Caledonian Marts

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Caledonian Marts

Caledonian Marts Ltd is a long established Livestock and Plant & Equipment Auctioneer and Valuer.



Caledonian Marts Ltd (Tuesday 26th December 2018) sold 2262 Prime Lambs, Ewes and Tups. All classes of lambs keenly bid for and many more could have been sold to sellers advantage, with 40-42kg lambs selling between 210-220ppkg. Overall average for 1796 levelled out at 200ppkg. Top price of the day went to J MacGregor, Dyke Farm for a 70kg Texel at £110. Top price per kg went to J B Guthrie, Cuiltburn for a cracking 41kg Beltex at ...237ppkg.
Leading Prices Lambs pounds per head:- Beltex £106 Cuiltburn Beltex X £103 & £102 Doune Farms Texel £100 Bailant’struth Texel X £99 Pitcairn Suffolk £103 Greencraig Suffolk X £98 Isle Cottage Cont £99 Easter Garden Mule £87 Greencraig Cross £85 Coulshill BF £84 Glenturret Estates
Lambs per kilo:- Beltex 236p Cuiltburn Beltex X 230p Pitcairn Texel 227p Newton of Crathie Texel X 225p Inchie Cont 220p Balchrystie Chev 220p Newton of Crathie Suffolk 212p Pitcairn Mule 188p West Lundie BF 190p Glenturret Estates
Also forward were 466 Cast Ewes and Tups. Heavy ewes averaged £65.22 selling to £90 for a Texel from T Kerr, Victoria, Muthill. Export Ewes averaged £40.71, selling to £49 for a Cheviot from J Gilvear & Sons, Graystale, Stirling.
Other leading Ewe prices Texel £89 Netherplace £79 Easter Garden
Cheviot £84 & £78 Loanhead of Duchally
Cross £64 & £60 Mains of Strageath Half Bred £65 Victoria
Mule £63 & £57 Graystale
BF £42 Greencraig £40 Graystale
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Directors and Staff of Caledonian Marts Ltd wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 🎅🏻🎄🍾🎉


... Caledonian Marts Ltd sold 104 cattle comprising of 48 Prime Bullocks, Heifers and Young Bulls, 41 OTM Cattle and 15 Calves. Prime Bullocks and Heifers were sharper on the week and many more could have been sold to a large ringside of buyers.
Prime Bullocks averaged 220 ppkg Prime Heifers averaged 232 ppkg Young Bulls averaged 178 ppkg
Prime Bullocks topped at 250p for a British Blue from W. Dandie & Sons, Learielaw, Broxburn selling to T. Johnston, Butchers, Falkirk and to £1631 for a Simmental from C. Smith, South Flanders, Kippen. Prime Heifers sold to 260p for a Limousin from W. Dandie & Sons, Learielaw, selling to T Johnston, Butchers and to £1585 also from Learielaw. Young bulls sold to 185p for a Simmental from J. & M. Buchanan, Hardiston, Cleish.
Other Leading Prices Bullocks ppkg; 240p Meadowend & Balquharrage 238p Faskine 235p Learielaw & Knockhouse 225p Spittal (Cardenden) 220p Spittal 218p Faskine & Spittal Heifers ppkg; 258p Learielaw 250p Learielaw 245p Meadowend 242p Over Inzievar 240p Moorfield & Meadowend 238p Faskine & Knockhouse (twice) Bullocks per head £1605 Learielaw £1591 South Flanders £1527 Learielaw £1488 Meadowend £1438 Faskine Heifers per head £1556 & £1554 Knockhouse £1548 Learielaw £1532 Knockhouse £1513 Lochend (Denny) Beef cows sold to 110p for an Aberdeen Angus from A. A. Wilson, Fallside, Campbeltown and to £970 from L. Laird & Son, Lochhead, East Wemys. Dairy cows sold to 98p from J. Pollock & Sons, Bonnyhill, Bonnybridge and to £890 from the same home. Other leading Prices Beef Cows per head £870 Balquharrage & Lochhead £760 Hardiston £750 Airthrey Kerse & Lochhead
Beef Cows per kilo 108p Kincaple & Lochhead 106p Balquharrage & Lochhead 104p Hardiston
Dairy Cows per head £840 Bonnyhill £720 Knockraich £690 Bonnyhill
Dairy Cows per kilo 93p & 90p Bonnyhill 85p Knochraich 83p (twice) Bonnyhill
The next sale of Prime Cattle & OTM’s will be on Thursday 3rd January 2019 for more information contact Oliver Shearman on 07730 046252 or David Erskine 07900 435700.
Also forward were 15 Calves at our fortnightly sale. All classes would be dearer to that of the previous sale and more could have been sold to suit buyer’s requirements. Top price of the day went to A McKenzie & Partners, Ardgate, Gartocharn for a Limousin bull calf fetching £300.
Other leading prices Beef Calves Lim £275 Ardgate Sim £210, £165 & £155 Gartclush Dairy Bull Calves £50, £45 (twice) Carneil Next sale of Calves & Stirks will be held on Thursday 10th January 2019. For more information contact David Erskine on 07900 435700.
On behalf of the directors and staff at Caledonian Marts Ltd, we would like to wish all of our customers a Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for 2019.
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Caledonian Marts Ltd (Tuesday 18th December 2018) sold 1853 Prime Lambs, Export Lambs, Ewes and Tups.... A smaller show of lambs forward met slightly dearer trade with 39kg -52kg + £2.00 on the week. Overall sale average for 1251 Prime Lambs 180.4p (+1p on the week), 511 Export Lambs averaged 165p (+5p on the week). Top price per head went to Doune Farms for 3 cracking 50kg Beltex X at £97. Top price per kilo went to Ian Campbell, Meikle Seggie for an outstanding 41kg Beltex at 227per kg.
Leading Prices Lambs pounds per head:- Beltex £96 Cuiltburn & West Lundie Beltex X £95 & 93 Easter Cash Cont £94 Cuiltburn Cont X £93 Leysbent Texel £93 Meikle Seggie Texel X £91 Pitcairlie & Grange of Lindores Suff £90 Grange of Lindores Suff X £88.50 Hilltarvit Mains Mule £74 Middlepark & Braco Castle BF £68 Braco Castle
Lambs per kilo:- Beltex 216p Cuiltburn Beltex X 211p Easter Cash Cont 208p Braco Castle Cont X 207p Pitcairn Texel 207p Pitcairlie Texel X 206p Keltie Bridge Suff 196p Treetops Suff X 195p Ditch Mule 167p West Lundie BF 178p West Lundie
Also forward were 602 Cast Ewes and Tups. Heavy ewes averaged £66.56 selling to a top of £97 for a Texel from G Allan, Kingsfield, Linlithgow. Export Ewes averaged £42.64 selling to £50 for a Blackface from Lower Crawtree Farms. Cast Tups sold to £90 for a Texel from S & JE Andrew, Letter Farm, Dunkeld.
Other leading Ewe prices Texel £95 Nether Place £92 Letter £90 Kingsfield
Cross £73 Braco Castle & Wester Whitefield £67 Ditch
Mule £61 Hilltarvit Mains £60 Treetops
BF £44 West Lundie £41 Lower Crawtree £40 Wester Whitefield
Cast Tups Texel £75 Dyke (Milton of Campsie)
Suff £70 Whitleys
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Caledonian Marts Ltd 17th December 2018 held their last store sale of the year comprising of 47 Store Cattle and Suckled Calves. Heifers sold to 244p for a British Blue from TE & I J Davies, Low Penniver, Campbeltown and to £1100 from the same home. Bullocks sold to 211p for a pen of Limousins from D McKenzie, Ardgate, Gartocharn and to £850 from Barr Farms, Meldrum, Blairdrummond. ... Other leading prices
Bullocks per head:- £790 Ardgate
Bullocks per kilo:- 208p Ardgate
Heifers per head:- £1100 Low Peninver £990 Low Peninver
Heifers per kilo:- 221p Low Peninver 214p & 202p Low Peninver
Also forward were 1132 Store & Feeding Sheep at the last store sale for 2018. Again all classes of lambs keenly bid for and maintained recent high prices. Top price of the day went to J.W Harrison Auchtygemmell for a pen of Texels at £75.00.
Other Leading Lamb Prices: Texel £73 Standingfauld Cont £72 Wester Tillyrie Beltex £68 Lawhead of Stobwood Mule £66 Shandwell Chev £54 Touchie BF £48.50 Touchie
Feeding Ewes: Tex £56 Dalmeny Mule £56 The Paddock BF £40 The Paddock
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Thursday 13th December 2018
... Caledonian Marts Ltd sold 228 Cattle, comprising 125 Prime Bullocks, Heifers and Young Bulls and 103 OTM Cattle. All classes of Prime Cattle met a similar trade to that of last week.
Prime Bullocks averaged 209ppkg Prime Heifers averaged 221ppkg Bulls averaged 190ppkg Beef Cows averaged 105ppkg Dairy Cows averaged 72ppkg
Prime Bullocks topped at 255p for a Limousin from W Dandie & Sons, Learielaw, Broxburn selling to T Johnston, Butchers, Falkirk and to £1602 for the same animal. Prime Heifers sold to 255p (twice) from J & J Wylie, Knockhouse, Dunfermline, and Learielaw, selling to Scott Brothers, Strathmartine Road, Dundee and T Johnston respectively and to £1595 from Learielaw. Bulls to 218p for a 20 month old Limousin from Dalchirla Farms Ltd, Muthill to J F Finlay Ltd, Wishaw.
Other Leading prices Bullocks per kg 252p Todhall 248p Faskine & Learielaw 245p Balquharrage & Brockwoodlees 242p Bankhead (Kerr) & Todhall 235p Moorfield, Knockhouse & Balquharrage 232p Faskine & Moorfield 230p Spittal (Gardner)
Heifers per kg 252p (Twice) Knockhouse 250p (Twice) Learielaw, Knockhouse, Todhall, Balquharrage & Faskine 248p (Twice) Brockwoodlees & Knockhouse 245p Bogleys, Bankhead (Kerr) & Moorfield 245p & 242p Bogleys & Brockwoodlees 240p Faskine & Todhall 232p Lochfield (Blyth)
Young Bulls per kg 210p Dalchirla (19 Months) 205p Harvieston (19 Months) Also forward were 103 OTM Cattle.
Finished Beef Cows averaged 105p selling to 153p for a British Blue from J Robertson & Co, Newton of Logierait, Ballinluig and to £1280 from the same home. With a lot more feeding cows forward, the overall average was 98p. A poorer show of Dairy Cattle forward averaged 72p selling to 101p from P Quigley & Sons, Harvieston, Gorebridge and to £740 from the same home. Cast Bulls sold to £960 for a Shorthorn from W W Finlay, Strathavon, Slamannan.
Other leading prices Beef Cows per head £1080 Forthview £1000 Lochfield £990 Newton of Logierait, Upper Spittalton, Burnbrae and Faskine
Beef Cows per kg 137p Newton of Logierait & Forthview 135p Strathavon 133p Faskine
Dairy Cows per head £660 Harvieston £590 Meikle Finnery £560 Barbeth
Dairy Cows per kg 96p Harvieston 84p Meikle Finnery
The next sale of Prime Cattle & OTM’s will be 20th December. For more information contact Oliver Shearman – 07730 046252.
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Caledonian Marts Christmas Show & Sale of Prime Lambs (Tuesday 11th December 2018) The show was kindly sponsored by AA Oils, Stirling and the judge was Jamie Scott from John Scott Meat (Paisley) Ltd, Sandyford Road, Paisley. The Overall Champion from DS & RC Taylor, Easter Ochtermuthill for a pen of 43.6kg Beltex Lambs at £132 purchased by the judge, Jamie Scott.


TUESDAY 11th December 2018
CALEDONIAN MARTS LTD, (Tuesday 11th December 2018) sold 2679 Prime Lambs, Ewes and Tups at their Christmas Show & Sale of Prime Lambs.... The show was kindly sponsored by AA Oils, Stirling and the judge was Jamie Scott from John Scott Meat (Paisley) Ltd, Sandyford Road, Paisley and the following were his awards: 1st Prize Beltex & Champion: DS & RC Taylor, Easter Ochtermuthill for a pen of 43.6kg Lambs at £132 purchased by the judge, Jamie Scott. 2nd Prize Beltex & Reserve Champion: J B Guthrie, Cuiltburn for a pen of 43kg Lambs at £120 purchased by Richard Johnston, Quality Butchers, Falkirk. 3rd Prize Beltex: R Kennedy, Borlick, 41kg @ £98
Other Prizewinners: 1st Prize Texel: DS & RC Taylor, Easter Octhermuthill, 47kg @ £92 2nd Prize Texel: R A Campbell, Meikle Seggie, 41kg @ £90 3rd Prize Texel: Braco Castle, 42kg @ £85
1st Prize Blackface: Remony Estate, 42kg @ £78.50 2nd Prize Blackface: D Higginson, Braeleny, 41kg, @ £70 3rd Prize Blackface: Auchenbothie Farmers, 43kg @ £74
1st Prize Mule: Auchenbothie Farmers, 46kg @ £75
Overall sale average for 2252 sold was 179.4ppkg (-0.5p on the week) which included a large show of light lambs on offer (445 averaging 163ppkg). Again, 39-43kg averaged 193ppkg and heavy weights were a slightly dearer trade to last week.
Lambs Prices per Head:- Beltex £110 Cuiltburn Beltex X £100 Strageath Cont £99 & £98 Doune Farms Cont X £95 Pitcairn Texel £96 Nether Myres Texel X £95 Meikle Seggie Suffolk £88 Pitcairn Mule £75.50 Ditch BF £75 Bailanstruth Zwartble £70 Blairhall
Lambs Prices per Kg Beltex 224p Cuiltburn Beltex X 219p Strageath Cont X 211p Pitcairn Cont 210p Meikle Seggie Texel 209p Newton of Fotheringham Texel X 208p Braco Castle Suffolk 196p Braeside Suffolk X 195p Dyke (Harbinson) Zwartble 179p Turdees Mule 171p West Lundie BF 171p Remony
Also forward were 467 Cast Ewes & Tups Heavy Ewes averaged £70.56 selling to £94 for a Beltex from J B Guthrie, Cuiltburn, Muthill. Export Ewes levelled out with an average of £46.24. Tups sold to £100 for a Texel from R Cook, Kinneil Mill, Linlithgow. Many more Ewes could have been sold to sellers advantage. Other Leading Prices:- Texel £82 Easterton £79 & £78 Braco Castle
BF £43 Glenquey £41 Easterton £38 Woodend
Suff £80 Thornfield
Beltex £88 Cuiltburn
Mule £67 Linkshead £64 Easterton £63 Dullomuir
Cross £80 Turdees £72 Mains of Strageath £70 Bankhead & Kinneil Mill
Pictured below is the Judge, Jamie Scott presenting the Champion prize to Jimmy Taylor.
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MONDAY 10th December 2018
Caledonian Marts had forward 402 Store & Breeding Cattle... Bullocks averaged 204ppkg selling to 282p for a Charolais from J McLaren, Murrayshall, Cambusbarron and to £1120 for a Limousin from A Dunn, Redhall, Gargunnock. Heifers averaged 183ppkg selling to 238p for a Limousin from R W Cameron & Son, Wester Bonhard, Scone and to £1000 for the same beast. Black & Whites averaged 127p selling to 134p from W Baxter, Gryfeside, Kilmacolm and to £680 from the same home.
Other Leading Prices; Bullocks Per Head £1050 Lammerview £1040 Inchie £990 Burnside £980 Redhall
Heifers Per Head £920 Inchie £900 Forrestmill & Ardgate £830 Hillhead (Twice) £810 Lammerview
Bullocks Per Kg 257p Carloonan 256p Redhall 253p Murrayshall 250p Carloonan
Heifers Per Kg 214p Burnside 197p & 194p Forrestmill 193p Murrayshall
Breeding Cattle sold to £1450 for a British Blue X Cow with Calf at Foot from D Stewart, Gartmain, Bowmore (Islay).
Other Leading Prices; Cows & Calves £1400, £1380 & £1350 Gartmain £1300 & £1280 Gartmain In-Calf Heifers £1180 & £1150 (Twice) Ardpatrick Farms £1120 Ardpatrick
Bulls sold to £1280 for a Simmental from GB & JL Houliston, 10 Newmains, Drem.
Next Sale of Store Cattle will be Monday 17th December. For more information please contact Oliver Shearman 07730 046252 or David Erskine 07900 435700
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Caledonian Marts -
Monday 10th December 11.30am
300 Store Cattle and Suckled Calves
... Also 100 Breeding Cattle, Including - 50 In-Calf Heifers to AA Bull due April/May, 15 Cows Running with Simmental Bull, 10 Stock Cows with Calves at foot, 10 In-Calf Highland Cows, AA Bull, Simmental Bull and Limousin Bull
For more information please contact - Oliver Shearman 07730 04252 David Erskine 07900 435700
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Caledonian Marts Ltd -Tuesday 11th December 2018. **Annual Christmas Show & Sale of Prime Lambs** Judging to commence at 11.30am. Pens of 3. Judge - Jamie Scott of John Scott Meats, Paisley. Sponsored by AA Oils, Stirling.
... For more information please contact - Alastair Logan 07713 342514
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**For Sale Privately**
15 Highland Cows (5 - 13 Years old). 9 cows In-calf to the Shorthorn Bull, due from the end of February onwards. 6 cows running with Aberdeen Angus Bull. High Health Status and quiet natured.
For more information please contact David Erskine 07900 435700


**For Sale Privately**
15 Highland Cows (5-13 Years old). 9 cows In-calf to the Shorthorn Bull, due from the end of February onwards. 6 cows running with Aberdeen Angus Bull. High Health Status and quiet natured.
... For more information please contact David Erskine 07900 435700
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Christmas Show & Sale of OTM Cattle was also kindly judged by Sam Carlisle, Border Meats. 1st Prize OTM went to A & K Farming, Westwood Lane, Stirling realising £1200/149ppk.


Christmas Show & Sale of Prime Cattle was kindly judged by Sam Carlisle, Border Meats. Video of the Overall Champion which was a Limousin Bullock from J H & N T Turnbull, Meadowend, Clackmannanshire which scaled 578kg and realised 390ppkg purchased by the judge, Sam Carlisle, proprietor of Border Meats, Lockerbie. £500 of the purchase price of this animal was kindly donated to My Name'5 Doddie Foundation from J H & N T Turnbull, Meadowend.


...Continue Reading


**Monday 10th December**
Sale of 300 Suckled Calves and Store Cattle
Also 100 Breeding Cattle
... Including: 60 Beef Bred Heifers in Calf to AA due April/May, 8 Highland Cows (Regular Ages) in Calf to Highlander, 20 Stock Cows (Regular Ages) being running with Simmental Bull and 2 Year old Simmental Bull.
For more information please Contact -
Oliver Shearman 07730 046252 David Erskine 07900 435700
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A feature of the Martinmas Sale yesterday was 2 lambs kindly donated by Andrew Jones, Coull Farm, Islay fetching £85 with the proceeds going to the My Name'5 Doddie Foundation. Well done Andrew!


CALEDONIAN MARTS LTD, (Tuesday 4th December 2018) sold 1526 Prime Lambs, Ewes and Tups. A good show of lambs forward for quality, resulting in an overall average of 180p for 1318 sold (+17p on the week). ... Handy weight lambs 39-43kg averaged 193ppkg, giving us the best trade since August. Top price of the day went to Doune Farms for 4 cracking Beltex Lambs at £101. Top price per kg went to J & D McNicol, Whitecross for a pen of 13 Texel X Lambs weighing 40.6kg at 213ppkg (£86.50).
Lambs Prices per Head:- Beltex £100 & £99 Doune Farms Beltex X £95 Cuiltburn & Strageath Texel £95 Nochnary Texel X £94 Whitecross Cont £94 Braco Castle Suffolk £88 Netherplace Suffolk X £86.50 High Tarbeg Mule £70 Greencraig BF £74.50 Remony
Lambs Prices per Kg Texel X 211p Whitecross Texel 211p Nochnary Beltex 209p Braco Castle Beltex X 209p Strageath Cont 207p Gilmeadowland Suffolk 192p Devonshaw Estate & Ditch Mule 169p West Lundie BF 174p Remony
Also forward were a smaller show of 288 Cast Ewes and Tups. All classes of Ewes were in greater demand! Heavy Ewes averaged £71 selling to £80 twice from G Aitken, Wester Whitefield, Dunfermline and H C Maitland, Grange of Lindores, Newburgh.
Other Leading Prices:- Texel £70 Easter Dullatur, Nether Cambushinnie & Grange of Lindores
Suff £80 Grange of Lindores
Mule £61 Grange of Lindores £59 Wester Whitefield
BF £33 Westerhall
Tups sold to £76 for BF’s from Remony Estates Partnership, Remony, Aberfeldy.
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crackin team of guys very helpful team cally mart


crackin team of guys very helpful team cally mart


crackin team of guys very helpful team cally mart


crackin team of guys very helpful team cally mart

More about Caledonian Marts

Caledonian Marts is located at Auctioneers & Valuers, FK7 7LS Stirling
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -