland Way

Baggage Freedom - The West Highland Way.
Trustworthy reliable fully insured personal baggage transfer service
baggage transfers, single stops, freedom challenge, freedom returns, pet friendly.

Baggage Freedom - The West Highland Way Description

The West Highland Way - Trustworthy reliable fully insured baggage transfer service

We also provide pet friendly return transport. Flexi transport and the Freedom challenge



Reminder for all those attending the West Highland Way taster event at Drymen campsite...
Baggage Freedom will be waiting at Milngavie station for you at 10am on the 3rd August.
If you wish to use the service you can pay on the morning you meet us. ВЈ6 per bag. weight limit 20kg.
... If you're camping at Drymen campsite you can pay on arrival. ВЈ6 per person.
For anyone attending the Drymen Inn pub for dinner you can get the discount code from Drymen campsite on the day.
Thanks and hope to see you all soon. All welcome !!!
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Massive congrats to 10 year old Daisy and 11 year old Peter for completing the West Highland Way!!! Super proud mum today вҳҖпёҸ Thanks for using Baggage Freedom рҹҘ°


The Freedom vans got sent to rescue 27 school children stranded at Ben lomond when there coach company couldnвҖҷt get to them. Saving the day on the West Highland Way рҹҘҫ


Well done to wee Kara for climbing the Buachaille etive mor. If you donвҖҷt know it. ItвҖҷs the big beauty you can see from kings house вӣ°


Massive congrats to the JohnstonвҖҷs. WHW complete вң…вң…вң…вң…


****Competition Winner Announcement **** Huge congrats to Lee-Ann McCutcheon For winning the Freedom shout contest. The 2 freedom packages worth ВЈ130 are yours. Congrats Thanks to everyone else for taking part рҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹрҹ‘Ҹ


Nice weather is finally here вҳҖпёҸ Perfect time to be starting the WHW Join us -


*** Baggage freedom competition time ***
Who can shout/Scream Freedom the best !!!
For a chance to win... 2 Freedom packages worth ВЈ130. These give you 2 full walk baggage transfers + 2 return transports on the west highland way.
Video yourself and post here with your best Freedom shout. The longer and louder the better !!!
The Video with most likes will be the Winner. Competition ends 1st of July 2019. Prize can be used anytime before October 2020.
Good Luck !!!
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Massive congratulations to team Kruuk. They managed to cycle the full West Highland Way in 3 days рҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ‘ҢрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҢрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҢрҹҸ»


Grab those walking boots рҹҘҫ The suns coming to visit us вҳҖпёҸ


Massive congratulations to team rapson and especially 12 year old daisy for smashing the West Highland Way рҹ’Ә And not only that... Daisy managed to raise ВЈ300 for her Scout group!!! Fantastic рҹ‘ҢрҹҸ»рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ


At the mighty The Drovers inn for haggis neeps n tatties. Compliments to the chef it was delish рҹҳӢрҹҳӢ


Good luck to the Thistle Trekking group who set off this morning to conquer the West Highland Way рҹ’ӘрҹҳғрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ


All the way from Belgium to see the highlands рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу ҒҝрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу  Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ


Huge congrats to these guys for completing the west highland way. A 10,8 and 3 year old smashed it рҹҳұрҹҳұрҹ‘Қрҹ‘Қ


Brilliant picture captured right at the Kings house hotel рҹ‘ҢрҹҸ»вҳҖпёҸ рҹҰҢ рҹҸ”


Huge congrats to the Meldrums for smashing the Freedom challenge рҹ‘ҠрҹҸјрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ


Lovely day to be starting the west highland way рҹҳҚвҳҖпёҸ

More about Baggage Freedom - The West Highland Way

Baggage Freedom - The West Highland Way is located at milngavie train station, G62 8BX Milngavie, East Dunbartonshire, United Kingdom