Carrbridge Bike Park

About Carrbridge Bike Park

Designed, Built & Maintained by Local Riders.

This page is here to keep you updated on what is happening at Carrbridge Bike Park.

Carrbridge Bike Park Description

The idea for Carrbridge Bike Park was first conceived in 2010, with Carrbridge resident Ranald McWiliam being the driving force behind the project along with his son Kerr.

Kerr who designed the Bike Park - with help from younger brothers Lewis & Jamie - used his experience from bike parks in New Zealand to create a bike skills area, that could be used by riders of all ages & abilities.

Work on the second phase of the park is due to start in Nov 2013.

Principal funding for the project came from the Scottish Government's Shovel Ready Fund with additional financial support from Carrbridge Ahead Limited and Landmark.

This page is designed to help share information of whats happening at Carrbridge Bike Park and too allow members to share their own photo's and video's of their biking experiences at Carrbridge Bike Park.

Life Membership Fee: £10 per person or £20 per family.

Membership forms are available from the local Spar Shop (Carrbridge), Bothy Bikes (Aviemore), Mike's Bikes (Aviemore) & Base Camp Bikes (Grantown on Spey).

For Queries, please contact Ranald McWilliam at


IMPORTANT - If you are under 16 you will need a Parent or Guardian's signature for permission to ride at the park, This is for insurance cover which legally requires us to have written consent.

Terms & Conditions of Membership:

A) BMXing and Biking can be dangerous sports. In order to minimise rise of accidents or injury, all users are advised to wear appropriate protective clothing. HELMETS ARE COMPULSORY IN THE PARK. Although not compulsory, we recommend all users wear kneepads and elbow pads.

B) Access to the Park must be around the perimeter of the Football Pitch. DO NOT CYCLE ACROSS THE PITCH.

C) Always consider others when using the ramps and jumps. Dangerous or reckless behaviour will result in immediate exclusion from the Park.

D) By signing the consent form you agree to take full responsibility for yourself whilst in the Park. You agree to ride at your own risk and waive all liabilities, claims of personal injury to yourself (or child if signing on their behalf) against Carrbridge Ahead Limited for any injuries, ailments or other damage to yourself or property while attending the Park.

E) We will leave it to the discretion of Parents /Guardians to decide whether or not they feel it necessary to accompany their child /children whilst using the Park.

F) If attending school, you agree not to attend the park during school hours.

G)The Carrbridge Bike Park in a non-smoking area and smoking it not permitted anywhere with in the park.

H) No alcohol is permitted.

I) No drugs allowed - anyone suspected of possessing or dealing drugs will be excluded from the Park and the police informed.

J) Keep the Park tidy. Please put litter in bins provided.

K) Do not walk or slide on the jumps.

L) Fighting, bullying, verbal abuse or aggressive behaviour will NOT be tolerated.

M) Consider local residents, do not cause a nuisance or make excessive noise - if they complain we may face closure.

N) Vandalism of any kind will NOT be tolerated and will result in automatic and permanent exclusion.

P) It is the responsibility of the Parent /Guardian or member (if over 16) to notify if they wish to revoke their consent. It is also their responsibility to notify us of any medical condition or allergies not listed in their application form.

Failure to comply with the above terms and conditions or to produce false information will void membership.

More about Carrbridge Bike Park

Carrbridge Bike Park is located at Main Street, Carr-Bridge, PH23 3AS Carrbridge