Black Hart Publishers

About Black Hart Publishers

Black Hart Publishers is the book arm of Black Hart Entertainment /City of the Dead, publishing (mainly) horror, supernatural and historical books

Black Hart Publishers Description

The literary arm of Black Hart Entertainment



Happy Easter everyone!


Isolation (with palm tree).


I have gone into self isolation overkill...


In these virusy times, I thought you might like some cheap eBooks while in lockdown. So here ya go. My own psychological thriller 'Hide' is included. (Warning. Contains scenes of modern art).


With plenty of time on my hands I have turned to big art. I call this 'Still Life with Presidents'.


Hi Folks. Sorry to say that, thanks to the Coronavirus my event is now going to be postponed until a later date. Why you wouldn't all want to crowd into a room and have me shout at you is a mystery - but there we go...


I'm not one for hoarding but you can't survive the apocalypse without booze


Finished and ready for editing. Big innit?


I love random. Altogether now.... Logo. Attitude. Tutu. Moths!


On this day in 1963, Alexander Seaton died, claiming to be the victim of a supernatural curse.
'In the 1930’s 15 Learmonth Gardens in Edinburgh belonged to Alexander Hay Seton (1904-1963), 10th Baronet of Abercorn. On a 1936 trip to Luxor in Egypt, his wife secretly picked up a bone from a tomb that was being excavated and displayed it in their dining room. From that moment, the house was plagued by accidents, broken furniture, unexplained noises and flying objects. Such a st...ory couldn’t remain a secret long and the Edinburgh newspapers were soon full of stories of the ‘Curse of the Pharaoh’.
The bone was finally exorcised and then destroyed. It didn’t help the unfortunate Baronet, who later wrote “The curse certainly did not end when I destroyed the Bone by fire. From 1936 onwards trouble, sometimes grave, seemed to be always around the corner.”
Shouldn’t have stolen the bloody thing then.'
From 'Edinburgh New Town: A Comprehensive Guide' by Jan Andrew Henderson.
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I gots myself a writing buddy!


Please, please sign this - no matter where you live. I've worked in tourism in Edinburgh for over 25 years and this rapacious company is destroying our heritage.

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