Cambridge Weight Plan Ian Strachan

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

About Cambridge Weight Plan Ian Strachan

Ian Strachan is an Independent Consultant for Cambridge Weight Plan. Ian offers his experience to you, as the Male Slimmer of the Year 2017.

Cambridge Weight Plan Ian Strachan Description

Ian Strachan is an Independent Consultant for Cambridge Weight Plan. Ian offers his experience to you, as the Male Slimmer of the Year 2017.



Congratulations to Jacqueline who lost 6lbs last week and over 8.5 inches lost since starting on plan.


Congratulations to Team 'Work in Progress' who are participating in the Eclipse CWP Challenge - helping each other seven of us have lost 9 stone collectively in just 4 weeks!


20 August and time to weigh myself - having recovered enough from a severe allergic reaction that saw me covered in a nasty red rash from head to toe.... and quite sore/itchy. So, after a year of varying health, I was up at 19st 13lbs !!! Time for action!! Started step 1b taking 4 Cambridge meal replacement products a day and by the next Monday (27th August) another weigh in - and guess what? 7lbs lost. Half a stone! Well happy (even almost a smile and a quiet shout of joy... lol)
Second week and struggled a bit with 3 days misbehaving (that means taking food with sugar, a black pudding supper.....)
So weigh in this morning and dropped 3lbs! Now 19st 3lbs so thats 10lb lost in 2 weeks. Happy at that. I've been trying to increase my activity which for me is walking/counting steps. I'm not the fastest walker given my knackered knees but it still helps to burn a handful of calories.
On target then to get towards 16st for Christmas.
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With 4 months to go until Christmas, I was looking back at 2016, and at photographs taken after I won Male Slimmer of the Year at Cambridge Weight Plan National Convention. At 16st 4lb, we bought this tweed coat at an airport shop on our way to London and a photoshoot. Now, after a rough 12 months of unexplained illnesses, I need to get back to this fighting weight ! So I have 3st 9lbs to lose in 4 months. I am back on a weight loss journey! Anyone want to join?


3 years ago tonight , at 11.30pm, I enjoyed my final glass of whisky and embarked on a journey to lose weight. On 12 June 2015, I started the Cambridge Weight Plan Step 3 with the aim to regain better health. At 27+stones, I was wheelchair bound; on morphine patches for pain; a mask for the CPAP for my severe sleep apnoea; high blood pressure tablets; and just been told that I was too heavy and too ill to survive an operation to replace both my knees which had no cartilage le...ft - bone on bone causing immense pain. Other related health issues too. Pain relief supplemented by half a bottle of whisky or more a night.
Back in June 2015 I made the biggest decision I had ever taken to change my life- the aim to lose 70kg 0r in excess of 11 stone. The following 6 months saw me lose 8 stones, and make great progress to solve the sleep apnoea and get rid of the darth Vader face mask to allow to breath safely throughout the night; reduce the high blood pressure medication; and be able to get back on my feet. The plan works. It wasn't costly. In fact I saved money from no more whisky; no takeaways; and the ability to be able to use transport again.
Nowadays, 3 years later, I'm happy to help other folk lose weight if they really want that. Simply get in touch.
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A massive congratulations to a lovely young girl who is using step 3 to lose 2 stones in weight. despite a family bereavement half way through her first week, she lost 5 pounds in weight! I am so proud of my clients!


The plan works!!


There are different ways of measuring if you need to lose weight. Measuring bmi using your height and weight is one way. More emphasis is being put on waist recently. Either way, if your clothes tell you that you need a slimmer summer then get in touch with me. You might not need to lose 11st like I did, but having achieved it then I'd be happy to help you.


Saturday evening slimspiration - Laura, said no to food off plan and yes to the dress. Remember your why this weekend and Happy Anniversary next weekend Laura!


Lisa said "Cambridge Weight Plan been the best thing I ever did to change my life for the better". Stick to plan over the weekend to see results like Lisa.


A little Good Friday morning inspiration, Jill Oliver talks about her amazing weight loss with Cambridge Weight Plan and how it's changed her life.


Fenella is ready for the next #cwp60day Challenge and has already got her chakras sorted. Have you?


If you're on step 2 you can enjoy this amazing Chicken Burger created by Hayley. See the full recipe on her page Thyme.2.cook along with many more to fit in with Cambridge Weight Plan. Go on, brighten up your Easter weekend with something special and on plan.


Slimmers up and down the country are raving about our Total Diet Replacement range. They're seeing stunning results and you could too. Kick start your weight loss with TDR and Cambridge Weight Plan!


And Easter Eggs! Easter Eggs make you fat too so avoid them and have your Cambridge Weight Plan delicious choccy alternatives instead. And ask your loved ones for something else you might like too.


Easter is coming but it doesn't mean you don't get a treat if you're on plan. If you've never made a Cambridge Weight Plan jelly, you don't know what you're missing and they're suitable for all steps. All you need is your CWP water flavouring and Mix-a-Mousse powder (or some vegetable gelatine alternative if you're vegetarian). Be a little creative and share pictures of your jelly desserts!


What gives you the greatest pleasure is always worth waiting for.


Does your body really need all this excess sugar? What would you rather treat yourself to this coming weekend?


Maya Angelou reminding you to enjoy your weight loss journey - it's the bit where you learn! I bet you've discovered a few things about yourself after several weeks on plan.


So kind and helpful; offering me lots of wise words and advice: thank you xx


Inspirational man. Best support you can get is from someone who has gone through weight loss themselves. Ian been through it all and understands the challenges. With a great sense of humour, Ian is easy to get on with and will keep you right �


So kind and helpful; offering me lots of wise words and advice: thank you xx


Inspirational man. Best support you can get is from someone who has gone through weight loss themselves. Ian been through it all and understands the challenges. With a great sense of humour, Ian is easy to get on with and will keep you right �


So kind and helpful; offering me lots of wise words and advice: thank you xx


Inspirational man. Best support you can get is from someone who has gone through weight loss themselves. Ian been through it all and understands the challenges. With a great sense of humour, Ian is easy to get on with and will keep you right �

More about Cambridge Weight Plan Ian Strachan

Cambridge Weight Plan Ian Strachan is located at 56 Douglas Crescent, Uddingston, G71 5JL Uddingston
07577 110110
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00