Calderwood Baptist Church

About Calderwood Baptist Church

We're a community of God's people located in Calderwood, East Kilbride. As a local church, we seek to be a community, which is ignited by a passion for God

Please visit our website for information about any changes or services during this lock down.

Calderwood Baptist Church Description

We seek to be a community of grace, which is fuelled by prayer and rooted in the Word of God. As Jesus' followers, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, and we are making Jesus known in our local community, our nation and to the ends of the earth.

At CBC, we seek to be a Church that has a strong sense of family and where everyone has a part to play in God's great plan for our community. We are a group of imperfect people who love Jesus and who are passionate about making Jesus known in our families, our community, our offices, factories and neighbourhoods.

We love and believe fully in the Bible as God's Word to us so we a serious about the reading, preaching and study of God's Word. We meet together during the week in small groups to study God's Word, to encourage one another in our Christian lives and to pray for one another.

At CBC, we love the neighbourhood that God has placed us in and we believe that only Jesus has the power to transform our community so we have many ministries focused on changing lives, changing our community and changing the perception of Church.

Come and join us!