Cantabrigian Rowing Club

About Cantabrigian Rowing Club

Cantabs Rowing

Cantabrigian Rowing Club Description

Cantabs Rowing



Clare is looking for people to take part in her research. She's quite short of female participants in particular. Please contact her directly if you are interested.


British Rowing Junior Championships, Peterborough.
10 junior crews raced during the heatwave last weekend, with 2 crews making the reps against some tough competition, the J15 4x+ (Brown, Seamon,Vartak, Sharrock, Cox-Durrant) and J15 2x (Coppins and Woodard)
­¤ōĘ Simon Durrant


Last weekend, Cantabs sent 7 crews to Henley Women's, qualifying four crews via the time trial through to the knock-out stages of the Regatta, something no other Cambridge town club has ever done before.
Our Development 4+ finished close behind the last qualification spot in an event which had more people entered than all Championship events combined, a good result for a crew early on in their rowing careers.
Our Aspirational 4- qualified as 10th fastest in their event, just... 1s off being seeded in the draw. They were unlucky to draw a composite of Scottish athletes who'd previously competed at Home International and Coupe in the first round, but raced well despite this being their first race together as a crew.
Our Aspirational 4x were 4th in their TT, less than 5s behind a Start Centre composite and Molesey and Reading University. To achieve this in a short time together is incredible. To suffer the bad luck of losing a blade off the start in their race against Tulsa University, closing a 4L gap and taking a 1L lead before catching a boat-stopping crab 100m from the line is as unheard of as it was devastating.
Lizzie Pratten was only a few seconds off qualifying in a stacked Aspirational 1x event as a 'near-lightweight' only in her 2nd year of rowing. Debs Oakley raced well to finish 11th in her time trial, but then go on to produce one of the most exciting races of the day in the Aspirational Lwt 1x, going bowball-to-bowball with her opponent all the way down the track, narrowly missing out on making the next round. And Georgie Plunkett won the time trial of the Aspirational Lwt 1x, but didn't make it past a hard-fought first round.
Our J4x raced well despite having one outing as a crew due to last minute injuries, and now turn their focus to the British Rowing Junior Championships.
These performances are something to be proud of, particularly as a volunteer-run club competing against many High Performance Centres, GB Start Centres and clubs whose coaching budgets alone are more than 3x our whole club budget. We are already looking forwards to building on these good performances next year, and if you'd like to be part of a squad that benefits from the best coaching team, and the biggest and best quality women's fleet on the Cam, we'd love to hear from you!< br> See More


Good luck to all the Cantabs crews racing at Henley Women's Regatta! We have crews competing in: Aspirational Club 4- Aspirational 4x Development 4+ Aspirational 1x... Aspirational Lightweight 1x and Junior 4x
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It was ­¤źēBRONZE­¤źēyesterday for C├®cile and David in the MxMasE2x at the British Masters Championships, after some good 4th place finishes for our WMasE1x and WMasE4x crews. Hoping today is another day of good racing for the small contingent who made the trip to a blustery Strathclyde this weekend! ­¤ż×


Every week is Volunteers' Week at Cantabs: whether it is people who contribute every week, or just a few times a year, we rely on volunteers looking after our equipment and boathouse, the coaches who help others develop, the helpers who bank-party junior sessions, those who run the website, write news items, take photos, bake cakes, take their turn on the cleaning rota with good grace, marshal at events, look after the bank account, represent the club at meetings, run courses, manage squads and crews, tow trailers, run events, manage race entries, fund-raise, or contribute in innumerable other ways, the club is entirely run by volunteer efforts.
THANK YOU to everyone who volunteers in any way! ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ­¤æÅ


Happy Pride month!

User 2019/


As well as wins at Peterborough, yesterday Georgie won the Women's Lightweight 1x at the Met Regatta at Dorney Lake ahead of opposition including members of this years winning Lightweight Blue Boat from Oxford.
In a horrible cross headwind, Georgie led from the start to win convincingly over her opposition after a dominant performance in her heat. Georgie next races in the Aspirational Lightweight 1x at Henley Women's in a few weeks' time.
If you're interested in finding out more about the women's squads at Cantabs, please email or visit our website for more information.


Some great performances at Peterborough Regatta this weekend, with wins including: ­¤Åå W.Band1.4+ (pictured) ­¤Åå W.Band1.1x ­¤Åå W.MasB.2x
... These crews next race at Henley Women's Regatta and Henley Masters Regatta in a few weeks.
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If you can contribute to the bake sale next Sunday 26 May please fill in the spreadsheet hereŌĆ”/1lU8JyTTQf82C qOZ24qK7S-CW9KŌĆ”/editŌĆ”


A write up of our performances at Nottingham City Regatta and Nottingham Club and Masters Regatta are now in the Cambridge Independent:ŌĆ ”/cantabrigian-rowiŌĆ”/


Gill Cooper & Judith Weik lining up at the start at Nottingham Club & Masters Regatta this weekend. So far this season, this duo have won at Pairs Head (W.MasBC.2-), Vets Fours Head (W.MasC.4-, fastest women's sweep crew) and Vets Head (W.MasD.8+), amongst other races. If you're interested in masters rowing at Cantabs, please DM us or visit our website to find out more. ­¤ōĘ Chris Radbone


Another strong day of racing at Nottingham saw some great results from our Intermediate Women's Squad and Senior Women's Squad crews, including wins in: ­¤źć W.Band1.1x ­¤źć W.MasA.1x ­¤źć W.Band1.2x ­¤źć W.Band2.2x... ­¤źć W.MasA.2x ­¤źć W.MasD.2- ­¤źć W.Band1.4x ­¤źć W.MasE.4x
Full report to follow.
If you're interested in finding out more about our Intermediate or Senior Squads, we welcome newcomers all year round. You can find out more about the squads on our website. -womens-squad/ s-squad/
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Some good results today at Nottingham City Regatta, including wins for two W4x combinations. There were also some encouraging results from smaller boats and our juniors. Tomorrow, crews from the Senior and Intermediate Women's Squads will race at Nottingham Club & Masters Regatta.


There were some good performances this weekend at the spring Head to Head, including a few wins, despite relatively low entries across CRA categories.
Cantabs scullers were the fastest M1x (Hadi Boukhatmi; Senior Men's Squad) and W1x (Sue Hakenbeck; Senior Women's Squad), with Andrew Morley the fastest Mas1x. The Women's Progression Squad had a good race and continued their run of recent wins, finishing as the fastest W.NOV.8+.
You can read more about these performances and ...our different squads on our website:
Photo credit: City of Cambridge
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City Sprints - J16 4x- boys charging to the finish of the Open 4x- against City Rowing Club, having beaten City's M3 mens crew in the semi- final.­¤ÜŻŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤ÜŻŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ


This weekend several Cantabs crews braved the 50mph headwind at Head of the Cam, coming home with wins in: ­¤Åå W8+ - fastest W8+ overall ­¤Åå W4+ - fastest W4+ overall ­¤Åå W4x - fastest W4x overall, 3rd fastest women ­¤Åå WNOV8+... ­¤Åå WMas4x ­¤Åå J1x ­¤Åå Mas8+
A full report can be found on our website: cam-2019/
If you're interested in joining any of our squads for summer racing, please visit their pages on our website, DM us or email or< br> See More

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