Cabro Aviation

About Cabro Aviation

Cabro Aviation is a CAA Registered Training Facility Providing Pfco drone Flight Training and a variety of other General Aviation Services

Cabro Aviation Description

Cabro Aviation was formed in 2009 to support General Aviation at Aberdeen Airport. In January 2011, we received CAA approval to operate a Registered Training Facility at Aberdeen Airport allowing PPL / NPPL training to take place.

We are a part time operation, and only undertake flight training at certain times. Please contact us for full details.

We have a Piper Warrior PA28-161 (G-RSKR) , a Cessna C152 (G-BFOF ) a Cessna C172S (G-CCTT) and a C172N (G-BXXK) available with instructors for training, or for NPPL / PPL hire at Aberdeen.

In addition to General Aviation, we can offer Aviation Assistants to the oil industry for personnel movement. We currently have a contract to do this with a major North Sea Operator.

We are listed by the CAA as a Registered Training Facility which started in January 2011. In running our day to day operations, we gratefully acknowledge the kind and ongoing support of Aberdeen International Airport , NATS, Signature Flight Support , Perth Airport , HIAL, The Highland Council and local private airfield owners



You can now purchase Alan’s book at The Murly Tuck Cafe in Tarves


Looking for information on :- Eric Cameron Finlayson, Born 1906 Accountant in Aberdeen, and president of Gordonian Association. In 1942-51 Secretary for Aberdeen Dairymans Wartime Association who mastered war milk rounds deliveries in Aberdeen. In 1940, he would have been approx. 34 years old... Stayed at Helensdale, Contlaw Road Milltimber during the war, then years later at Carnegie Crescent, Aberdeen
Died Sept 1992 age 86, Was married to Ena (Macphail Massie) in 1934 who was 1st Chairman of Aberdeen Royal Horticultural Society, Died April 1991
This is specifically to find out more about a wartime role Eric Finlayson had.
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Did you grow up in the 1940s/50s in Kinnellar, Milltimber, Maryculter, Cookney or Rickarton?
Alan Stewart is writing his second book on WW2 in the area and is looking to speak to people who grew up in the above areas to research names and locations. Anybody that has the area knowledge and is keen to help, please email


An article in the weekend's press.
Coming up to Christmas, reinforces the fact that not only are there regulations to comply with, you must also register the drone and the flyer having sat an online safety test.
If buying a drone, do you know the regulations?
... "wasn't aware" can end up in court!…/u…/2019/11/Dro ne-Code_October2019.pdf
"You are responsible for each flight. Legal responsibility lies with you. Failure to fly responsibly could result in criminal prosecution."
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Big news on Alan’s new role at Aberdeen airport…/airpo rt-consultative-com…/


A shipment of "North East Scotland at War - Events and Facts 1939-1945" books is being shipped to R and S Dyga in Fraserburgh. This makes an ideal Christmas present for family or friends interested in Local History.
The book, Written by Alan Stewart goes into great depth on WW2 in the area with images from the National Archives, eye witness accounts with some never seen before photos. Newspaper articles of the period did not give away information that would be useful to the e...nemy, for example a Fraserburgh fishworker who received a gallantry award for a minefield rescue was actually an aircraft spotter at a local war factory! One bombing raid in Fraserburgh was actually a result of a double agent supply drop organised by MI6!
Book two is currently being written due to the popularity of the first book, which has given a lot of people answers to wartime questions.
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This weekend saw the second November Commercial Drone Training Course in Aberdeen.
This 2 day course was set up to train several companies and organisations to put additional staff through their PfCO and have flight assessments done for both quad-copter and fixed wing drones!
We continue to deliver high quality training and provide local support to UAV operators from everything from additional drone hire to aviation liaison for airport work. Our assistance continues long afte...r the course has finished and you have your PfCO!
What the students thought:-
"I felt the course was well planned and was taught at a good pace for learning in 2 days. Thoroughly recommenced."
"Well paced course. Instructor explained well and provided information in a clear and easy to understand manner"
On the course there was a polite reminder to ensure pilots are aware of the registration scheme operated by the UK CAA which started on the 5th of November with commencement date of 30th of November 2019. The drones used over the weekend were already sporting the new operator IDs issued by the CAA.
For more information ningservices.html
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More additions of Alan’s book have arrived and are available to order now


There is basically no end to what you can use drones for, especially in industries such as Oil & Gas.
Cabro Aviation recently undertook training of an oilfield service company's personnel who held UK CAA Permission for Commercial Operations approval to use drones for mapping their helideck.
The drone was programmed to fly a set route taking multiple high resolution photographs of the helideck, using specialist software to images were stitched together to create a single large... image that can be zoomed in and out to inspect areas of the deck. This is far better than using lots of individual photographs covering the area. This image is used for onshore support personnel to access the condition and allow comparisons with future drone tasks to see where degradation is occurring.
The aim of the task was to map the current condition of the helideck, to allow future planning for Circle and H lighting, deck condition and identifying areas where friction is degraded by referencing the image generated by the friction test company. The image also revealed areas where water was migrating under tiles causing tiles to lift and blister.
Cabro Aviation are the Scottish affiliate for NQE holder Commercial Drone Training Education T/A Commercial Drone Training and courses are conducted in Aberdeen for gaining the UK CAA Permission for Commercial Operations approval. Several North Sea operators now have their own core-crew drone teams trained by ourselves, this is in addition to Dounreay Nuclear Facility, Emergency and Military services, Universities, Quarries, Several councils along with countless small business and people using drones in there line of work.
The next CAA Permission for Commercial Operations (PfCO) Course is on 16 & 17th of November. As well as the Flight Assessment for conventional drones, we will be conducting flight assessments for fixed wing drones.
The course also covers flying in the local area, registration of drones that opened yesterday and marketing guidance for what to do with your approval.
For more info email
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Another radio operator task completed at the weekend for an Aberdeen based film and media company. In addition to their 3 man drone team, radio operator services were provided by Cabro Aviation.
A Second task scheduled for another company on the Sunday had to be postponed due to weather conditions.
This was another task completed in conjunction with NATS Air Traffic Control at Aberdeen International Airport and required that the drone geofencing was unlocked to enable operati...ons right next to an airport by the drone manufacturer.
Another task involved working adjacent to a small General Aviation airfield in Aberdeenshire, for this task Cabro Aviation managed the operation including issuing a NOTAM as an additional measure of awareness to GA pilots for the duration of the task.
For info on Airport proximity working with Drones, email
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Since 2016 we have been undertaking Commercial Drone Training in Aberdeen. Aberdeen based Cabro Aviation are the Scottish affiliate for NQE holder Commercial Drone Training Education T/A Commercial Drone Training.
The course is 2 days with some pre-reading required, and you can use your own drone on use one of ours for the training. You will have to pass a theory test (Multiple choice) along with a flight assessment which is conducted under the conditions of your Operations M...
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Since 2016 we have been undertaking Commercial Drone Training in Aberdeen. Aberdeen based Cabro Aviation are the Scottish affiliate for NQE holder Commercial Drone Training Education T/A Commercial Drone Training.
Our next course is the 9th-11th of October 2019, in Aberdeen.
As well as the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) permission for Commercial Operations approval syllabus, we give additional training as part of the course on flying in Aberdeen International Airport airspace..., flying at harbours, flying on council owned land and flying drones offshore along with a lot of contact details. We also cover marketing, common mistakes and good airmanship tips.
The Instructors all have an aviation background (as pilots) and as Cabro Aviation is Aberdeen based, well suited to giving assistance and guidance once your operation is up and running.
We have trained staff from a multi-national oil company, through to recreational pilots who want to simply have the benefits of being able to do work for remuneration using their drones.
Comments from some of our customers.....
"Great course would recommend. Instructor very knowledgeable, tailored course to suit all participants. Equipment and facility for hands on was perfect."C.C.
"Excellent and very knowledgeable tutor. He explained the entire course in an un-hurried manner and set us all at ease as the course went on. What at first was a daunting task was made easier with his style of tuition. I would recommend anyone thinking of doing the PfCO course with CDT training" D.McD.
Long after the course has finished and the participants have gained their PfCO we are here to help. We frequently assist on tasks where additional support is needed and always give our students assistance where required This can range from hiring additional or different drones, to supplying a radio operator for airport proximity work to managing the paperwork side of complex tasks. We can even do one to one training.
For details of the next course, please email
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Another successful training course conducted by Alan this weekend for Commercial Drone Training. Flight tests for these guys tomorrow at HJS Helicopters and they are PFCO ready.


Cabro Aviation were at Aberdeen International Airport at 04:30 on Sunday morning to do work on the airfield. Despite the rain, managed to get a few runs in with the drone before rain stopped play.
With the requirements for the task detailed by Airside Ops, the flights took place before the airport opened at 06:00. This required the two drones that were in use to have the geofencing unlocked.
Despite the rain, images of the Northern Lights Lounge along with other areas of th...e airfield were captured.
As part of the CAA PfCO course for commercial drone approval, we give a presentation on how to liaise with the airport and how to get the drone unlocked.
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As part of #ukairportssafetyweek Cabro aviation along with NATZ have been at Aberdeen Airport doing an awareness session on drones and airspace. The Drone Assist app is a free package that helps drone pilots fly safely

More about Cabro Aviation

Cabro Aviation is located at AB21 7GQ Aberdeen