Barjarg Walled Garden

About Barjarg Walled Garden

this page is to keep you up to date with info, news and pictures of all the activities happening from the Barjarg Walled Kitchen garden! Enjoy!

Barjarg Walled Garden Description

The Barjarg Walled Garden is situated in the beautiful setting of Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. Having been disused since the 1970s reinstatement began in late 2012 as a traditional kitchen garden as it was intended to be when it was built in the Victorian era. Currently Jakob & Breezy Elthalion-Kaye are experimenting with varieties and using permaculture methods to re-condition 1. 3 acres of soil organically.

As well as growing organic fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers, there are planned community activities for young and inner city people to learn about growing food and how to live sustainably using permaculture and biodynamic methods.

Breezy is a singer, horticulturalist and mother of Zen, Soul and River. Jakob is an artist, scientist and builder having specialised in biomimicry in design relating to wind and hydro turbines.