Beancross Primary School

About Beancross Primary School

This is the Facebook page of Beancross Primary School in Grangemouth.

Beancross Primary School Description

Welcome to our school Facebook page! We look forward to sharing the amazing work that takes place in our school!

Thank you for your support, we look forward to hearing from you!

However, please note that postings by others to this page may not be representative of the opinions of our establishment, or of Falkirk Council, nor can we confirm their accuracy. Neither we nor Falkirk Council can control what is put on other Facebook pages and we cannot intervene regarding anything which is posted on a third party’s Facebook page (or other website).

The establishment's Facebook page should not be used to discuss issues specific to individuals nor to raise or discuss any matter of concern. Contact should always be made directly with the school by telephone, by visiting the school or by email.

In order to safeguard pupils we will disable tagging on photographs and will not name individual pupils in photographs unless parental permission has been given, and then will only use the first name. We request that parents /carers and others should also not identify pupils in the comments.

We shall do our best to ensure that the postings on our page are in line with our aims. However, since we cannot monitor every conversation or posting we expect that users do not post content which falls into the categories listed below and we reserve the right to remove any posting which we deem unsuitable.

Like many other organisations on Facebook /Twitter, we require that users will not post content which falls into the following categories:
- offensive, abusive, defamatory or insensitive;
- fraudulent, deceptive or misleading;
- unrelated or off topic;
- those with an intention to provoke;
- advertising or spam;
- anything which infringes the intellectual property rights or privacy rights of others;
- individually identifying pupils or providing information which may place a child at risk.

Any individual who misuses this page shall be blocked access to the page. The Police may be contacted if any of the content is threatening or abusive in any way.

If you see content which you feel the establishment would not endorse, or feel that someone is misusing the site then please contact us via the website contacts

More about Beancross Primary School

Beancross Primary School is located at Kenilworth Street, FK3 8QP Grangemouth
01324 508720