
About Broompower

Earn up to 4% by investing in BroomPower a project developing a Community Hydro scheme in Lochbroom in the North West Highlands, Scotland.

Broompower Description

Broom Bower – a community owned renewable energy scheme
Run entirely by volunteers and financed by members of the public, Broom Power is a community hydro-electric scheme for the Ullapool and Lochbroom area. Hydro power from the Allt a’Mhuilinn burn south of Ullapool will be used to generate electricity which will be sold to the National Grid, generating income for community projects.
After 4 months of fundraising, the scheme reached its target funding of £900, 000 on the 28th September 2016. There were over 450 investors, with the majority putting in between £300 and £2, 000 each. 54% were from the local area and 46% from the wider UK and beyond, including the Netherlands, France, US and Japan. Many local investors did so on behalf of children and grandchildren highlighting the long-term community and environmental benefit of a community-owned renewable energy scheme. The 100kW hydro will generate income for community projects for the next 20-40 years, as well as giving up to 4% pa return for investors.
The scheme is currently at the stage of drawing-up and agreeing detailed, and final, construction plans. We remain on course to begin site work in April.

More about Broompower