Bbc Radio Cambridgeshire

About Bbc Radio Cambridgeshire

You can listen to BBC Radio Cambridgeshire on 96FM, 95. 7FM, 1026AM, DAB, Freeview channel 722 and online.
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One to watch if you're heading on the M11 through Cambridgeshire.


***WARNING: Contains graphic medical scenes***
"Sometimes I have to photograph really gross things.'
The grimly fascinating work of an Addenbrooke's medical photographer.
... Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
See More


There were thousands of bees in this hospital. 🐝 🐝 🍯


This weekend, a MASSIVE new bridge will be moved into place over the A14 at Barhill - last weekend, these walkers had privileged access to the Swavesey stretch.
Highways England


Tissues out folks! A beautiful moment...


Have you met Louis, Peterborough parkrun's special high-fiving-hi-viz hero?! 😊❤️👍
parkrun UK


Bye bye Philip - the man who's been head gardener Wimpole Estate NT for more than 30 years has hung up his hat.


A Cambridgeshire man contacted the police with this video of a driver mounting the pavement outside a school, but they said they didn't have time to look at it.
Full story on The Dotty Mcleod Breakfast Show from 07:00.


Tim Peake's spacecraft has arrived at Peterborough Cathedral.


This 15-year-old leukaemia patient wanted to present on the radio as part of her bucket list - and we were able to make it happen ❤️🎧
Listen to the whole show at:


Did you enjoy Cambridge Folk Festival? We did...take a look!


It's been a blistering afternoon at the Cambridge Folk Festival - remember you can hear great behind-the-scenes moments and stunning performances on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire throughout the festival.
🎤 Nick Carter, Saturday at midday: 🎻 Sue Marchant, Sunday at 8pm:


If you could ask the man in charge of the A14 upgrade absolutely anything at all - what would that question be?
Project director David Bray has been answering your questions on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire - listen here:


Could you act as funeral director for a loved one?
Moira did it - and made it wonderfully personal too ❤️


Seven-year-old Matt Houlihan climbed Ireland's highest mountain in memory of his dad, Inaki, who died of cancer.
He's now back at Addenbrooke's Hospital with a surprise...


The Dotty McLeod Breakfast Show – Friday from 7am Are you ready to dip a toe in the water? Grab your goggles, ditch your worries and join Dotty and the team on Friday 27th July as they splash about in the stunning waters of Jesus Green lido – The swimmers, the sun, the splash, the fun – Bring the factor 50 and get in summer holiday mode with the Breakfast team! Jesus Green Lido


We sent Early Breakfast Presenter Ben Stevenson out for his first ever go at punting. He was doing so well... until he crashed into a listed bridge near Kings College!
Highly doubtful he’ll be quitting the day job just yet so he’ll be back on air from 6am.


Down a country path in the picturesque village of East Hatley, near Gamlingay, a Medieval church lays hidden from the road.
It hasn't been used for worship since the 1950s and fell into disrepair - now a funding boost from the charity Friends of Friendless churches is turning it into a community facility. Want to visit or find out more? Go to


Since moving into Peterborough, about 2 months ago now, I have listened to Radio Cambridgeshire everyday, the DJ's and the Banter they have are so funny i end up crying with laughter. It's good to listen to a decent station without adverts being played every 5 minutes. Love you guys xx


Since appearing on Drive Time with Chris Mann earlier this year to talk about breast cancer and the Moonwalk, I have been lucky enough to have been asked back to review the papers on the breakfast show and also as a regular panel on Wellbeing Wednesday.

Broadcasting on local radio can be a real challenge, especially in such a diverse county as Cambridgeshire and I congratulate the team at the station on working so hard to keep the station fresh and appealing to the diverse audience.

Thanks all, keep up the good work!


Just listened to the Jeremy Sallis programme about the local pop scene in the 60's - Very GOOD!! Great to hear about the Beatles and Stones etc .. Good to hear memories before the people that experienced them are no longer with us ... I remember Mick Lemmon of the Dynatones (on with the Beatles at Embassy) They were also on with the Rolling Stones at Peterborough Corn Exchange!! Mick Lemmon loaned Mick Jagger 1/9 (7p) for some fish and chips - He never did get it back!!!


I was on the panel today for Chris Mann’s Wellbeing Wednesday. He made it very easy to talk about various subjects relating to health issues this week. It’s great to have real people having a voice and an opinion on these subjects. Great music as well. Keep up the good work. Look forward to coming back.


I was a guest on Jeremy Sallis's show yesterday during his arts and entertainment slot. He made me feel very at ease and the staff were all very pleasant and friendly in general. My husband and myself have also started listening to Dotty's show in the mornings. We are converts from the Today Programme as we had become tired of the bias and the constant abrasive interviews with politicians. We find all the shows on this station much more palatable, with a good blend of music, interviews and coverage of local, national and international issues.


I love the fact that it gives out Local Weather especially useful on washing days and news for Our county . A great combination of chat and music . Great shows .


Hi, very welcoming at the studio & loved the whole vibe of the Sue Marchant Sunday evening show. Neil, Delta High.


Having had a visit from Thordis this week for our Re:Form project I just had to give the full 5 stars. Wonderful person, fantastic piece on our charity, genuine warmth and a joy to listen to. Thank you :)


Delighted to join Chris Mann in the Monday Food and Drink Hour last week. A new slot for Chris, I gather, and I wish him well. The team were welcoming, professional, engaging and always entertaining. I know he, and the team, have new converts from those listening in last Monday. Long may it continue. Radio at its entertaining best.


Loving the Paul Stainton Big Convo AS ALWAYS. Paul, your down-to-earthiness, non-pc-ness and sense of humour never cease to delight!!! That bloke who won your mug this morning was hilarious in his enthusiasm (or lack of lol) and your reaction even more so. Brilliant. Thank you �


Why not just call the station radio Cambridge?

After all that's what we hear about all the time. Mind you I did just hear about a swarm of bees in Peterborough. Grateful for what we get I suppose.


Such a sad show, 9-12 have turned the radio off more times over the past few weeks than i ever have over the last 3 years. Will have to retune to a new station. Do miss the old crew 😐


Since the new line up I don't listen between 9 and 12 anymore as the best ever Presenter Radio Cambridgeshire as ever had I.e. Paul Stainton with his producer and partner in crime Ben Stevenson you really need to wake up and smell the coffee and listen to people who matter your listeners after all we pay your wages with our licence fees you won,t be happy until the radio station goes under thorough lack of interest , I for one only now listen between 5 and 6 just can,t be bothered with it.


Since BBC Cambs forced out Mr Stainton and introduced an "exciting new line-up" I gave it a chance.

Two days is all I could stomach.

I enjoy Dotty on my way to work in the morning and always listen to Jez at lunchtime and I could about tolerate Mr Mann on my drive home in the evening (the guests made the show).

I looked forward to 0900 when Paul and Producer Ben came on - they filled my morning at work with true entertainment. Jez still keeps me going through lunch.

The new lineup doesn't work. Mr Mann is not a mainstream breakfast show presenter for me, others may disagree but your listening figures will ultimately decide this.

If you wanted listeners to desert the station in droves you've achieved your aim.

My final words: The way you have treated a professional, dedicated broadcaster (Mr Stainton) is contemptible and completely unprofessional. No wonder he took the difficult decision to leave and was absolutely devastated in doing so. I could hear the tears on his final broadcast last Friday, they mingled with mine.


My rating has plummeted due to the senior management who I assume to be responsible for the demise of Paul Stainton.. Ever since it was announced of his departure the proof is there that he was (and still is) a professional presenter who is going to be sorely missed by so many listeners. Hundreds have voiced their utter dismay of his sudden departure. He was ideal for the morning show and his appeal has been likened to be on the same par as the late Terry Wogan (some accolade, don't you think!) Morning numbers are going to seriously drop so is this what the BBC want so that Local Radio will be eradicated? Feeling so sad.


My rating for your station is now 1 and if I could of given -1 I would of

I don't know how the top brass at radio Cambridgeshire could of allowed

A jewel in the crown presenter like Paul Stainton and the team around him

To leave and disband.

I know your reply would be that Paul Stainton decided to leave the BBC but

You know as well as I do that he was given no choice but to leave by the

People running the station.

The big conversation was the best radio show I have ever listened to and

70,000 + ex listeners I'm sure would agree.

In mine and many many others opinion it is a travesty to get rid of such a

Fantastic show.

I have listened to your idea of a replacement show and I have to say that

Chris Mann is probably the worst and most boring presenter I have ever

Had the misfortune to listen to.

As a licence payer who pays your wages I expect my licence fee to be

used In the best way possible which it's obviously not at this moment

In time.

I can only hope that as your listener numbers drop like a stone over the

Coming weeks and months that someone with some sense will realise

What a huge mistake it was to get rid of the Big conversation and

Reinstate the show and team in order to again entertain the counties

listeners, because let's face it at the end of the day we the licence

Payers and listeners should never have been deprived of the best radio

show your Station has ever had.

Here's hoping that this situation will be addressed and resolved asap

As I can't stand what listening choices I am now left with.


Listener numbers are down. When will the powers-that-be realise that losing Paul Stainton was the worst mistake they've ever made. The breakfast show now is boring and not worth listening to. Paul's show ensured that I started every day with a smile on my face - not any more.


First Spendlove, now Stainton - will be a no star organisation before long. Listeners leaving in droves since Richard went - theres hardly any mid morning listeners at all now! I’m still saying Sort it out! Appalling way to treat presenters and the license fee paying public.


Dotty is fine, Ben should have a longer slot. 9-12 slot now with Chris Mann, oh god, what awful bland boring drivel from a man with no charisma at all. His monotone voice is irritating along with his constant use of the words of course and obviously. Thordis is good and should be in this slot in my opinion.


Since moving into Peterborough, about 2 months ago now, I have listened to Radio Cambridgeshire everyday, the DJ's and the Banter they have are so funny i end up crying with laughter. It's good to listen to a decent station without adverts being played every 5 minutes. Love you guys xx


Since appearing on Drive Time with Chris Mann earlier this year to talk about breast cancer and the Moonwalk, I have been lucky enough to have been asked back to review the papers on the breakfast show and also as a regular panel on Wellbeing Wednesday.

Broadcasting on local radio can be a real challenge, especially in such a diverse county as Cambridgeshire and I congratulate the team at the station on working so hard to keep the station fresh and appealing to the diverse audience.

Thanks all, keep up the good work!


Just listened to the Jeremy Sallis programme about the local pop scene in the 60's - Very GOOD!! Great to hear about the Beatles and Stones etc .. Good to hear memories before the people that experienced them are no longer with us ... I remember Mick Lemmon of the Dynatones (on with the Beatles at Embassy) They were also on with the Rolling Stones at Peterborough Corn Exchange!! Mick Lemmon loaned Mick Jagger 1/9 (7p) for some fish and chips - He never did get it back!!!


I was on the panel today for Chris Mann’s Wellbeing Wednesday. He made it very easy to talk about various subjects relating to health issues this week. It’s great to have real people having a voice and an opinion on these subjects. Great music as well. Keep up the good work. Look forward to coming back.


I was a guest on Jeremy Sallis's show yesterday during his arts and entertainment slot. He made me feel very at ease and the staff were all very pleasant and friendly in general. My husband and myself have also started listening to Dotty's show in the mornings. We are converts from the Today Programme as we had become tired of the bias and the constant abrasive interviews with politicians. We find all the shows on this station much more palatable, with a good blend of music, interviews and coverage of local, national and international issues.


I love the fact that it gives out Local Weather especially useful on washing days and news for Our county . A great combination of chat and music . Great shows .


Hi, very welcoming at the studio & loved the whole vibe of the Sue Marchant Sunday evening show. Neil, Delta High.


Having had a visit from Thordis this week for our Re:Form project I just had to give the full 5 stars. Wonderful person, fantastic piece on our charity, genuine warmth and a joy to listen to. Thank you :)


Delighted to join Chris Mann in the Monday Food and Drink Hour last week. A new slot for Chris, I gather, and I wish him well. The team were welcoming, professional, engaging and always entertaining. I know he, and the team, have new converts from those listening in last Monday. Long may it continue. Radio at its entertaining best.


Loving the Paul Stainton Big Convo AS ALWAYS. Paul, your down-to-earthiness, non-pc-ness and sense of humour never cease to delight!!! That bloke who won your mug this morning was hilarious in his enthusiasm (or lack of lol) and your reaction even more so. Brilliant. Thank you �


Why not just call the station radio Cambridge?

After all that's what we hear about all the time. Mind you I did just hear about a swarm of bees in Peterborough. Grateful for what we get I suppose.


Such a sad show, 9-12 have turned the radio off more times over the past few weeks than i ever have over the last 3 years. Will have to retune to a new station. Do miss the old crew 😐


Since the new line up I don't listen between 9 and 12 anymore as the best ever Presenter Radio Cambridgeshire as ever had I.e. Paul Stainton with his producer and partner in crime Ben Stevenson you really need to wake up and smell the coffee and listen to people who matter your listeners after all we pay your wages with our licence fees you won,t be happy until the radio station goes under thorough lack of interest , I for one only now listen between 5 and 6 just can,t be bothered with it.


Since BBC Cambs forced out Mr Stainton and introduced an "exciting new line-up" I gave it a chance.

Two days is all I could stomach.

I enjoy Dotty on my way to work in the morning and always listen to Jez at lunchtime and I could about tolerate Mr Mann on my drive home in the evening (the guests made the show).

I looked forward to 0900 when Paul and Producer Ben came on - they filled my morning at work with true entertainment. Jez still keeps me going through lunch.

The new lineup doesn't work. Mr Mann is not a mainstream breakfast show presenter for me, others may disagree but your listening figures will ultimately decide this.

If you wanted listeners to desert the station in droves you've achieved your aim.

My final words: The way you have treated a professional, dedicated broadcaster (Mr Stainton) is contemptible and completely unprofessional. No wonder he took the difficult decision to leave and was absolutely devastated in doing so. I could hear the tears on his final broadcast last Friday, they mingled with mine.


My rating has plummeted due to the senior management who I assume to be responsible for the demise of Paul Stainton.. Ever since it was announced of his departure the proof is there that he was (and still is) a professional presenter who is going to be sorely missed by so many listeners. Hundreds have voiced their utter dismay of his sudden departure. He was ideal for the morning show and his appeal has been likened to be on the same par as the late Terry Wogan (some accolade, don't you think!) Morning numbers are going to seriously drop so is this what the BBC want so that Local Radio will be eradicated? Feeling so sad.


My rating for your station is now 1 and if I could of given -1 I would of

I don't know how the top brass at radio Cambridgeshire could of allowed

A jewel in the crown presenter like Paul Stainton and the team around him

To leave and disband.

I know your reply would be that Paul Stainton decided to leave the BBC but

You know as well as I do that he was given no choice but to leave by the

People running the station.

The big conversation was the best radio show I have ever listened to and

70,000 + ex listeners I'm sure would agree.

In mine and many many others opinion it is a travesty to get rid of such a

Fantastic show.

I have listened to your idea of a replacement show and I have to say that

Chris Mann is probably the worst and most boring presenter I have ever

Had the misfortune to listen to.

As a licence payer who pays your wages I expect my licence fee to be

used In the best way possible which it's obviously not at this moment

In time.

I can only hope that as your listener numbers drop like a stone over the

Coming weeks and months that someone with some sense will realise

What a huge mistake it was to get rid of the Big conversation and

Reinstate the show and team in order to again entertain the counties

listeners, because let's face it at the end of the day we the licence

Payers and listeners should never have been deprived of the best radio

show your Station has ever had.

Here's hoping that this situation will be addressed and resolved asap

As I can't stand what listening choices I am now left with.


Listener numbers are down. When will the powers-that-be realise that losing Paul Stainton was the worst mistake they've ever made. The breakfast show now is boring and not worth listening to. Paul's show ensured that I started every day with a smile on my face - not any more.


First Spendlove, now Stainton - will be a no star organisation before long. Listeners leaving in droves since Richard went - theres hardly any mid morning listeners at all now! I’m still saying Sort it out! Appalling way to treat presenters and the license fee paying public.


Dotty is fine, Ben should have a longer slot. 9-12 slot now with Chris Mann, oh god, what awful bland boring drivel from a man with no charisma at all. His monotone voice is irritating along with his constant use of the words of course and obviously. Thordis is good and should be in this slot in my opinion.

More about Bbc Radio Cambridgeshire

Bbc Radio Cambridgeshire is located at Broadcasting House Cambridge Business Park Cowley Rd, CB4 0WZ Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
08000 859596