Ben Nevis Guides

About Ben Nevis Guides

Based in Fort William, at the base of Ben Nevis. We specialise in professional and friendly Ben Nevis Guiding services. email info@bennevisguide. co. uk



Success on Ben Nevis today for Maxime, Qunity, Caja and their Australian Shepard - Marvin James. Well done to all of them. Time to celebrate tonight.
For every client Ben Nevis Guides or Hunter Mountaineering has walking on any Ben Nevis path I donate £1 to the local charity Friends of Nevis. Today we donated £3 for Maxime, Quinty and Caja.
Nevis Landscape Partnership Ben Nevis Visitor Centre The Outdoor Capital of the UK True Highlands VisitScotland Visit Fort William


Malin successfully climbed up and down Ben Nevis today - congratulations. Hopefully it was enough of a challenge for her, because she has already been on some long treks and big hills. Malin was being guided by David Lamond today.
For every client Ben Nevis Guides or Hunter Mountaineering has walking on any Ben Nevis path I donate £1 to the local charity Friends of Nevis. Today we donated £1 for Malin.
Ben Nevis Visitor Centre Nevis Landscape Partnership True Highlands VisitScotland John Muir Trust


Well done to Donald for climbing up and down Ben Nevis so quickly today. He was out to test his fitness today on the mountain for a 3 Peaks Challenge that is soon approaching. It looks like he'll have no trouble. Donald was guided by Josh today.
For every client Ben Nevis Guides or Hunter Mountaineering has walking on any Ben Nevis path I donate £1 to the local charity Friends of Nevis. Today we donated £1.
Ben Nevis Visitor Centre Nevis Landscape Partnership The Outdoor Capital of the UK True Highlands VisitScotland


Yesterday Laura and David had a great time being guided up to the top of Ben Nevis by Andrew. The weather wasn’t so kind on the way up, but was better for the journey down. They were constantly engaged by Andrew’s knowledge of the area and mountain. Thank you Andrew T. Well done to Laura and David for knocking this off their bucket list ✅.
For every client Ben Nevis Guides or Hunter Mountaineering has walking on any Ben Nevis path I donate £1 to the local charity Friends of... Nevis. Today we donated £2.
Nevis Landscape Partnership Friends of Nevis Ben Nevis Visitor Centre VisitScotland Visit Fort William The Outdoor Capital of the UK
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Lesley Shaw is currently conducting research for her dissertation looking at the increased numbers of health and wellbeing tourists and sustainability on Scotland's mountains - focussing on Ben Nevis. She has conducted interviews with Nevis Landscape Partnership, Mountaineering Scotland, John Muir Trust, Forest and Land Scotland, Nevis Visitor Centre, Duke of Edinburgh Awards, Scottish Advisory Panel for Outdoor Education and VisitScotland.
The aim is to find visitor motivations and their thoughts on sustainability.
Do you have 10 minutes to help?


Success for the French team of Arnaud, Tiffany, Ludovic, Laurence, Thierry, Olivier and Francis yesterday, walking up and down Ben Nevis. I learnt a lot about French culture, and there was probably more laughing up the mountain from a group than I've had before. The day started wet, but the day finished well with a pint at the Ben Nevis Inn.
For every client Ben Nevis Guides or Hunter Mountaineering has walking on any Ben Nevis path I donate £1 to the local charity #friendso...fnevis . Today we donated £7.
My litter collection from the summit included cider cans, a coffee mug, egg shells, plastic bottles and plastic cartons.
Nevis Landscape Partnership Friends of Nevis True Highlands The Outdoor Capital of the UK Ben Nevis Visitor Centre VisitScotland Visit Fort William
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Favourite Ben Nevis Guides photos - June 2019. -ben-nevis-guides…/
Ben Nevis Visitor Centre Nevis Landscape Partnership Friends of Nevis The Outdoor Capital of the UK True Highlands VisitScotland Visit Fort William


Yesterday was a great day on the Ben Mountain Path, with Lesa, Kirsteen, Rebecca, Sandra, Dean and David. We got really lucky with the weather, and we're able to enjoy some spectacular views.
For every client Ben Nevis Guides or Hunter Mountaineering has walking on any Ben Nevis path I donate £1 to the local charity #friendsofnevis . Today we donated £6.
The theme of my litter collection yesterday seemed to be dog toys, plastic bottles and cartons. At the summit I had a gene...ral clear up of all the things that visitors had left behind.
Nevis Landscape Partnership Friends of Nevis Ben Nevis Visitor Centre VisitScotland Visit Fort William The Outdoor Capital of the UK True Highlands Association of Mountaineering Instructors
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The next Guided Group walk that is open to you to join is the Saturday 27th July or Monday 26th August.
Book now, whilst there are some spaces left.


Cure EB


Make sure you are correctly clothed and equipped when climbing up Ben Nevis.


A really good day on Ben Nevis today with Lucy, Vicky, Nicky, Sian and Graham. Everybody was successful as well as their 4 dogs - great effort. The weather was cold, but relatively friendly, with no rain. There was a fair bit of rime ice on the upper plateau.
Ben Nevis Visitor Centre Nevis Landscape Partnership Friends of Nevis The Outdoor Capital of the UK VisitScotland Visit Fort William True Highlands #bennevis
For every client Ben Nevis Guides or Hunter Mountaineering has walking on any Ben Nevis path I donate £1 to the local charity #friendsofnevis

More about Ben Nevis Guides