Boiler Room Fitness - Spinning Studio

About Boiler Room Fitness - Spinning Studio

Glasgow's best dedicated Spinning Studio.

Boiler Room Fitness - Spinning Studio Description

Boiler Room Fitness is a Spinning Studio located in Western Health & Racquets Club in Glasgow's West End. As the only dedicated studio of its kind in the Glasgow area, classes are offered to the more discerning individual who will seek a more specialised fitness and training session. In addition, Boiler Room Fitness has trained staff to provide instruction to clients of every ability from the beginner to experienced levels. We will offer a second to none experience for clients that are disheartened by the 'budget gym' or mandatory membership gym models.



It's on all week this week with David, Simple Minds versus Jimmy Somerville..... a brilliant class that needs to be riden to be believed!!
Thursday 7pm...... Book your bikes now whilst there are some left.
Book at or via your Mindbody app.


This brilliant class is on again Monday at 9.30am. So if you missed it or want another Milan-Sanremo challenge then get booked in now for tomorrow morning.
Book at or via your MindBody app.


......and Stephen is back on at 6pm tonight for more.


October - November - Christmas.....then we start to think about getting fit again after the excesses of Christmas ! WHY WAIT ? If you were to start now, October, then think how fit you will be over the Christmas period given that you could be 10+ weeks ahead of everyone else, or more importantly, ahead of when you will likely think or do something about it !!
If you were to Spin with us twice a week, by the time Christmas is upon us you will have likely been in over 20 classe...s and your fitness levels will be so much higher, you will feel so good and ready to treat yourself over the festive period. You will also be asking Santa for a whole new wardrobe too as your weight loss goals will have taken a pounding !! You can also book yourself into our Christmas Day classes.......yip, we will be open on Christmas Day !!
Have a think about it and go for it, but don't think for too long as you will miss the first couple of weeks !!
Buy your Package of Classes now at or if you want to talk about any fitness goals etc. then call, text, email, PM Michael or speak to any of the Instructors.
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Don’t forget Neil is doing his Milan-Sanremo Class tomorrow/Saturday at 9am.
Bikes are still available so BOOK NOW to secure yours.


Warm Up and Warm Down Warming up and down are very important to a good class at BRF. Both are incorporated within each routine and allow us to ride safely and prepare and loosen the muscles allowing you to move more easily and prevent injury. Cool Down finishes the routine and allows the heart rate to recover. By keeping the legs turning the pedals with a little resistance allows the blood flow to be redirected away from the legs/active muscles and back up the body. This redi...rection helps prevent blood pooling in the legs, lightheadedness, dizziness, cramping and muscle soreness. All this aids the recovery from the exercise process.
Stretching Stretching is so important after a class aiding the recovery process as well as reducing musce soreness and tension. A full body stretch is included within the routine - from shoulders/neck/back/arms to quads/calves/hip flexors/glutes/hamstrings etc. Given the leg doesnt fully extend when cycling and the hamstrings and hip flexors shorten it is extremely important to stretch these muscles.
Each instructor will guide you through all of these important facets within your classes at BRF.
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Riding the bike. There are two fundamental types of terrain that we simulate - flat roads and hills. Flats we are predominantly seated for and hills we vary between seated and standing. In all we alter the resistance placed on the front wheel to vary the gradients that we are working against.
Hand Position on the handlebars.... Three hand positions are an integral part of sitting and standing whilst riding our bikes. Referring to the image of the handlebars - Hand Position 1 - used during warmup, cool down, and any other time whilst seated. Hand Position 2 - used during seated flats, seated climbs, jumps, running and sprints. Hand Position 2.5 - an alternative to Position 2. Hand Position 3 - used only for standing climbs. Always keep arms and shoulders relaxed. It is recommended that you use the above guidelines. A common observation is riders keeping their hands in Position 3 when seated, this will put unnecessary pressure on your lower back and potentially cause over-stretching.
Pedal Stroke The Pedal Stroke should be continuous without and pause. Pushing down as well as pulling up in the pedal stroke is possible, creating the maximum power through the bike.
Cadence or Pedal Speed Cadence or Pedal Speed is measured by pedal revolutions per minute (RPM) and is altered by the amount of power and resitance we place through the pedals. High cadence ranges are 80-110 RPM and use lower resistance - seated and standing flats. Low cadence ranges are 60-80 RPM and use higher resiatance - seated and standing hills. We recommend not exceeding the high cadence levels which restrict the potential for the front wheel pulling your pedals as opposed to you pushing the front wheel - thus keeping control of the bike and control of your body on it !!
Maintaining the fundamentals of riding the bike will help towards you riding the bike as efficiently as possible maximising the benefits gained from the exercise.
Please talk to Michael and the Instructors about any of the above as we will be more than happy to help.j
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Let’s have a “basics refresher week” - within our usual classes at the Studio. This week we will be watching you with regard to your bike-set up, riding position, cadence/pedal speed, etc. This is nothing unusual as we do this all of the time, mostly without you even knowing we are watching !! Throughout the week there will be a series of short posts covering each aspect of the “basics”. So there is nothing to worry about as the classes will be exactly the same, but with a ...
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On Saturday 13th October at 9am Neil is showcasing his Milan Sanremo routine......
The Milan Sanremo Race, or the La Primavera as the Italians call it, will give you the experience of life inside the professional cycling peleton. It is known as the sprinters’ classic, and heralds the opening of another season of cycle races in Europe.
It’s nearly 300km long, but Neil takes you along its route in one class !
... For the first 20 minutes or so, experience life as a domestique. These selfless workers do everything they can to look after their team leader, pulling them up the hills, fetching water and shielding them from the wind. From there, become the leader. Do you have what it takes to fend off the attacks from rival riders on the famous slopes of the Poggio climb ?
Will you still have enough left in the tank to out sprint your rivals to the finish line in San-Remo?
Book your bike now at or via your MindBody Connect app to find out !
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Friday 12th October at 9.30am, Monday 14th at 6pm and Tuesday 14th at 7pm, marks the return of Power Intervals with Maria.
Packed with a punch, these sessions are sure to take your heart rate to its maximum zone. With essential recoveries after each major effort, it is designed to help build stamina, enabling you to produce more power for longer periods.
... Below is a heart rate graph from a previous class, illustrating the significant levels of effort and distinct recoveries indicative of these power interval sessions.
This is certainly a class you will want to be in !! Book NOW at or via your MindBody Connect app.
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Happy Birthday on.


Thank you so much to everyone who made it along to the class tonight......and to everyone else who has supported us over the last 5000 classes too!!
Brilliant night. Ps.all of the cupcakes were finished and a special thanks to Robert for taking half of the big cake home to share with Maria!!


Fantastic to have Lululemon at the Studio last night - thanks to them for bringing their Popup Shop along - and also thanks you you for supporting with your purchases.......enjoy your new Lululemon kit.
If you want to see more of their range or if they didnt have your size last night, pop along to their shop at 15 Royal Exchange Square, couple of doors away from Di Maggios !! Mention the Studio and they will look after you !!


Don’t forget the Lululemon Popup Shop at the Studio Monday 1st October from 5.30pm til 8pm.
Happy shopping.


*** Lululmon Monday *** Luluemon Athletica (to give them their full name), founded in Vancouver, Canada in 1998 is a technical athletic apparel company for yoga, running, training and most other sweaty pursuits. In other words they do great fitness and training gear for both women and men !!
......and we are getting them along to the Studio on Monday 1st October from 5.30pm til 8pm with their Pop-up Shop.... So before and after each class you can "shop" with Lululemon.
A big selection of their training gear - shorts, leggings, tops, etc. - for both women and men will be available. So all of your fitness apparel needs in one place - right outside the Studio ! Bring your Credit Cards - no cash !!
Take advantage of this great brand setting up their shop at the Studio on Monday.
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Marcus has been mixing with the Glasgow Warriors team in the David Lloyd Spin Studio.
A new routine created especially for the rugby boys - and Marcus will be showcasing this new routine on Sunday evening at 6pm.
This a class well worth the effort of getting to.
... Book your bike now at or via your MindBody app. Ps. These are the “before” and “after” pics from Marcus session with the Warriors.
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Amazing class.......and now on all next week with David.
Monday at 8pm. Tuesday at 6pm. Thursday at 7pm.
... Do not miss these classes.
Book your bikes now at or via your MindBody app.
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On Thursday at 7pm this week David has a brand new Spin set for you.......
Simple Minds versus Jimmy Somerville !!
Two Glasgow singers/bands, so different but joined together for one great calorie bursting Spin session.
... David has created a 45 minute set full of great tunes and energy which will put a smile on your will even want to sing - however, if you can sing then you won’t have enough gear on !!
This is a class not to be missed so book your bike now at or via your MindBody app.
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Impressive work rate........


What a great find !

I have been looking for a good dedicated spin studio on Glasgow's Southside without success. In the West End however I found Boiler Room Fitness - a 20 bike studio with excellent trainers and good music to match their instruction.

I would highly recommend giving it a go - no matter if you are an avid spin addict or a beginner. Special mention to Michael and Ewan for their fun, innovative approach.

Keep up the good work !

Thank you guys, see you soon.



What a fab workout this is. Tried back to back sessions this morning with George and then Kim. Prob a little too much for me in one go, but I made it to the top of that hill climb ...and the view was amazing!!!


Went to my first class 22/10 and loved it. Michael is very good, explained things very well and the music was great. Not too expensive and they do have a great 3 pass deal for beginners.


Started a month ago and absolutely love it! The instructors are amazing. It's such a great work out and I always look forward to going there. Very friendly with a brilliant atmosphere and a real team vibe. I would recommend this to anyone.... All ages and stages of fitness. I feel fitter and healthier already!


On behalf of us all at Massage&Glow it was freaking fantastic!! ��

We might have been the noisiest group you've had but who doesn't look a "woop woop!" �

Can't wait to come back

#Wearepuremodels ���


Just got back to Nottingham after visiting family in Glasgow for a few days and already missing this amazing studio, six classes over the weekend and every session brilliant..who knew you could spin to depeche mode tracks Cheers Guys.. looking forward to booking more sessions when I'm next back "up the road"


Joined BRF a few weeks ago and absolutely loving the classes! It’s an excellent workout and the instructors are great!


I’ve been coming to BRF for a couple of years now and the instructors are brilliant. All have very different styles and music taste so lots to choose from. A lovely community vibe too.


I've been Spinning at Boiler Room since the start of January and I'm absolutely loving it! Great instructors in a cool environment with committed, like minded people. The workouts are varied and always challenging and my fitness has improved by some margin since I started. I'd recommend Boiler Room to anyone!


I just started the beginners class last week. I was nervous at first but Michael, the instructor was very welcoming and showed me what to do and made me feel at ease.

Felt great afterwards and went again the following week! I will be going back every weekend from now on.


I have been using the club for just over a week now and having been to spin before this is a definate step up with top class instructors, great location and classes that fit round working hours


I had been diagnosed with Joint hypermobility at 14 and it had never really been taken seriously. My extremely active life of skiing, ballet dancing and gymnastics ground to a halt. After years of frustration and next to no treatment or monitoring I found myself in my mid-twenties with limited mobility in my knees, extremely low confidence in my own body and regular, debilitating pain.

My first spin class at Boiler room fitness was with Neil Campbell. Who is also now my new Personal trainer. His attention to detail and determination to help me get stronger has been invaluable. He properly measured me for the bike and told me how to ride it properly. I started spinning once a week. It was such a great feeling being able to do some proper cardiovascular training without being in pain! I felt years of frustration and discomfort melting away. I had finally found something that was working for me.

I'm now spinning 4 x a week and i'm totally hooked. I’m fitter, healthier, happier and two dress sizes down (so far). All because of Spinning and the dedication and knowledge of the guys at Boiler Room fitness. Michael and Neil (also Ewan and Sheena) at Boiler room fitness have played a key part in not only helping me get started but supporting me and encouraging me as I progress. My pain is less frequent and less severe and I am able to exercise properly. If this is what is achievable in 3 months, imagine where I will be this time next year…..

Anyone one who is thinking about starting should book right now!


Had first class on Saturday with Michael Hynes and booked again for this weekend. Great instructor, fantastic environment for first timers.


Had a spin session with Michael last night and thoroughly enjoyed it,he did a good all round session and as I've recently just qualified as an indoor cycling instructor it was good to see how other more experienced instructors work,afterwards I had a chat with him and will follow his advice,thanks again Michael and I'll be back for another spin soon.


Great work out, hard work but completely pays off the best spin class i have been to and in the west end!


Great instructors but all different so something to suit everyone.


Been going here since September and have clocked up 150-plus classes...the difference in my body fat, body shape, cardio and muscular fitness and overall happiness is amazing. Great instructors make every session different and there’s a real team spirit with those on the bikes around you. One of the best things about spin is the effort you can put in and the results you can get without the impact on joints - especially dodgy knees - that comes with running. Hugely recommended.


Awesome experience been spinning for a year and chanced upon this class on Christmas eve as my own clubs were closed brilliant instructors brilliant group of people the whole experience just felt like a different level to what I have experienced to date think it is because my own classes are part of wider groups, don't get me wrong the effort is just as awesome I think it's because it's solely a spinner class and the focus is not just on the effort but your whole wellbeing the instructors explain everything throughout the class posture,breathing, and more importantly warm down and advice for after the class my intention was to use the classes as a stop gap during the holiday period not a chance I will be making regular visits to compliment my own classes thanks again for making me feel so welcome everybody


An excellent Spin studio with fantastic instructors.

I have tried several spin studios across Glasgow and this is one of the best. The bikes are excellent quality, in very good condition and maintained well. The instructors are very varied with people that are very technical and those with a more general fitness focus.

The Music choice is always good, they actually select songs with rhythms that match the pace you should be doing and the music is played a good volume but won't leave you deaf or with tinitus. Great sound quality.

Friendly group of regulars.

£ Reasonable Priced £

Toilet and Changing Facilities on site

- Written by a regular spinner.

More about Boiler Room Fitness - Spinning Studio

Boiler Room Fitness - Spinning Studio is located at 30 Hyndland Road, G12 9UP Glasgow, United Kingdom