Broughty Ferry Lifeboat - Rnli

About Broughty Ferry Lifeboat - Rnli

Broughty Ferry Lifeboat- on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year.



Come along for a night of festive fun for all the family


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.


Today we remember the crew of the Arbroath Lifeboat 'Robert Lindsay'. It's been 65 years since the volunteer crew made the ultimate sacrifice with only one survivor.


Benny and his friend Gavin went out for a spin on jet-skis when the afternoon took a turn for the worse. Luckily they were both found; managed to survive their ordeal and have both since gone onto join Broughty Ferry Lifeboat and to continue the good work that we do.


SHOUT: On 20/10/18 at 1235 approx both boats launched to reports of an capsized hydrofoil with one person on board in the vicinity of the Tay Rail Bridge. ILB arrived shortly after the Wormit Boating Club Safety boat and stood by to provide assistance whilst the safety boat took the casualty safely back to shore. No injuries were reported. Both boats returned to the station, refuelled and ready for service at approx 1400.


Tomorrow morning folks!!


The crew at Broughty Ferry Lifeboat would like to congratulate crewman Scott Gourlay and his wife Lynsey on the birth of their baby boy and newest addition to the junior crew Nathan Scott Gourley.


Before we had our Facebook page we were called out to rescue 'flipper'


Here's a wee look back at our week at Broughty Ferry Lifeboat.


Here's a video from the volunteer crew's perception


Here's a wee update on yesterday's very busy day for the volunteers at Broughty Ferry.
SHOUT: On 19/9/18 at 0730 approx ILB launched at the request of Aberdeen Coastguard ILB launched to reports of a yacht aground near the Royal Tay Yacht Club. The ILB crew managed to secure a tow rope to the casualty vessel and secure it to a mooring at the Royal Tay Yacht Club. ILB then returned to station, refuelled and ready for service.
SHOUT: on 19/9/18 at 1440 approx Broughty ferry al...b launched at the request of Aberdeen Coastguard into a force 10 with gusts over 100mph to reports of concern of somebody in the water recovering a yacht near the Royal Tay Yacht Club. The ALB crew managed to attach a towline to the casualty vessel and tow the vessel to wormit yacht club and attach it to a mooring in more sheltered waters. As the ALB was returning to station it was made aware another yacht was near the shore. After a chat with the owner it was decided to escort the yacht to the vicinity of Tayport harbour where the yacht dropped anchor. The crew then returned to station refuelled and ready for service.
SHOUT at 1840 approx both boats launched as there were concerns for the safety of people trying to recover the yacht that was aground on the wall of the prominard near Douglas terrace. ILB crew attached a tow line to the stranded yacht and towed it to Broughty ferry harbour before returning to station refuelled and ready for service. The ALB escorted both vessels from the casualties location to the harbour before returning to station.
Thankfully nobody was hurt when we were called out to the public or to the volunteer crew.
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SHOUT: On 18/9/18 at 1500 approx both boats launched in a force 6 wind at the request of Aberdeen Coastguard to reports of a yacht aground near the Royal Tay Yacht Club. The ILB arrived on scene and established a tow to refloat the yacht and to go to a new mooring. The ALB crew assisted to secure the yacht to the mooring. Once the yacht was secured both boats returned to station, refuelled and ready for service.


Anyone with good or bad photos?


As the the days get shorter and there's a chill in the air how was everyone's summer? Here's what we are Broughty Ferry Lifeboat Station got up to...


Wonderful people doing an essential job. I no longer live in Broughty Ferry but still remember the mouth of the Tay and the way the lifeboat people deal with a variety of SOS calls so well and so bravely.


Whenever I have been out fundraising, I have been told about someone who was rescued, ever fresh in the memory, even if the rescue happened years ago. The very fact that you go out there gives hope to so many people and the memory of your actions lives on for generations. A huge "Thank you" and "Thank Heaven for you" to the crew and wives, husband's, boyfriends, girlfriend, Mums and Dads who support you in all you do ( and mutter as they put your dinner back in the oven -again!! )


Want to say a massive thankyou to all the life boat crew that helped me out yesterday when my jetski broke down, don't know what I would have done if you guys weren't there to rescue me.

You guys do a great job.

Thanks again.


They do an exceptional job in all weathers. Visited them in November what a great bunch. All deserve medals for their bravery in the worst of circumstances. True heros �


Provide a service to all on the water, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Brave men and ladies saving lives at sea.


Wonderful people doing an essential job. I no longer live in Broughty Ferry but still remember the mouth of the Tay and the way the lifeboat people deal with a variety of SOS calls so well and so bravely.


Whenever I have been out fundraising, I have been told about someone who was rescued, ever fresh in the memory, even if the rescue happened years ago. The very fact that you go out there gives hope to so many people and the memory of your actions lives on for generations. A huge "Thank you" and "Thank Heaven for you" to the crew and wives, husband's, boyfriends, girlfriend, Mums and Dads who support you in all you do ( and mutter as they put your dinner back in the oven -again!! )


Want to say a massive thankyou to all the life boat crew that helped me out yesterday when my jetski broke down, don't know what I would have done if you guys weren't there to rescue me.

You guys do a great job.

Thanks again.


They do an exceptional job in all weathers. Visited them in November what a great bunch. All deserve medals for their bravery in the worst of circumstances. True heros �


Provide a service to all on the water, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Brave men and ladies saving lives at sea.


Wonderful people doing an essential job. I no longer live in Broughty Ferry but still remember the mouth of the Tay and the way the lifeboat people deal with a variety of SOS calls so well and so bravely.


Whenever I have been out fundraising, I have been told about someone who was rescued, ever fresh in the memory, even if the rescue happened years ago. The very fact that you go out there gives hope to so many people and the memory of your actions lives on for generations. A huge "Thank you" and "Thank Heaven for you" to the crew and wives, husband's, boyfriends, girlfriend, Mums and Dads who support you in all you do ( and mutter as they put your dinner back in the oven -again!! )


Want to say a massive thankyou to all the life boat crew that helped me out yesterday when my jetski broke down, don't know what I would have done if you guys weren't there to rescue me.

You guys do a great job.

Thanks again.


They do an exceptional job in all weathers. Visited them in November what a great bunch. All deserve medals for their bravery in the worst of circumstances. True heros �


Provide a service to all on the water, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Brave men and ladies saving lives at sea.

More about Broughty Ferry Lifeboat - Rnli

Broughty Ferry Lifeboat - Rnli is located at Lifeboat House, Fisher St, DD5 1EF Broughty Ferry, Dundee City, United Kingdom