Camelon Parish Church

About Camelon Parish Church

Church of Scotland, Place of worship.
Sunday services: 11am with Junior church for younger people.



Join with us in worship, share with us in our community of Faith, Hope and Love. Hear about the doubts of Thomas.


A Reflection on Renewal from the Interim Moderator, Rev. Grace Saunders “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.” [ Isaiah ch35 v1-2] I had the opportunity to attend a service on New Years Day at Holy Cross Chapel in Croy and to talk after the service to the Peace Group about peace in the world with an emphasi...
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Join with us in Worship, share with our community of Faith and love.


From our Interim moderator - Rev. Grace Saunders;
An original water – colour by Mr. Andy Eadie placed on the church notice board.
“On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.“ [Luke ch24 v1-3]...
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Happy Easter! Join us in celebrating the Risen Christ! please share Sheena Brown Alexis Hearsum


Good Friday Communion Service Remembering Christ’s Sacrifice for us.


Why not join together and enjoy a Palm Sunday Service from Glasgow Cathedral at 1.15 today!
Palm Sunday in Glasgow Songs of Praise Sean Fletcher visits Glasgow Cathedral to talk about Holy Week and visits a mission where they put Christian faith to work helping others, recorded before the lockdown.


Why not join with the country at 1.15 this afternoon for Palm Sunday Songs of Praise on BBC 1Why not join with the country at 1.15 this afternoon for Palm Sunday Songs of Praise on BBC 1


As we enter the third week of ‘lockdown’, we invite you to join with us for our online service. Why not think about joining together at 11am on Sunday and watching it ‘together’. Please let us know by Facebook message or by telephone if there is anything we can do to help out!


come and join us at 11am


Join us at 11am tomorrow for our Sunday Morning Worship! Erick leads us in worship


Join us for our Sunday service!


Unfortunately, in light of the serious concerns about the spread of the corona virus through social contact and in line with the guidelines given to us by the Government and followed through by The Church of Scotland, there will be no Church services in the Church for the foreseeable future. It is our intention to post online, shortened worship sessions, that can be accessed for support and comfort. We would encourage everyone to be mindful of neighbours and friends and ensur...e that we keep in contact with people both virtually and by telephone to form networks that will not only help to keep people safe from Covid-19, but will also support people through this trying and difficult time through the means available to us. We would also encourage people to keep the situation and people in their prayers throughout this trying situation, and know that WE ARE LOVED.
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Well done to our BB company section who won the Battalion First Aid Competition


Still some tickets left. Comment below if you would like to come along. It’s a family evening so children very welcome.

More about Camelon Parish Church

Camelon Parish Church is located at Dorrator Road, FK1 4BN Falkirk
01324 870011