Balgay Cemetery

4 star rating



A wonderful place to walk through. Even open at night, provided you're not too afraid to venture inside.


Can be difficult to find the grave stone you want to visit. More signage or indication of who could help from staff if any? would of saved family looking for nearly an hour. Not so simple to find as parents are elderly and a few years since last funeral at graveside and visit to Balgay cemetery.


Its a bit creepy


A beautiful, respectable, Gothic cemetery that has paths winding throughout it. It is very well maintained, and very quiet considering its size, as well as its city-central location.
If you want to go for a contemplative wander, in the shade of some trees or out in the open, this is the perfect place to be able to.

More about Balgay Cemetery

Balgay Cemetery is located at 153 Blackwood Ct, Dundee DD2 2EG, UK