Canine Ambassador

Monday: 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00

About Canine Ambassador

Canine Ambassador is the new pioneering programme which aims to take dog ownership in the UK to a new level. Promoting responsible dog guardianship, with dogs who are happy, well balanced, comfortable in day to day life and the world around them.

Canine Ambassador Description

Dog trainer



Some nice heelwork through stationery dogs😊


Lovely wee morning with our students working hard with their dogs.
For training to be successful it must be practiced everywhere.


Hey folks we are looking for a video of your dog's reaction towards you trying to put it's harness on before a walk.
Reaction good or bad we would love to see.
Please PM your video
... Harness type doesn't matter 😊
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Canine Ambassador Educating owners.
Our level 2 programme is open to students who show clear commitment and marked progress in their dogs behaviour.
Last night our successful Level 2 students took the written exam with their dogs watching on and all of them passed with flying colours 😊
... At CA we learn a lot about training dogs, but our students also learn about canine behaviour, welfare, fullfilment and the many laws surrounding dog ownership.
The skills and knowledge should last a lifetime making current and future dog ownership more enjoyable and successful, reducing the likelihood of rehoming and/or behaviour issues.
We strive to improve the relationship between you and your dog in so many ways.
It can be eye opening for students when commencing the programme and they realise that little things they took for granted or something they expected to be able to do with their dog is much trickier than imagined. Some are surprised that their dog doesn't trust or allow them to do what appears to be the simplest of things with them, but as the weeks go on there is nothing better than seeing the trust and the bond grow while any fear just fades away.
It’s always harder to get a dog to do something because it wants to, rather than force it to, but this is what the relationship based training at the core of CA is all about.
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A one-to-one session with David, Carolyn and young Skye the golden retriever.
Sky had developed an expectation of physical interaction with every dog she met in the park. Her focus was purely on other dogs and she would often sprint off far into the distance to see them with no recall.
Skye was a quick learner but sometimes quick learners can also develop bad habits quickly to.... We demonstrated new ways of teaching Skye to meet and greet dogs positively and politely.
We worked on the importance of getting our body language and energy right and consistent. Then we went on to condition Skye to believe we were fun and confident and worthy of following.
We went on to practice recall around distraction and before you knew it she was happy to ignore other dogs and hang around with us.
Great session with a happy wee Dog.
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Back at the farm working on Reggie's Rehab.
This was the first attempt at having him in the same room as the other dogs. Finally integrating him into the home and the pack and the boy done great!
With the cattle he's doing amazing. He has learned they mean no harm to him. Before he would frantically charge and attack them .Now he goes to the bull shed every morning without a peep.
... I was quite worried about the sheep situation. Last week he wouldn't look or listen to us and just dragged to get to them.
Sheep can suddenly become targets when they show fear and follow each other.
I don't have any understanding of sheep so it took me a while to work out how we should approach it.
I let Reggie cover the entire field on a long line first to allow him to calm and observe then we slowly followed the sheep. We moved back and forward and used the let's go command as usual.
It will take time but if this boys going to be a farm dog it's a must he doesn't attack the sheep
He really settled in and started to ignore the sheep 😊
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The next intake for the CA programme is open for booking now 🐾
Message us now to secure your spot. 9483694/?ti=icl


Over the past three weeks I had the pleasure of helping Lynn integrate Reggie into farm life.
Reggie was purchased as a family protection dog for much needed security on the farm.
Unfortunately Reggie turned out to be extremely aggressive towards all the animals on the farm even though his supplier guaranteed him to be safe with all animals.
... Reggie would attack the bulls, sheep, calves , cats and all of the farm dogs other than two. He particularly targeted poor Ben the Collie to the extent Ben won't look at him.
Reggie was highly stressed and the necessary Isolation for safety reasons just made him worse.
In just three sessions we have made so much progress. Lynn can now take him to the cattle shed and walk him with the other dogs.
In the coming weeks We will work on him being safe around sheep and his addiction to running water which sends him into a frenzy.
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We seen so many dogs overcome their fears.
The transformation in Codi the German shepherd puppy was amazing. Last week he refused to touch an obstacle but this week he he was bounding over them for fun.
Fireworks were initially a concern for him but he soon forgot all about them.
... 20 /24 dogs managed to overcome the vibration plate!
Great night lots of fun and progress.
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Richard and Codi, 7 month year old GSD.
Codi joined our January programme but although just a young dog, seemed very calm, and maybe a little withdrawn.
Initially, he didn't want to follow any lures or direction and wouldn't put a single paw on any of the obstacles even most simplest.... His recall was great but he was really reluctant to be touched or leashed at the end of it.
His handler, Richard, opted for some 1-2-1 tuition outside the class.
In the video you can see Codi travelling along some walls, by the end of the session Codi was bounding from wall to wall for fun.
Today he overcame fears and learned to trust his handler’s guidance.
Richard’s dedication and enthusiasm for Codi’s training is sure to pay off as Codi matures.
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Today was the CA pack walk and talk.
Chilly out there but a beautiful day none the less.
We worked consistently on recall with distraction.


Some of our students progressing to relaxation techniques which strengthen bond, trust and confidence.
Relaxation can appear an easy thing to do whith your dog when it jumps up on the sofa beside you or comes over to lie with you.
But teaching a dog to relax when its energy is high, in a strange enviroment or surrounded by distractions is totally different especially when we ask our dogs to lay on their side.
... Kirsten and Connie made loads of progress in just 10 short minutes.
RBT..Relationship Based Training
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🐾Will you be watching Britain's Top 100 Dogs on ITV tonight?🐾
If you are considering getting a puppy it’s always worthwhile to research your choice of breed thoroughly and ensure you are buying from a responsible breeder.
We are happy to provide advice on this - please feel free to send us a message.
... Once you have chosen and booked your puppy, plan ahead and book on one of our training programme’s or schedule a 1-2-1 to address all your training requirements, including preparing for your puppy's arrival 🐾
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Our students and dogs working hard.😁


The programme by Canine Ambassador is unlike any other in that it is specifically designed to help you develop the dog you can take anywhere, anytime 🐾
Over a 10 week period you will learn how to safely socialise your dog or puppy, build a great bond, enjoy confidence building, training and handling exercises in real life environments and have great fun doing it!
Includes over 16 hours of behaviourist led coaching with;
... 🐶obstacle negotiation,
🐶positive dog to dog & human interaction,
🐶traffic and crowd participation.
🐶noise (fireworks & traffic) and handling conditioning/desensitisation
🐶You will also learn general obedience work, such as heel, stay, recall, and be able to practice outside with real life distractions!
The next block is 10 weeks from 3rd April, Wednesday nights 7.30pm at Lenzie Public Hall with 3 Sat AM outdoor sessions - city/park walks/cafe environment/countrypark.
Other benefits are, entry to a supportive private Facebook group, mid week progress check (Facebook), Q&A through social media for course duration and your own copy of the CA handbook which covers common puppy issues and much more!
The total cost is £245, a deposit of £85 is required to book your space.
Why you should choose the CA programme over other puppy/dog classes?
🐾The duration of coached hours is around 3x more than your average puppy class and the content covered is far more in depth.
🐾You will get the opportunity to work closely with your dog as a team as you help them learn to negotiate over our obstacle course.
🐾Your pup/dog will mix, supervised, with a wider variety of dogs and age groups which is more beneficial from a socially than a small group of other similar aged dogs and puppies.
🐾You have the opportunity for Q&A via social media out with the weekly class times.
🐾We include outdoor ‘real life’ sessions, essential for a well trained confident dog.
🐾The option to progress to level 2.
🐾Supportive group training environment and social events for you and dog.
Please check out some of our fantastic reviews left by previous students and if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Limited spaces please contact us for current availability 🐶
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Last night we saw a massive 24 new and returning dog and puppy students to Canine Ambassador, North Glasgow.
Our novel training, socialisation and conditioning programmes are proving very popular, and we have waiting lists for the next intake, contact us to be added, it looks like these will fill up fast 🖤🐾


1 place left

More about Canine Ambassador

07342 729 329
Monday: 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00