Baltic Scots For Independence

About Baltic Scots For Independence

We are a group aiming to build the case for Scottish independence amongst Baltic people living in Scotland.

Baltic Scots For Independence Description

We are a group aiming to build the case for Scottish independence amongst Baltic people living in Scotland.



On the 29th anniversary of the Baltic Way we pay tribute to one of the most significant demonstrations for self determination of the 20th century. We wish our Baltic friends well for the future and ask, what can Scotland learn from examples such as this about demonstrating our want for independence?
🇱🇻 - Baltijas ceļa 29. gadadienā mēs izslavējam vienu no nozīmīgākajām 20. gadsimta demonstrācijām. Mēs vēlam saviem draugiem gūt panākumus nākotnē un jautājam, ko Skotijā var māc...īties no tāda piemēra?
🇱🇹 - Jau 29-tasias metines skaičiujantis Baltijos kelias yra vienas ypatingiausiu vienybes ir atkaklumo pavyzdziu 20-tajame amziuje. Mes linkime savo draugams baltams paties geriausio ir norime paklausti, ko Skotija gali ismokti is sio nuostabaus nepriklausomybes siekio?
🇷🇺 - В 29-ю годовщину Балтийского пути мы отдаем должное одной из самых значительных демонстраций самоопределения 20-го века. Мы желаем нашим прибалтийским друзьям успехов в будущем и спрашиваем, что Шотландия может извлечь из таких примеров?
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200 likes! A modest wee following for our page, thanks for your support. 🇱🇻 - Paldies par jūsu atbalstu! 🇱🇹 - Dėkojame už jūsų paramą! 🇪🇪 - Tänan teid toetuse eest! 🇷🇺 - Спасибо за вашу поддержку... 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 - Tapadh leat airson ur taic!
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We welcome the news that the Scottish Government plans to expand the franchise and give all citizens of Scotland the right to vote, no matter where they are from. The SNP have also reaffirmed their commitment to EU citizens having the vote.
🇱🇹 - Pranešame, kad Škotijos vyriausybė planuoja išplėsti franšizę ir suteikti balsavimo teisę visiems Škotijos piliečiams, neatsižvelgiant į tai, iš kur jie kilę. SNP taip pat patvirtino ketinimus leisti balsuoti ir ES piliečiams.
🇱🇻 - Mē...s atzinīgi vērtējam ziņas, ka Skotijas valdība plāno paplašināt franšīzi un visiem Skotijas pilsoņiem piešķirt tiesības balsot neatkarīgi no tā, no kurienes viņi nāk. Kā arī SNP partija vairākkārtīgi apstiprinājusi balsošanas tiesības ES pilsoņiem.
🇷🇺 - Мы приветствуем новость о том, что правительство Шотландии планирует расширить франшизу и предоставить всем гражданам Шотландии право голоса, независимо откуда они. SNP также подтвердили что граждани ЕС тоже будут иметь право голоса.
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SNP MEMBERSHIP POLL! As a pro-independence page it’s highly likely we’ll have a substantial amount of SNP members/supporters on here. We’d like to gauge support for each candidate in the upcoming SNP leadership election so first, are you:


This will be a great event for pro-independence folk in Aberdeen, please everybody have a look at the page and share it!
🇱🇻 Brīnišķīga iespēja satikties neatkarības atbalstītājiem Aberdīnā. Ieskaties šajā lapā, spied "like" un dalies ar pārējiem.
🇷🇺 Это будет отличное мероприятия для сторонников независимости в Абердине, посмотрите и поделитесь страницей.


A late thank you to everyone who has liked the page so far. We now have over 100 likes! (about 127). The more support we get the easier it will be to create more content for the page so please share the page, invite friends and tag us in posts you think may be of interest to us, thank you again;
🇱🇻 Vēlamiem pateikties visiem, kuri atbalsta mūsu lapu un spiež "like". Šobrīt mums ir vairāk nekā 100 patīk! (apmēram 127). Jo lielāks ir Jūsu atbalsts jo vieglāk ir apkopot un publ...icēt informāciju, tāpēc, lūdzu, "share" mūsu lapu, aiciniet draugus un atzīmējiet mūs ziņās, kas, pēc jūsu domām, varētu mums interesēt, paldies vēlreiz;
🇷🇺 Cпасибо всем, кому понравилась эта страница. У нас теперь более 100 "нравится" ! (около 127). Чем больше поддержки мы получим, тем легче будет создавать больше контента для страницы, поэтому, пожалуйста, поделитесь страницей, пригласите друзей и пометьте нас в сообщениях, которые, по вашему мнению, могут нас заинтересовать, еще раз спасибо;
Marija & Leòdhas
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100 years 🇪🇪 💖 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 - Palju õnne sünnipäevaks/Happy Birthday from Scotland, Estonia! Estonia is a constant inspiration to Scotland as a small country that has big influence. From it’s pro-independence campaigns during the 1990’s to just finishing it’s term of the Presidency of the Council of Europe we celebrate your achievements as a truly exceptional small nation. We look forward to working with you once Scotland has its independence again! Мы поздравляем Эстонию с днём рождения! Эстония пример для всей Шотландии, маленькая страна с большой силой. Начиная с 1990го года борьбу за независимость до председательство в Европейском совете. Мы празднуем ваши достижения таких высот будучи такой маленькой страной. Мы безусловно надеемся на совместное сотрудничество как только Шотландии обретот свою независимость!


Some interesting points made about Brexit and Scotland from another grassroots campaign group. We’re aware EU membership won’t be supported by all our followers but Brexit and it’s outcome has very real life implications for Baltic Scots and Scotland in general including the possible £13b it is potentially going to cost our economy.


In line with the changes we mentioned earlier that we’d like to make we have decided to change the name of the group to ‘Baltic Scots for Independence’ and this marks a slightly different focus for the group. We wanted to create a group within the pro-indy movement for those Europeans that maybe don’t feel as represented by the broader European/EU for independence groups. Initially focussing on ‘Eastern Europeans’ due to the resources and association our founders have with th...e connotations of ‘Eastern European’ it eventually felt like a too generalised and ambiguous term to go with. We as founders/admin are associated with Scotland and Latvia and we (with our friends) can translate information to/from English, Gaelic, Latvian, Russian and Lithuanian. We feel our efforts are best focussed on Baltic Scots because of our own connections and understanding of what it is to be one of the 10’s is thousands of Baltic Scots who have a unique and specific relationship with Scotland. The Baltic region has deep historical connections and modern similarities with Scotland and are excited to get working with this renewed focus. Thanks for your continued support and as always everyone is welcome to join and contribute to the discussion!
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Happy New year for 2018 / Laimīgu Jums Jauno 2018 gadu / Счастливого вам нового 2018 года - to all of our followers. The page will have a few changes come the new year and will be much more active than it has been for the first few months! Thanks to everyone for liking the page and for a great start with what we’re doing. 2018 will bring a new year of campaigning and working towards and independent Scotland which we aim to be at the heart of, hope you all have a great one and thanks again!


We fully support Catalunya’s secession from Spain. Long live the Catalan republic ✊🏼


Latvijas parlamenta loceklis pauž savu solidaritāti ar vēlētājiem Katalonijā, kamēr krīze turpinās / Latvian MP expresses solidarity with voters during the continuing crisis in Catalonia 🇱🇻 🗳


Foreign Minister of Lithuania expresses the need for talks & condemns violence during the ongoing crisis facing our friends in Catalunya. 👇🏼 🇱🇹

More about Baltic Scots For Independence

Baltic Scots For Independence is located at Dundee