Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Dal, Scotland

About Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Dal, Scotland

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) is the largest Political Party in Bangladesh. BNP has always been based on pure nationalism with the view of serving the country as a party by the people, of the people, for the people! Having its root reached to the core of peoples’ hearts in Bangladesh and NRB’S around the world.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) founded on September 1st, 1978 by Major General Ziaur Rahman. He has declared the independence of Bangladesh. After the back stub of Pakistani Army on the date of 25th after midnight march 1971 now the date is known as DARK NIGHT. When the nation was restless and confused about the national identity and all the free leaders were hiding them from the Pakistani armies, nation was in crisis of direction, a direction that will lead everyone to the destiny, a direction which provided strength and moral power. The man was Major General Ziaur Rahman. He spoke up for the people of Bangladesh to the world for the first time with real passion that can give the message to the world , that can set the blood to the passion for the freedom fight for a new country, a new ideology! That leaded to the formation of a new country in the world map; Bangladesh!

It was just the beginning; then he formed the political Party , a democratic stage to be the representative of the people of Bangladesh! That’s BNP! President Zia himself was its convener, and ultimately became its first chairman. Professor AGM Badruddoza Chowdhury was the first secretary general of BNP. Ziaur Rahman, adopting an 'open arm policy', entrusted BNP leaders and workers holding political views right, left and center, mainly with a view to making it a broad based nationalist party. One striking feature of BNP has been its recruitment policy. More than 45 percent of its leaders and workers were not only new entrants, but also young.

Whenever nation is in a risk of identity, BNP stood up and took the lead of the country staying in the front. After almost ten years of army backed autocratic government’s ruling , BNP again came forward in 1990-91 with the continuous movement for years ; this time with his wife and a great leader Begum Khaleda Zia! She took the nation again on the highway of development; to a kingdom of peace and prosperity! She is the three times Prime Minister of Bangladesh leading country for more than 10 years as the PM and established the country as an aggressively progressive one!

The main objectives of the party have been, in the words of its founder, the economic development, democratic advancement, national unity on the basis of Bangladeshi nationalism and generation of a spirit of self-reliance in the people.
The 19-points programme of action has been its motive. The four fundamental principles of State policy i. e. the principles of absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah, nationalism, democracy, and socialism meaning economic and social justice, have been its core values.

The constitution of BNP speaks up for a dream land, a country that we all wish to see, a place that will be an example to the world. It has always been for the people and it is the heart of the Bangladeshis that is the armor the party! BNP is no more just a party; it is now an ideology, a philosophy for a new tomorrow, for a prosperous morning! With the ever increasing radius of the party, BNP works on the nationalistic platform taking every single citizen as a knight to the destiny!

And we the Bangladeshis living in Scotland and those who believes in the ideology of Bangladesh Nationalist Party, BNP call our self “Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Dal Scotland” Which is the Bengali version of Bangladesh Nationalist Party, BNP

Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Dal, Scotland Description

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) is the largest Political Party in Bangladesh. BNP has always been based on pure nationalism with the view of serving the country as a party by the people, of the people, for the people! Having its root reached to the core of peoples’ hearts in Bangladesh and NRB’S around the world.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) founded on September 1st, 1978 by Major General Ziaur Rahman. He has declared the independence of Bangladesh. After the back stub of Pakistani Army on the date of 25th after midnight march 1971 now the date is known as DARK NIGHT. When the nation was restless and confused about the national identity and all the free leaders were hiding them from the Pakistani armies, nation was in crisis of direction, a direction that will lead everyone to the destiny, a direction which provided strength and moral power. The man was Major General Ziaur Rahman. He spoke up for the people of Bangladesh to the world for the first time with real passion that can give the message to the world , that can set the blood to the passion for the freedom fight for a new country, a new ideology! That leaded to the formation of a new country in the world map; Bangladesh!

It was just the beginning; then he formed the political Party , a democratic stage to be the representative of the people of Bangladesh! That’s BNP! President Zia himself was its convener, and ultimately became its first chairman. Professor AGM Badruddoza Chowdhury was the first secretary general of BNP. Ziaur Rahman, adopting an 'open arm policy', entrusted BNP leaders and workers holding political views right, left and center, mainly with a view to making it a broad based nationalist party. One striking feature of BNP has been its recruitment policy. More than 45 percent of its leaders and workers were not only new entrants, but also young.

Whenever nation is in a risk of identity, BNP stood up and took the lead of the country staying in the front. After almost ten years of army backed autocratic government’s ruling , BNP again came forward in 1990-91 with the continuous movement for years ; this time with his wife and a great leader Begum Khaleda Zia! She took the nation again on the highway of development; to a kingdom of peace and prosperity! She is the three times Prime Minister of Bangladesh leading country for more than 10 years as the PM and established the country as an aggressively progressive one!

The main objectives of the party have been, in the words of its founder, the economic development, democratic advancement, national unity on the basis of Bangladeshi nationalism and generation of a spirit of self-reliance in the people.
The 19-points programme of action has been its motive. The four fundamental principles of State policy i. e. the principles of absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah, nationalism, democracy, and socialism meaning economic and social justice, have been its core values.

The constitution of BNP speaks up for a dream land, a country that we all wish to see, a place that will be an example to the world. It has always been for the people and it is the heart of the Bangladeshis that is the armor the party! BNP is no more just a party; it is now an ideology, a philosophy for a new tomorrow, for a prosperous morning! With the ever increasing radius of the party, BNP works on the nationalistic platform taking every single citizen as a knight to the destiny!

And we the Bangladeshis living in Scotland and those who believes in the ideology of Bangladesh Nationalist Party, BNP call our self “Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Dal Scotland” Which is the Bengali version of Bangladesh Nationalist Party, BNP

More about Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Dal, Scotland

Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Dal, Scotland is located at EH12 5LQ Edinburgh, United Kingdom